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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Ha! I stand by what I said up thread. Drury can stuff it!
  2. I went 4 years without seeing a dentist (I know, stupid!) when I finally went back, I had my first cavity of my life. I deserved it. No anesthetic, just drilled and filled. It didn't hurt at all. But I was also a grown man and not a 6 year old.
  3. Went down a 90s 00s rabbit hole today. I don't care what anyone says, the goo goo dolls first 7 albums right up to gutterflower in 02 were damn good. Even Let Love In in 06 adheres to the 3 song rule. Better Days and it's ilk really dragged that band down. I was at the 4th of July show in front of city hall in 04 and they put on a hell of a show.
  4. I'm shaving. I can't handle it! I look awful, and I pride myself on being the best dressed person in the building at work. I look like a bad joke.
  5. The first time I saw my father without a full beard, I was 18. My mother didn't notice for 2 days. I always thought that was hilarious.
  6. I currently look like the purest form of white trash.
  7. 7 days is my record. I'm shooting for 8.
  8. I haven't shaved in 5 days. So I said f-it, I'm growing a beard. It looks horrible.
  9. OK I googled it. It is Gustav. I just assumed I misrembered and liger was right when he called him Johan
  10. Don't know, and I could have googled it 10 times by now. Now that, kids, is what you call.... Lazy!
  11. Why did I think Possler's first name was Gustav?
  12. Don't get me started on money. I'm just glad I'm not paying him. Having read that sentence, I think I just said I was glad I wasn't a billionaire... ...i take it back, but that contract, man
  13. Yup, awesome!
  14. Agreed! I wasn't advocating for Moulson or anything, I just hate seeing Tyler Ennis' name anywhere on the Sabres. He's done. Beyond done. Moulson is done too, but he out produced the out of Ennis. Ennis skates OK, falls down, loses a puck battle and then produces no offense whatsoever.
  15. Ink nailed it, that was damn funny.
  16. Drink!! Aw shiit!t, we could do this all day. Anyone who adheres to this is going to be unconscious by the 9th pick. On the bright side, you won't see how badly the bills screw up.
  17. Drink!!
  18. Oh god, draft speak. impact player, high motor, cerebral...gag! For those of you who watch the draft tonight, drink every time one of these words are spoken. For every player who is referred to as a Stud, finish your drink. I left out a bunch of those awful draft clichés, feel free to add to them.
  19. I sure am seeing Tyler Ennis penciled into a whole lot of people's top 6's in this thread. Makes me want to stab myself in both eyes! Christ! Matt Moulson is better. Matt Moulson! If Ennis is a Sabre next year, my prediction for his point total is 18.
  20. But on the bright side, you get all that sh!tty Mexican beer.
  21. The only time I watch ESPN at home is when the Yankees are on Sunday night baseball, or the odd Syracuse lax/basketball game. I haven't watched sportscenter in about 2 years now. It feels to me like 100% nfl coverage, and I don't watch/like football anymore, so I'm basically out on ESPN. I wish I could package my TV around the 12 channels that I watch.
  22. I've seen part of that. Now I'll have to watch it all. The Thing was fun. Alien was pretty solid as far a chills and thrills. But Aliens is the one for me. 2 and a half hours of gun fights, cars, planes and blowing up in space! yeah! It's between that and T2 as my number 1 action movie of all time.
  23. Yup
  24. Chris Drury can right off. Mr. Turn Down the Music Mr. I Won the Little League World Series Mr. Make Sure you eat cardboard to stay regular Stuff it, Chris!
  25. ...with an all star cast! Love me some Ed Harris and Michael Biehn! And that chick from Scarface.
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