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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. I will beat him until he moves out! Then I'll beat his kids! Man, out of context, that sounds super bad!
  2. Move here and I will hire you. I need someone to drink and talk Sabres with.
  3. My son is 13. I will never, ever allow him to beat me in anything sporting. Ever!
  4. I exist in a world where I like to know the contents of the entire conversation. And I never said he was right. I just figured she could be equally wrong. It is in the realm of possibilities.
  5. Haha! Awesome, I haven't mini golfed in ages!
  6. Every Sunday! ....Mini golf place, I assume?
  7. 10-15 years ago I was a young craps dealer. I heard much worse, every single night. From the players I was dealing to, from the other craps dealers and from my boxmen who couldn't figure out how a kid as retarded as me could ever get out of craps class. The abuse that we would take in the first year of dealing that game was brutal. But hey, 12 years later I run the entire gaming floor. And I did it without ever calling an employee a retard.
  8. Well, that I will grant you. I just really want to know what both sides were saying to each other that would lead one side calling the other a . I've had heated arguments with at least 2 of my bosses, one of which is female, and I wouldn't even think to swear. And I pretty much swear all the time. I wanna know what both sides said. I mean, if they were at a business lunch and she was like "hmm, I think I'll have the almond salad and a side of...." GMTM: "!!!" Ya know? I want to know what got it there. Just curious.
  9. But what if he was right? I mean, the word exists for a reason.
  10. Making sure he doesn't get injured at worlds?
  11. I'll take it.
  12. Don't do it!
  13. Oh man, I am rock hard right now.
  14. Rust just got hammered by Princess Dion. I saw the 7 on his sweater and immediately thought we'd be seeing a candlelight vigil for Crosby. But it was 17 not 87.
  15. Yes that's 18 holes. And the answer to your question is I'm playing with 3 other guys! Haha. Scramble. But we did shoot the lights out. We won by 6. 140 people.
  16. Man, I loved that show. And yeah, Tig yelling at hockey players is good!
  17. Just shot a 59 to bring home the money in my golf tournament. It's a good day.
  18. Desert Island picks: 1 Guns n Roses - Live Era 2 Billy Joel - Greatest Hits 3 Metallica - ...and justice for all 4 2Pac - Greatest Hits 5 Beastie Boys - License to Ill
  19. Oh man, ouch!
  20. LA fans are the worst fans in sports.
  21. OK, confession time. Derek Jeter is in my top 5 favorite players ever. Behind O'Neill and Bernie, and somewhere in the mix with Barry Bonds and Ken Griffey Jr. I am so sick of Jeter week, it's disgusting. Just retire his number already. I've already seen all these plays a thousand times. The magic has been gone for a very long time. I don't need to relive the past. Move on! Holy !
  22. Pink jerseys are the worst thing ever. Ever! There is nothing on earth, past or present that is worse than pink jerseys.
  23. Don't hate em. Really enjoyed Push when it came out and still crank it when I hear it now. Oh and Fuel and Dishwalla are playing near me next month. I think I'm going.
  24. They're just kinda...there lol (come on Whiskey, read this and flip out)
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