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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Foot doctor with my foot again. hurts again! left work early, because this! I'm not limping around all day! aspirin isn't touching this so now I'm on bourbon at 10am. All of those were f***ing. ... Well, almost all of them.
  2. Oscar's can suck it! But still, I do love all 3 LOTR movies. But I also love the mocking of LOTR movies in Clerks 2.
  3. My kid just came home from a friend's house with a Squire Strat. I just spent the last 10 minutes teaching him smoke on the water.
  4. No harm in skipping out early.
  5. Aaand done! https://www.google.com/search?q=why+is+it+called+the+nuclear+football&oq=why+is+it+called+the+nucl&aqs=chrome.3.69i57j0l3.9271j0j4&client=ms-android-att-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#xxri=0 "An Associated Press article stated that the nickname "football" was derived from an attack plan codenamed "Dropkick". The nickname has led to some confusion as to the nature—and even the shape—of the device, as the jacket appears large enough to contain an actual football"
  6. Seriously, it came in right when you left! I swear. The table completely turned around! Cash advance is right around the corner. Come back! Please! Here, have some smokes. RIP, 007 Time to break out the Bond box set.
  7. Black came up right after you left! I swear! Come back, we miss you. Have a buffet. Thanks!
  8. Wait a minute! Doug Whaley is black?! Holy !
  9. Well there ya go. Fold the Senators. Contract them or move them to New Mexico.
  10. Touch the bowl. Raise it! Pussies
  11. Nashville doesn't want this. They are the Ducks bitch
  12. Man, there have been some damn fine musicians doing the Anthem in Nashville. Austin Watson. Anyone ever heard of him. Seriously? I watch hockey. I pay close attention to the draft. I definitely don't watch much western conference, admittedly. That little blurb on Watson was the first time I've heard his name, ever.
  13. Pittsburgh showed up today, I see.
  14. I knew Javier Castellano was due! I was just a race early in my prediction.
  15. Follow his link. Switch from US Server to EU Server then when the next screen pops up and nothing happens click video. I didn't think there was any way I could watch that whole 40 minutes, and then it started and it was like, how can I not watch this whole thing?! What a great way to re-live that night. Thank you EVERYONE! It was such a great time! I'm so glad we drafted Linus Ullmark.
  16. 2nd best hockey movie of all time!
  17. They've both scored the same amount of playoff goals for us too...
  18. This is the right answer. They are a truly awful piece of "fashion"
  19. It's 88 degrees and beautiful outside. I've been out back, jumping rope. 5 rounds of 2 minutes each with 45 seconds of rest in between, and I want to die! Holy ! I gotta work back up to 3 minute rounds. Gotta get back in fighting shape so I can challenge for the title. ...and I challenge 'The Motor City Cobra, Thomas 'The Hitman' Hearns...
  20. That sounds like how I'd have handled it.
  21. My dogs love their crates. They haven't HAD to be put in them in years, but they go in them when they want to be alone. One night of crying puppy and the first one was totally adapted. The second one took 3 nights. They both know they have to be in their crates to get treats, so they run in there and sit when it's treat time.
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