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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. The competitive aspect of FPS died with me at the age of 15. X box came out and my friends wanted to beat my ass at halo, where as I wanted to beat their ass at wiffle ball. Bunch of pussies.
  2. I'm pretty sure I made fun of Emma Watson at the sabrespace game meet up. I dug the books, and I dug the movies. She can't act for sh!t, but they were still fun.
  3. A month before the meetup my hair was longer than yours(only a touch) lol. I finished reading it at 22? That sounds about right. It was fun. I know you don't take things too seriously. It's fun.
  4. OK, forget about coolness and long hair and awesomeness for 1 second. Yes. It's worth it. Suspend disbelief and give in. It's a lot of fun.
  5. Listen, you and I have never agreed ever! And I am a moron. If you're not there to fight, than what is there?
  6. Alright, we're going to fight soon. I'm not saying that I want to fight. I'm. Just saying that it's inevitable.
  7. I only play sports games. My kid only plays FPS. I do not understand it. It's awful. They all suck since GoldenEye! And I take pleasure in beating him and his friends in 3 on 1.
  8. You can't just give it up. Please! Fight for it. Please!
  9. Whatever. Minnesota sucks. All they do is give us sh!tty white kid hockey names and piss poor hockey.
  10. Sounds about right. By day I am certainly a Chet(by title, not by status...im definitely white trash) but by night I'm such a gamer that $1 beers would make me travel for games. I swear!
  11. Seriously, you ain't lying. But as far as affordable goes, it overstock or someplace else online. I know I make like I'm a baller, but I really do look for deals!!!! :p
  12. Before the belt gets surrendered...did you like The Rock or ConAir?
  13. Dude, ikea can suck a fat ! Not cheap at all and still cheap at the same time. fake Swedish furniture! Seriously dude, just look on overstock. IKEA can eat my ass.
  14. Who doesn't like 70's rock. And I really liked Bruce on Burn Notice.
  15. Not an evil dead fan. Not a hater, not by any means. Just never got into it. Saw the first one and never got into it.
  16. Ugh! So not kosher!
  17. A lot of people liked the slug at first. They really did. I swear it.
  18. Don't be. Tzitzit looks like sh!t on a jersey.
  19. But I don't want a lot of the players to lift the cup! They pissed me off enough to make me want them to never even see it in person.
  20. I wanna play NHL 17 on PS4. But I don't want to blow 35 bucks when 18 will be released in 4 months. I strongly disliked this year's Sabres team. Why do I want to play so bad?
  21. I have flown 9 times in my life. I was 4 the first time and 17 the second time. Both of those trips were with mom and dad.the rest of them were on my own and I was always so Goddamn drunk by the time I boarded that I couldn't tell you what color the seats were. Headphones on, dip in, shade down, tip the flight attendant handsomely and keep getting those little bottles of Jack Daniel's. Yep, I've never had a bad flight in my life. Sit on the bulkhead by the door and bullsh!t the flight attendant when she asks if you're gonna help people get off the plane in the case of an emergency.
  22. There it is! There it is! Post of the day? Yup, this is post of the day.
  23. No shot. We'd like that too much.
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