The worst part of all of this is that I have to stop making Miami Sound Machine references as Gloria fades into obscurity.
Other than that, this simply doesn't matter to me, at all.
Well, 13 years is long enough to know if she means it or not. It's plenty long enough to know if anything that you have to say about the situation matters.
Speaking of this. What do you think is happening with the rest of of that money? They paying him about 4 million under the table? Incentives for after retirement? How many accountants do they have laundering Crosby's money so that he can keep his psychological 87?
Exactly what you said. He was excellent at certain things. But not so excellent at others. Max rushed the play a lot,which meant he coughed up the puck a lot. Every now and then he'd get the puck and you'd hold your breath because he was blazing like Pavel Bure. Other times you'd hold your breath because he just gift wrapped a pass to the other team.
As someone who rags on skating in general, Griffin Reinhart skates about as well actual Griffin. Yup, half lion half eagle. Put skates on both of those animals if you like, they could skate as well as Sammy's brother.
I heard once that Wayne Gretzky's dad once gave him a pen and a pad with the rink on it. He had him draw exactly where the puck traveled at all times. The darkest spots being the places that the puck traveled to the most.
He always knew where it was going before it got there and before anyone else even knew anything at all, he already had it in the net.
Vision is not redundant. You can see all the angles and still up the pass. You have to have the hands to sauce that biscuit over an extended stick onto your boys tape for the snipe.