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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Hey, I never said it was a bad thing and I didn't pass judgment. You do you, dude. Make yourself happy. If that works for ya, fine by me.
  2. Poker players. No one likes you and all your stories suck! Nice sunglasses at 4am. Douche bag.
  3. Why not have a second family in the next county? "Business" trips once a week.
  4. Nice idea. I've had a twitter for years. Just started using it this past year.
  5. I have twitter and no Facebook.
  6. There are always exceptions. I grew up in the press box at my home rink. Listening to my dad do my older brothers games. I'd get a kit Kat and a hot chocolate and watch hockey all day. In between periods I'd be under the bleachers looking for stuff to play with, or trying to get a ride on the zamboni. I go to a few games a year down here for the baby penguins. I'll hit up Comets and Crunch games when I'm back home. I just laugh when I see toddlers passed out, slumped like tiny drunks in their seats.
  7. How old were you went you began to understand and follow the game well? I'd probably say for me it was in the 4th grade range. Right around 9 or 10 years old. Point is, little kids (6 and under) in the arena don't bother me. I behave how I want. I just don't understand the point of bringing them. Other than it being a waste of money, it's a complete chore of a time making sure they're behaving.
  8. Simply not allowed. The crowd is "too smart" for all that.
  9. He may never have another multi homer game in his career. He was swingin it last night, though.
  10. Couldn't hit a 3R HR, pffft, I ain't impressed.
  11. Anyone see the trailer for Rough Night? Yeah, it's Very Bad Things. I'm talking exact same movie.
  12. Different rules for different tournaments. I never put much stock in rules for sports. Especially in fighting.
  13. My older brother tried that on me once. I actually caught it. And don't you know, that did some Jackie Chan bull****! He kinda back flipped and knocked out 2 of my teeth with his free foot.
  14. Played baseball my whole life. Won a section title in high school. No colleges that I was interested in showed any interest in me. But I did get one last day in the sun. Seems the Cincinnati Reds thought that I might be worth a look. So me and a bunch of other 'never will be's' had a showcase for the Reds. I did what I always did, hit 3 singles. It turns out, a 5'9" 150 lb 18 year old with zero potential power, below average range, and a mediocre Glove wasn't what they needed at that time. But it was still awesome. My greatest athletic achievements have been in Kung Fu and skiing. I was a grand champion by the age of 13. And I was also disqualified from 3 tournaments in a row for unnecessary direct contact to the face(what is the point of fighting if you can't punch someone in the face?) Skiing was my jam. I've raced with and beaten Olympic medalists. And I've beaten X games medalists in competition as well. But as we all know, consistency is the key. It's why they were champions and why no one knows my name. Oh, and Charlie.... of course you did lol
  15. I'd be willing to wager that Ovi scores more in the next 4 years under contract than that prospect will in his entire NHL career.
  16. Help me out here, I'm reading this a couple of ways. Would you be against this ridiculous trade, or for it?
  17. This is just sad.
  18. And then there's this... https://twitter.com/KPegula/status/871362005273366530 I'm thinking fat chance
  19. Any why should anyone? They're a bunch of lizard people, living in a desert.
  20. Listen, this is Buffalo. Where there is no room for 50 goal scorers, where everyone hates the last guy to score 80 points, and where you always wish to trade your leading goal scorer.
  21. The materialistic weasel in me picks up 10k selling both games.
  22. And then buy Lehner's used pads.
  23. If for nothing else, just head over to see what they have.
  24. Pretty damn good!!
  25. Sabres are having their equipment sale tomorrow from 10-2 at the arena. If you guys are in need of pro quality gear at waaaay reduced prices, you should check it out. I'm actually really curious about the prices and what will be available. If anyone goes, let me know. Please.
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