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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Tentative yes for me. March 10th works. I'll know for sure in a couple of weeks. Can't wait to see you guys again.
  2. At that point it's all about who gets luckiest.
  3. Not as much as a good college education.
  4. What about Speed 2: Cruise Control! What a great...oh never mind.
  5. Tango and Cash is the ace of that group. Stallone and Kurt Russell. They edge out Stallone and Snipes.
  6. So basically it was a catch 22 with zemgus. Rochester hasn't developed any good prospects this decade, so he'd have been if he was playing there, and Buffalo has had some of the worst coaches in the league so he didn't develop any in the NHL. That's about as worst case scenario as you get as a first rounder.
  7. I go OE over Colt 45, every time!
  8. Josie, of course Hot Fuzz counts! D4rk, I have all of those on DVD.
  9. You know he was in Prince of Persia too, right? And the day after tomorrow! That was hot garbage too.
  10. What's everyone's favorite cop movie? Not crime. You can still root for the bad guy but the cops have to favor prominently in the movie. I'd have to say Heat or LA Confidential.
  11. My buddy would always show up to parties with at least a 6 pack of icehouse pounders. Every time.
  12. Mogilny should have been in long ago.
  13. I think I've had 5 Coronas in my lifetime. And I only ever slum it.
  14. Really? Really? I mean, I don't drink them or call them that, but I've definitely heard it. I'm a Keystone guy if we're drinking the worst beer possible. Preferably Keystone Ice.
  15. If ever there were a player that I'd offer less money to after that last 2 years, it's Zemgus Girgensons.
  16. I remember some of us here liked him at his draft. Haven't heard a peep about him since.
  17. Yeah, I think I would do that without an issue. Who cares about the 31st pick anyway.
  18. Well then do it!
  19. The combine doesn't concern me. Last I checked, you don't ride a bike, bench press or do pull ups when you're playing hockey.
  20. Man, I take a nap and this place got grumpy. Really grumpy. Cheer up folks. It's beautiful outside.
  21. Man, the Fins cheat at Scrabble :p Love me some Scandinavian goalies!
  22. But what about Jimmy!? :p
  23. He had to sit out 4 years! Now you want him to sit out another one? You have the right to choose where you want to work. This isn't MLB in 1919. A team can't own a player forever. They drafted him. He wasn't good enough for a contract after 1,2 or 3 years. He wasn't getting paid by the Sabres in any capacity. After his 4th year he has the right to seek employment elsewhere. Sounds pretty fair to me.
  24. He looks like a fine young player. Gonna be a while before we see him though.
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