Today feels like a day to mow the lawn, so that is smells like summer, grill some hot dogs so that it tastes like summer, and head to a ballpark. Yup, I think that's what I'll do.
My guess is the general sentiment is either disbelief, denial or all of us knowing that we will never get the jersey that we want. Combination of the 3?
Manny Pacquiao loses to an Australian gym teacher. Good! Now go away. Evidently he got hosed, too. Also good! Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. F*** that guy.
Just driving around, minding my own business when I see a sign "free burger and fries!! Now open 11am til 4am!"
At the strip club! Now, I'm not one to judge, but if you are ordering food at the strip club, you are a freakin animal! Haha