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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Yeah, now you're even more . I went to the DMV 4 months ago. It opens at 8. I was there at 7:15. I was 12th in line.
  2. It's only a 16 and a half hour drive, suck it up! :p
  3. They don't want to be helpful. They love how mad you are getting. Wait until they go on break while sitting at their window. Watch that pull out a sandwich and start munching away at 11am sharp. ...oh yeah, sunshine, you're still gonna be there at 11!
  4. They're actually filling the positions. And there are no shareholders. I just think they all up bad enough to have to go.
  5. Corporate speak. 2 days ago my company wiped out the heads of every major department in the building. "Going in a new direction." Was the answer I got from the CEO. Ok, well tell me what direction that is so that I don't do whatever it was that got my boss sh!tcanned. Going in a new direction...k, just tell me which way to go, and I'll go that way.
  6. He specifically said National Championship level.
  7. People ask me if I'd ever move back home. I always tell them that the minute I become independently wealthy I would be on the phone with a builder and a real estate agent to find me some land back home in the country to build my dream house on. There is nothing in my hometown. I just love it there. It's home, after all. Besides, it's hard to get good Italian food here.
  8. I can't read or say Boca Raton in any voice other than Linda Richmond from SNL.
  9. That show sucked. I was DVRing it. I quit after 3 episodes.
  10. I went as far away as my parents would let me. UB was 180 miles.
  11. I graduated with 365 others. I remember where, like 5 of them went to college. And I didn't really start hanging out with single moms until after UB.
  12. Dude, I got into UB...it's really not an accomplishment ;)
  13. I've never met Tom Webster. Paid him last year, got my ticket, went, had a damn good time. Anyone who is unsure, needn't be.
  14. No tie, snazzy shoe laces though. :p Just busting Eleven's chops. I'll be wearing one of my new '26 shirts' sabres shirts.
  15. Does this mean I have to wear a suit so that you're not the only one?
  16. Yup
  17. Regarding Kingsman Qwk, I really liked this movie....you'd hate it with the fire of 1000 suns.
  18. It was a good day. Kap has never been healthy (might be hyperbole for a guy drafted 2 years ago) Fowler is in a wheelchair And Mateo is speed and nothing else. Damn fine trade. The Yankees also picked up 1.5 mil in international bonus money. That's just ducky!
  19. Mayweather is definitely a bad human being. But at least this fight isn't being promoted like the Pacquiao fight was with the whole Manny=good, Floyd=bad, angle. That drove me nuts, as Pacquiao is a sh!t human being as well.
  20. Bones will Lesnar up. And if Floyd had any power whatsoever, you'd have to have very serious concerns for McGregor's life. They don't even play the same sport.
  21. ... something, something, didn't have what it takes to win... something, something, lunch pail.
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