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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. I've never been to Disney World. I'm never going.
  2. I'm by no means trying to convince anyone that having a kid is something they should do by regaling you with tales of what an irresponsible louse I once was and I still managed to keep my kid alive. I'm just saying for the sake of saying. I'm almost done with the child raising. He's 5 years away from college and I still get ID'd to buy chew and lottery tickets. I'm never starting the process again.
  3. Babysitters, aka grandparents watch children when you want to go out and party. Especially when your a 22-25 year old fall down drunk and your wife is the bartender that's on til closing time. You can rock the mic all night long at karaoke 2 nights a week and play darts and pitch til you pass out on the other 5 nights. Then you wake up and make him breakfast. And the best part is you get to eat it too.
  4. Meh, they aren't that expensive. Considering my wife makes next to no money and I'm evidently not half as well off as I think I am. My kid wants for nothing and neither do we. Groceries....those are about it. That kid eats about 20 pounds of cereal a day. It's like feeding a horse. Except he doesn't eat anything else, so I'm kinda making out in that department.
  5. I don't think that's selfish.
  6. Charlie, reading is fundamental.
  7. I picked Vincent Trocheck about 6 months ago. I'm done after this next pick.
  8. Not one person in my family has ever hinted at my wife and I having "one of your own." I put that in quotes because my son isn't biologically mine. I've raised him since he was 3. Thus, I've skipped all the parts. I've never changed a diaper, never held a kid that couldn't walk, never had to feed or clean a miniature vomit machine. I've missed nothing in life by doing it this way and I'm never having another child. I'm really thankful to have a family that never gets into my business, like, ever. But I'm even more thankful to have never ever heard my wife utter the phrase "well my mother thinks..." Nobody gives a what your mother thinks! Here's to me not contaminating the world with another cynical . And if my kid turns out bad....I'll just blame his head father's DNA.
  9. Football, meh. I played football without a cup, no problem. Hell, I played baseball without a cup but I was a middle infielder and if you need a cup at short or 2nd, your hand eye sucks. But hockey?!?! Dude, that is pure madness. I've been clipped by sticks, hit by shots, fallen into by morons who can't skate, grabbed, yup, that was not fun...who would ever play hockey without a cup? I've come to a conclusion that you just don't treat your balls very well. The Dangling Duo
  10. Located, activated, obstructed, alerted, departmental, grounded, documented, corrected, educated, collected. I had a meeting today. I started keeping track of the words that the person was saying that were bugging the out of me. Take the 'ed' off of all the words and add 'it'. Located is now locate it. And departmental has an extra syllable. Kinda drove me a little nuts.
  11. Well duh! Condoms are awful
  12. I know I haven't lived in NY in a few years but I remember it being sold everywhere. Every pharmacy except Walmart. And after a while Walmart gave in also.
  13. Plan B really isn't expensive.
  14. I like Netflix and Amazon instant video. But I'm also paying at&t $3700 a year for my phones and DirecTV. So I'm not one to talk to about deals. I don't even have any packages or premium channels.
  15. I've been off since February. Opening week vs the commissioners team. Can't wait, as he and I always get extremely chippy in a fun kind of way.
  16. My league starts up again next week. I took the summer session off in order to play softball. I'm so freaking pumped to get back on the ice again!
  17. Have these been steadily going downhill since the first one 4 years ago? Or is it me as my interest in the bills has completely died because they will always suck?
  18. I read somewhere (or someone told me in a bar one time and I took it as fact) that your brain blocks your ability to remember pain. You can remember that something was excruciating, but you can't remember the sensation. Seemed interesting at the time.
  19. Doesn't Netflix have over a billion dollars in debt?
  20. That song still blows
  21. That was the point. I have to hear that piece of hellspawn trash every single day at work! Every day!!! Worst song ever! And ya know what? Bicycle can off too! That song blows as well.
  22. Well, they know better now. This years Jets first rounder just said in a presser that he can think of no better place to die than on the field. Good old Roger Goodell was sitting right next to him with a raging hard on.
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