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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Betcha every state west of Kansas bursts into flames over the next 3 days. That's weather, right?
  2. Is Kevin Durant the softest player in professional sports? Yes or yes? By all means, get him out of Brooklyn so that franchise can crawl back down the shitter again(and maybe the Knicks can win a game or two against them this year). But for real, does anyone beg to be on ready-made teams more than this guy? Oh and ***** the Nets and ***** their fans. Bunch of rats. Bout to watch em all jump ship again. PS: I'm happy that the Knicks signed Jalen Brunson. I think that might work out.
  3. I was taking my dogs for their afternoon walk and they got about 3 blocks from the house and said "***** this!" They're both laid out in front of the a/c vent and I don't forsee them moving until the sun goes down. It must suck not being able to sweat.
  4. I'm finally off for 2 days. Thank Christ! I just worked the last 7 in a row, because I did a favor for a colleague. It was supposed to be 8 in a row, but he decided that he didn't need last Wednesday off so I took it. No one has suffered more than me!
  5. Hey everyone. That new Jurassic Park movie sucked. But it was mildly amusing that they went with Bill Gates as the basis for the bad guy character. *****in terrible.
  6. Ugh! I can't ***** do it! Once upon a time I did a few P90x circuits. There's a 2 hour yoga workout on there that I never made it more than 55 minutes into. Very difficult. Fantastic workout. I was always dripping sweat afterwards, but it never soothes my mind or whatever people claim to get out of it. Yoga and ASMR, 2 things that people claim to be soothing, just make me want to hit stuff. Mostly it's the voices, and the dumb ass words used.
  7. The Vet's office changed my dogs dosage today of his anti-itch pill. They said "he's lost weight, so he needs this dosage." Ok, fine. But my dog hasn't been to the vet since September. He takes this medication every ***** day. So, has he been on the wrong dose for 9 months? Or are you ***** me over because they are $2.53/pill no matter if it's 16mg or 5.4mg? Edit: By the way, I've checked the dosage chart. They are right about his dose based on the weight that they have. But still....9 months?
  8. I'm at wonderful nurse and my wife is the worst ***** patient imaginable! She behaves for like, the first day. After that it's like trying to keep a toddler alive.
  9. It's hot. Eat ice cream. Then, just to be safe, go for some Italian Ice too. Summer is good.
  10. Sign them as young as possible for as long and cheap as possible. The longer you wait, the more it costs you.
  11. My one neighbor's backyard is a garbage dump of empty potting soil bags, empty and broken vegetable containers and overgrown shrubs.his garage is filled with hoarder ***** and a car that hasn't moved in the 9 years that I've lived here. The lawn gets mowed like once every 3 weeks, and it's by his wife, when she gets sick of looking at it. I love listening to her bitch about it. And this guy had the nerve to bitch about my kid and his friends playing in the street out in front of my house. Eat my ass, buddy! They ain't hurting nothing and it's before 9pm.
  12. I yell out "I'm on your left!" From about 30 yards out. Now, 65% of people are going to move to the left and get right in my path. I know this, a quick right swerve and I'm on my way. 30% of people move to the right and give me a wide birth. And 5% of people are local college girls. They don't move for *****in anything. Also, unleashed dogs piss me off.
  13. $15 for one guy? Eat a fat bag of *****! Those were $2.79 on the bottom shelf of the end cap at Price Chopper in 1992...and that's the last year I ever asked for a toy.
  14. Yeah, but in the Olympics it's only melody. We'd be playing England's national anthem a billion times. So ***** that.
  15. If he meets you with the cash, it's all good. If not, he can ***** right off.
  16. I don't think I've ever been in a bar with the sound on.
  17. You can probably buy 3 bourbons worth drinking in the entire Commonwealth of Pennsylvania right now. There's ***** Bird Dog and ***** fake moonshine for as far as the eye can see though. However there were 3 bottles of Wild Turkey 101 in stock today. I bought wine. Seems I'll never drink Buffalo Trace again.
  18. Tanqueray is so damn good when it's hot out.
  19. Death penalty.
  20. There's a new restaurant opening at work, so we, the employees got to go to their soft opening and eat for free. That's nice and all. I just remembered that I haven't gone out to dinner with anyone who isn't my wife or related to me in at least 15 years and I really ***** hate other people's taste in food! "How about, we try...." Yeah, how bout not. I'm getting this, this and that. And I think sharing dinners is beyond gross. Piles of appetizers is different. Don't even think of touching my main course.
  21. Overrated.
  22. The whole trash talk scene with Anthony Edwards....so good! I was getting agitated just watching.
  23. It should be 90 here tomorrow. Perfect for leg day and a half hour "cool down" bike ride.
  24. Ok, we're 3 weeks post-illness and after calling myself names while staring at my shirtless body in the mirror, I'm back in the gym! Thank Christ!
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