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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. The Czech's didn't mind too much. Much to the chagrin of Canada and Russia.
  2. I just want full screen hockey.
  3. We go from the awful roster ribbon at the bottom of the screen to awful player name icons following the puck, back to the awful roster ribbon.
  4. I'll stay in the waters off of Florida, thanks. I'm pretty sure the north Atlantic up by you is part of the Arctic. Another bonus to Florida, the water is too warm for Great Whites.
  5. I went free diving 2 summers ago with bull sharks, reef sharks and lemon sharks. We were hoping to see a hammerhead or a tiger, but it wasn't in the cards for that day. I'm doing it again this summer with my son. No cage is so awesome!
  6. Ben Winter Coates left right before Brady showed up. .....so I guess that don't count.
  7. Seems like there's a lot of tinted visors in that league.
  8. The Knicks have won 9 in a row and they're about to lose to the freaking Lakers. The Lakers are awful.
  9. We've had snow on the ground for 14 straight days. That means it snowed twice 2 weeks ago and it's been cold enough and hasn't rained for the longest amount of time in the last 3 winters. All of that ends tomorrow. 38 and rain, followed by 40and rain and 50 and more rain. God, I love snow.
  10. Let Levi get some saves here and boost the percentages.
  11. At least team USA is wearing good uniforms today and we look like a proper country.
  12. Kulich is a clear NHLer playing against children. US looks terrible in the shootout. Czech Republic loses because they were more terrible in the shootout.
  13. I hate everything the US is doing in this game! Third period they passed too much. OT they didn't pass enough or to the right guys. And now we're at the mercy of the shootout.
  14. Merry Christmas you old Building and Loan!
  15. They left a while ago. Gotta beat that bridge traffic. Buncha pussies.
  16. For the record.....I've never seen the Sabres lose to the Leaves in person.
  17. Don't worry about it. Leaves ain't scoring again.
  18. Dan Dunleavy Limp Bizkit reference.....
  19. What does this have to do with getting your tits done?
  20. UFC 296 has been pretty good so far. I'm 6 for 10 right now. All the fights I was emotionally invested in are over and now I can relax for the last 2 matchups. My gut says both champions retain their titles.
  21. Oppenheimer was pretty good.
  22. Czechia will always hit the ear wrong. They should've gone with CZR.
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