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Everything posted by HopefulFuture

  1. This all day long and twice on sundays. Absolutely. You don't even second guess it. If Ryan can be had, you make the deal IMHO.
  2. I don't believe it will be what you mention here, but yes, it would be a cost. I'll say Stafford, Sekera and both 1st rounders, and I'd do it in my sleep if need be. This team needs consistent scoring, which bobby ryan brings to the table.
  3. This is the most telling of all the point/counter-points debated about Staal to Buffalo. Putting Jordan Staal with Pominville doesn't work. Pominville would most likely produce less with Staal, since he is a shutdown/2-way center. I'm not saying Jordan Staal can't net 60 points, but I find it unlikely he can do it on a consistent basis.
  4. 12 angry men is good. So are the others you listed. I enjoy the Bogart flicks as well. As for my favorites....... John Wayne in The Quiet Man, Rio Bravo, Ft. Apache, Stagecoach, She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, The Horse Soldiers, Sands of Iwo Jima, Flying Leathernecks, In Harms Way, McClintok, and a host of other Wayne films..... Jimmy Stewart films also go the same as Wayne's do for me. But my all time favorite pre 70 flick is Judgement at Nuremberg with Spencer Tracy (who I consider one of the top 3 actors of films all time) and Richard Widmark. By far this film had a very big impact on me at a young age as my grandparents raised me and combined with their life stories brought a sense of belonging when watching this movie.
  5. I do share your sentiment on Regier in the end. Nicely said on the spending spree. I to hope he got it out of his system. With that said, I like having Ehrhoff and Regehr to be honest. Leino the jurry is still out on for me, I'd like to see him on the 3rd line LW this season. As for the roster 12/13, I figure there will be a significant move at the draft, maybe a couple. I can see defense getting moved, and probably picks.
  6. Brown will NOT be leaving LA. Nash for Vanek is viable, Buffalo would have to add. And the larger question is......Is Rich Nash what we need here, another RW'er? If Stafford were moved, maybe. As for Getzlaf, yes, that is the player I can see being targeted, but at a very hefty price.
  7. Buffalo will be going after a top notch center on draft day via a trade most likely. I can see Getzlaf being one of those potentially targeted, along with a few others that fit the bill as well.
  8. WOW! Vancouver got fleeced, and big time. Hodgson is light years better than Kassian and will be a stud centerman for years to come. Just WOW.......
  9. Why would Buffalo trade away Stafford for a RW'er that's going to be a UFA at the end of the season? Stafford for Hemsky and a 2nd rd draft pick, maybe.
  10. Just dropped the yule log in the crapper and fired up a big ole doobie :nana: Happy Christmas & Merry New Year to everyone, yes, even Flyers fans. :o :)
  11. Suspendable. Don't cut to the net, that's the new unwritten rule now. If the play has a repeat record of potential head injuries, forwards are going to have to adjust their game.
  12. Ok, so.....what your saying is that Stafford needs to go, right? :P We all already are aware of this. Boyes can fill his spot when he comes back for the remainder of the season.
  13. We have a couple of guys in Rochester that can afford a 10 game suspension and not cry about it or be missed. #2 of the Americans comes to mind first and foremost. Joe Finley, 6 foot 8, 260 pounds. I think he can give Lucic a run for his money. Kassian would probably throw down with Lucic as well, would actually like to see that type of scrap.
  14. Your guess sounds about right.
  15. :thumbsup: Vet here as well. Thanks to all our country men and women who have or are serving.
  16. My son was attacked in an athletic program in Niagara County. I did 60 days in Niagara County jail for my response. If law enforcement fails to act, rest assured, we parents will. Don't dare take a stance of "what they would have done" with me. That dog don't hunt. Bottom line, they are all scumbags, includine Joe Pa. Any failure to contact authorities is inexcusable. If you'd like, you can meet my eldest son, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to school this line of thought. F**K the program when it comes to this type of behavior. And F**k those who have an attitude of giving Joe Pa the rest of the season. THEY ALL FAILED TO ACT, PERIOD, END OF STORY.
  17. It is always sad to move beyond that which you have known for so long. But time will heel any wound and in the end, life will go forward, the sun will rise tomorrow and you have another journey to begin. There is always the memories you shared and right now it may appear as though you can't recover. Loving a woman can be the most difficult challenge in a mans life, it can also be hurtful yet filled with joy. When it's time to move on, the pain sometimes shows forth. But, there will be others, rest assured. You will love again and another void is filled in your life. Chin up, no slouching, press forward. :thumbsup:
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