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Everything posted by HopefulFuture

  1. Hey look d4rk, someone that "gets it". d4rk, culture is something that is nourished, you don't believe the current idols of young African American men aren't a part of this equation? After all, those athletes and celebrities they mainly admire sing or speak about hating the police, or the white race to a large extent. So you don't believe a culture can be fostered? I think your wrong, as a matter of fact, I know you are.
  2. No, I do not. I believe their is a culture within the legal system that puts minorities at greater risk. And that to, is a conversation worth having. Once again, weave, you've seen me post on it for months now, principled people with integrity and honesty should be filling those positions for public service. I could say in the judicial system especially, but that statement by myself should ring true across all facet's of public officer or service. Hence why I am constantly trying to get my point across that none of this happens if the culture exists whereby those principled individuals with integrity and honesty are the ones to admired in our society, not athletes or celebrities, many of whom have such a negative impact on our culture. Can we agree that my assessment is one of common sense at least?
  3. What about rural poverty? Do they not get a fair shake in this as well?
  4. You stated that African Americans and Latino's are "victims" of the system, to say other wise would be ignorant. Yes, I believe you stated that. The law, is the law, if you break it and wind up in jail, that's on you, and you alone. You are held accountable for your own actions and are responsible for them. Whether or not these laws are worth having, that's another story all together, but to state that individuals in ethnic or racial groups, as you yourself, in your own words pointed to, should not be held accountable is just ridiculous. Do the crime, do the time. Isn't that what they say? Now, if we want to get back on focus as to whether or not these laws need to be stripped or penalties of such need to be re-adjusted, we can speak on that. But there is clear correlation between some drugs that are used and crime. Others, not so much, more of a culture thing in those cases, but that is where the conversation begins, not with ethnicity or race.
  5. Assume nothing. Read them for yourself. I went through looking at the testimony of witnesses and officer Wilson. If you can find something in there that the Grand Jury over looked in it's decision not to indict, I'll concede I didn't see it. But, at least they were made available for all to review. Oh, I'm not walking away from that statement. I stated it, and stand behind it. While I agree with your assessment on the prison population, I don't necessarily agree that a larger part of any ethnic or racial group lose their ability to distinguish between right and wrong. The drug laws are a part of the problem, yes, not the only part, but a larger one to be sure. But then again, in some cases, aren't those laws warranted? Take for example crack cocaine, http://www.bing.com/search?q=woman%20abducted%2C%20held%20and%20raped%20by%20crack%20cocaine%20addict&pc=cosp&ptag=A1AB9AB6B45834D89A1F&form=CONBNT&conlogo=CT3210127 Read them, no really, read every one of them, then, come back and clearly, without any hesitation, give these individuals who were so adversely affected by this drug one god dam good reason why it should be legalized.
  6. The grand jury testimony was made available, here is the link to the volumes. http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2014/11/us/ferguson-grand-jury-docs/index.html As you read through them, it becomes abundantly clear that Micheal Brown was not murdered, nor was the officer acting out of standard procedures in defense of himself. Officer Wilson was justified in shooting Micheal Brown, it's that simple. This doesn't have to be a race issue, it was the African American community that did so when they jumped to conclusions before hearing all of the facts. The main fact is, Micheal Brown had just robbed a store, you could call it shop lifting, if he hadn't of strong armed the store clerk in the process, but, it was a strong armed robbery since violence was used. In the end, the testimony speaks for itself, and the African American community really needs to take a deep look at itself in the mirror, particularly on it's parenting skills. Their sense of entitlement when it comes to feeling justified with their early on reactions to situations when all of the facts are not yet known also needs to be addressed. All of this could have been avoided after the incident if the community at large had the patience to wait the process out and accept it's final outcome, as they should provided by the law. This will not change, African Americans will view themselves as victims of the system, and what d4rk points out on prison population numbers is correct and a contributing factor, but in the end, every individual, black, white, yellow, red, pink with green poke-a-dots, need to be accountable for their own actions and responsible in living their lives, this young man, was not.
  7. Solid words d4rk, solid words.
  8. I know, to me, it's like, really? 1 store looted and a cop car set on fire and they make it sound as though a race war nation wide has started. I wish they'd keep it in context. Of course there is going to be frustration, but it's not a "all whites should arm themselves" event.
  9. I like that show. And yes, I agree, evidence should be the key. As to the Brown shooting and subsequent Grand Jury findings, the public in certain areas are now rioting, others however, are merely protesting legally. It's those legal protesters I'd like to focus in on for a moment, if we can. They have been peaceful, at least, those that are merely protesting, they are allowing their voices to be heard. Only, the one thing that baffles me, is they speak on the militarization of the police, but Officer Wilson was alone, there was no military hardware with him. While this baffles me, I do hope they continue to push that point. EDIT: Oh, and by the way, the news network pushing the hardest stories on the violence, CNN. Only further evidence that they incite not only racial tension, but they incite potential harm to the public in general. CNN officially sucks in my book. Even MSNBC and Fox isn't as bad on the coverage as CNN, and that says something.
  10. So, you've hacked my system have you :P I'm still awaiting the first wave of Yushi's, so far, he's put his grandmother out there. As a combatant, I've been forced to render her medical assistance in this thread :P EDIT: And with a higher co- pay due to the ACA I might add. Will Yushi reciprocate with a purchase of my lunch tomorrow...........to be continued.............
  11. My respect to your Grandmother, may her health stay good.
  12. I'm on xbox 360, my Hellcat is just the BOMB, oh yea :D I have another premium tier 5, the PZ 3/4, she's quick, but only a 76mm gun. My Tiger, meh, I expected better in frontal armor, but against the tier 7's and 8's, she's a snipe or support tank, not so much a frontal assault tank, disappointed for sure. But back to my Hellcat, yea baby, you want a rear echelon sniper, I'm you man, 85% or better hit rates with a 6 to 1 victory ratio. I don't always take my Hellcat in to a 5 on 1 scenario, but when I do, I drink Dos Equis :) It's straight out awesome, and this, from a 44 year old first generation gamer. I've played from Atari on up to now, and this game is beast.
  13. All write in Candidates are eligible. That's not a strong first wave of an assault, I expected better. Agreed, of course, with the interest of full disclosure in mind, I'm playing world of tanks right now, so, I like to keep my mind working, even if it's a video game.
  14. I stand ready to receive my first assault. I have prepared my defenses and have the counter offensive standing by. With reserves if necessary, but I doubt they will be. All with out the Constitution.
  15. Ya know something d4rk, I thought it was just me that noticed CNN plays the race card heavily. Am I wrong, do you not agree?
  16. Agreed Glass, I believe I can settle down now, I promise, I'll be a good boy :) That is not a sarcastic remark by the way, I'm serious. I'm fully aware I can go over board with the repeater Rick syndrome, and to all, my apologies on that. Except for Yushi, if you all can stomach me for days on end ranting about the Constitution, I'm sure you all can abstain with humor in mind on what is about to happen :)
  17. Cool, cool, I'm down. And I promise this, I won't bring my Libertarian views of the Constitution in to it, since, the Constitution is shunned by so many on this site. I'll use only my quick wits to do so with out lamenting to the document. This should be fair, me having one hand tied behind my back while the other is stuck up my ass, you should easily handle my counter points then, no?
  18. Me to, had to be some more evidence as to what the public knows. Not sure though, but yes, surprised. Not relevant to the situation. He either abides by the Constitution and Citizens, or he does not. It's a matter of opinion, and in mine, he didn't. As unfortunate a statement as this is, you are correct. At the core of the nation is 2 views and potential directions. The 2 main groups are labeled Liberal and Conservative. It's not an insult in as much as it is a distaste for the direction of the nation, which, openly admit, both labeled groups are currently to blame for said directions short comings. Time to come back to common sense, eh?
  19. Any time you want to debate, I'm game. If you wish to take out anger, go to Ferguson. Other wise, if that won't do, I'm in North Tonawanda, more than happy to let you know where.
  20. So let me see, he failed to give health care to millions at no cost, as he promised, I'm paying more, for others, way to go big guy. I like working for the scumbags that refuse to. He didn't create jobs, the economy is propped up by printing money, not that it's his fault however, but, he did nothing to solve this problem, we are headed for another recession, the global circumstances tell us this, it's common sense actually. And my industry is already seeing this. Construction. Incorrect if you believe he lowered unemployment. He did nothing in the way of permanent job creation, once again, injecting printed money for temp jobs, I know for a fact this is the case, as many studies state unemployment remains above or hovering around 15%. You simply cannot use current claims numbers, since so many have given up, those studies are correct. And once again, construction, my industry, is seeing a dip, outside of certain areas, which are far and few between. And last but not least, the DOW. How wonderful it is you point to the rich getting richer. My dad's pension plan hasn't, along with so many others, yet the top 4% increased almost 600% over his time in office. Your explanation for this? I know you don't have the answer, because, quite frankly, you don't. Enough said. Surprised actually. As much as I am a Libertarian, I still believe 6 or 7 shots with the head shot was beyond the pale, no matter the mans crime. Oh hey, look Liberals, I'm actually siding with a minority families complaint, well now, what do you know, you might call me human after all. I call my self a common sense guy though, but, you Liberals wouldn't see that if it was a wart on your nose.
  21. Republicans at the state executive and legislative levels as well as the future Republican controlled Congressional houses will make Obama's last 2 years worthless, all over his power grab through executive order on immigration, creating perhaps the largest threat to the Constitution and separation of powers since the inception of the nation. While acting like a King, or Emperor, he has put his own remaining time as executive in complete limbo, he will not be able to accomplish one further thing. And, if Hillary gets the nod in 16, if the Republicans control just one house of Congress, as they are almost assured to, her first 4 years are worthless. Way to go King Obama, way to go.
  22. Who is the one being irrational I ask. The one who expects the rule of law, which is submitted via representatives of the people to a document that is the law of the land, to be adhered to, or the one who obviously does not understand that yes, in point of fact, the Constitution of the United States of America is the end all be all document of the rule of law in the nation with which you live? I say it is the former. If you don't like this nations Constitution, there are over 200 nations to chose from that are alternatives, please find it in your heart to forgive those of us that do live to expect what is common sense, and that is to adhere to that 200+ year old document that is the very founding of the nations form of government, and subsequently as such, the laws with which the citizens are governed by. If you don't get that, I just, I just don't know what to say then. Other wise than that comment, the rest of the first response you made has merits, and, can be addressed. The problems your going to have on domestic spending is that we currently run a global empire, and that is just one example of the issues. I feel sorry you cannot stay in this thread, it is good to discuss amongst each other, as citizens, common sense approaches to the issues of the day, but first, we must all agree on a form of government. You clearly have not with your statement that you do not believe in the Constitution. It's more than just a document, It's the formation of the type of government left to us, the citizens. To the bolded, yes, I am clearly stating we no longer have a Republic. We have an Oligarchy now disguised as a Republic. Money injected in to the political spectrum via campaigning and lobbying has all but evaporated any representation of the people, for the people, by the people. Once again, if you cannot see this, I just don't know what to say. It is clear for all to see.
  23. It is not called working voters, it is called promoting a platform. The specific issues of the day are the core of said platform. As I said, you never have to compromise the principals, integrity and honesty of ones self to run a political campaign. To do so is counter productive to a Republic, such as you see now.
  24. I almost agree completely. I'm sure there were a few whom hadn't. But, the larger point is, they shouldn't, and we, as citizens, should never, ever tolerate it. Once discovered, punishment for such should be swift, exacting and crystal clear. I'll keep on saying this, because it needs repeating time and again: When one runs for and holds public office or a public job one has the responsibility to be completely forth coming and honest with the individuals they serve, be it at all levels of governing bodies and public services. One does not go hold these positions for personal, group or party gains, they do so to answer a higher calling to serve their fellow citizens accordingly. This does not mean they should not be fairly and justly compensated, it merely means they must, above all else, hold themselves to standards of principals, integrity, and honesty that citizens will trust. To accept anything less, well, you see how that is turning out, at no point and time in the history of this nation has the corruption run so rampant at all levels of government across the spectrum of nearly the entire nation. In the past, there may have been pockets of corruption, albeit, large ones, but in the modern era, we are destroying ourselves from within with the behaviors the citizens are tolerating, and not all of them are. There are those who are speaking out.............................go back to your core roots of education, go back to what you know is right and you know is wrong. Stand thy ground regardless of supporting mechanisms within oneself as a political affiliation. You do so for the greater good of the nation, for your fellow citizens and as a shining example for future generations to come.
  25. Then it's time we pull back within our borders and force the rest of the world to grow up and deal with it as we do. Outside of WW2, why is it always our blood and wealth that has to be expunged? Is there some hidden part of the Constitution that I'm not aware of that states America "MUST" be the policemen of the world? If so, fill me in, I can't find it anywhere.
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