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Great grandmother was full blown Seminole on biological fathers side. Great grandfather and grandmother were Cherokee on moms side. The rest, probably a mix, french, british, german.
Yes Same person, sort of, my son shared the account What is reality to you? If you have skype I'll set my computer up so you can meet people that will attest to what I state. As well as who I am. You won't find me a monster, I'm just a person who lives by the principles he states, that much they will tell you. And sometimes, I get the same response from them that you just implied, but they all openly admit I'm not incorrect in the beliefs I have. Does that make you feel better? If not, I understand.
I switched my user name awhile ago, I thought all would know just by scrolling over my name. Do you have an issue with myself having a Hopeful Future for the Sabres? Well then, I'd like to bring my mum and brother to a game to meet you, after the game, we can converse on my child hood. I think you'll find my life a bit interesting, it took me a long time to get where I'm at. It certainly wasn't handed to me because I'm white, and it most definitely wasn't on a silver spoon.
I attended NTSH. And to even state that the violence wasn't as bad, well, my brother, who is 6 years older with 3 stab wound scars still on him says other wise. Or my own mother, who was tied down while I was 1 years old and raped for 3 days says so as well. You were saying the environment doesn't compare........please continue......... Oh, and by the way, I'm a product of rape as well, just so you know................
I don't take away weave, the situation they find themselves in. It is not fair at all. That I agree on. But that is something we all must address, not just the minority groups, because, as a victim of the system myself, oh yea, I've spent time in jail, it is unfair to say the least. That is neither here nor there however, you work within the system, the political system is one facet of that, but there are others, such as community relations, contributing to society and over all trying to break those stereotypes in an effort to do so. Those types of actions, when done on a broader scale then what is done now are noticed, contrary to popular beliefs. It's all a matter of will power. Do they have the will to over come? Very few have, even though, in my experience, they've been given more golden parachutes than I could possibly hope for as I grew up in poverty as well. I spent the first 12 years of my life on Gibson Street, in the Tonawanda projects. We didn't have a whole lot growing up, I'm talking one to three xmas gifts and not a whole lot more. I'm well versed in growing up with very little. Everything I am, is due to the extremely hard work I've put in to education combined with common sense. I don't expect all to achieve where I'm at, but I expect all to at least try.
Ok, make a point though. What is the over all out come you are looking for with this quote. I realize early on, Lincoln, did not want the war, he actually offered up an end to it early on, and then, subsequently, offered up the south to return with all of their slaves in chains to end it. So, while he was hardly perfect, as many falsely claim him to be, he was an advocate of justice, and that, in the end, pertains to the Brown situation. Not only the Brown situation, but to race relations over all. He was not the end all be all of answers, that, we must find within ourselves. Most of the Caucasian race has done so, not all, but surely a majority, the black race, not even close yet. So, the question is, how much more white blood at the expense of black rage, or as you put it, revenge, must be spilled before it's equal? And that is where I quoted Lincoln by the way, on that premise., Your statement, my quote, your counter-quote makes 0 sense by the way. But, in the end, it will matter not, because a white guy like me, stands ready with his fire arm in hand, to beat back the revenge you so stated, may take place on me. So lives will continue to be lost without any sense or purpose, that was my larger point. But you go keeping on, because, like I said, guys like me grab a gun and man a post and are trained and prepared to do so.
LOL, I thought you'd appreciate the response. edit: :P Oh goody, a double edit: Hey Swamp, I could have just said "don't judge a person until you walk a mile in their moccasins"
I'm sorry you find it absurd. I find his over all writings, including his personal thoughts, quite telling. But of course, you must have read those, since, you speak so candidly on the subject.
Naive to what? Wanting the just and right to represent us, the citizens, in our endeavor to achieve a more perfect union? If that be the case, who is actually naive? Those that accept what they believe they cannot change, or those that actively pursue the change necessary for integrity and honesty in government? You imply by your statement it cannot be done, I imply by my actions, it can be. Is there ever a "correct answer" in a Republic? I submit only common sense, nothing more, nothing less. If you are frustrated by that, may I suggest you try it before you judge it. And not just speaking it, but live it.
I understand man, I really do. But come on GC, the reality is, this type of legislation, while unpopular in it's inception, now has enough backing to really make a difference, if, and I know it's a big if, both parties can come to a plan, instead of fighting one another. And yes, I fully realize the Repubs are to blame for the larger issue on this, but the Dems did themselves no service by cramming this piece of garbage down the public's throats. As odd as it sounds from a Libertarian, there is a middle ground that can achieve a majority of the goals that are wanting to be achieved. You kid yourself, really, you do. Look at the last election. It is bad policy, and in turn, it was bad politics that made it bad policy. Look, once again Swamp, I agree this needs to be addressed, I'm merely stating that both of the monopoly parties failed to do so adequately. There is an opportunity for all of them to do something good, just and right. All they need do is for go their allegiance to their individual parties and it can be done. Yes, it is, and you are correct, but the point I was trying to make was his message that it does not have to be this way. There is another way. The way by which the African American race excepts the rule of law and abides by it. That projects to the modern day situation. Look Yushi, officer Wilson shot and killed Brown, and he had a right to based on the testimony that was received and excepted by the grand jury. But, the community, the African American community, in Ferguson, went above and beyond to show why there is a racial divide in this nation. You simply cannot be taken seriously as an equal when actions such as those in Ferguson continue to plague the American landscape, specifically from the African American community. At some point and time, restraint must be shown, maturity, the ability to work with in the system, it all must be shown.
It was a policy mistake the moment it was a political mistake. Of all people, I'm shocked you don't understand that GCOE. The "People" elected their "Representatives" to represent them. And they did so. The only problem is, they didn't represent the "will of the people" by telling false-hoods and half truths on the plan. The 16 elections bore this out to a large extent. As I've stated from the beginning, and I've stated it bares repeating time and time again. When you take a public office or service job, you are beholden to the "people". This is just common sense. Use honesty, integrity and get a law passed that "all will be accepting to". Not some crap that a party leader states you have to pass it to know what's in it. That crap won't fly.
How much revenge is enough? This has been going on for decades. As Abraham Lincoln himself said: "Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether." 3 With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations." I want you all, everyone of you, think on those words for a moment. If nothing more than a moment. Think of what they mean, think of what they project. Thank you for the post Numark. And I agree with everything you've stated in this post. No surprise really Matrix. While health care did need to be addressed, the way in which the Democrats strong armed through a bill was catastrophic. Sad actually, because both Republicans and Democrats, while I disdain them both, have enough bright minds that could have achieved greatness on this issue. They both failed. Sad actually, that both of the major monopoly powers couldn't work together. But then, that is why I clearly rail against both, they don't have it with in themselves, as a party, not as individuals, to stomach doing the right thing "FOR THE PEOPLE". Hence why I am so against both parties. Let me know when everyone else wakes up to the same conclusion.
I don't want to get in to the process by which a law can be introduced and removed, that's legislative, that's your vote on who you send to represent you.The over all issue I see with the connection between poverty and violence can be negligible if the individual makes the correct choices in life. There can be no other determination here. It's either one way or the other. In so far as the criminal justice system goes, including policing, yes, I've openly admitted, and this is what baffles me about the prison comment on me, but I've openly admitted that the system is bias. Take in to consideration I've been asked, ok, I will. Let's view this from a societal stand point for a moment on said morality. You have a law, you have an individual that knows it is wrong to do something, against the law. They still do it. That is a personal choice. And look, if the individual is stealing food to eat or clothing to wear for weather because they don't have any, I will show no bounds on my empathy. But cigars? You have 0 empathy from me. In the end, poverty is not an excuse acceptable for the broader based behavior of the African American communities when the tools educational wise through public schools are there to use. The preponderant educational forces are upon the individuals side; they have but to be utilized to be a force in ones life, and that is a personal choice individuals make. This is true on the parenting aspect. And the Asian example is what I speak on. But that is a cultural thing with them. They respect their parents to a larger extent. But even still, in the Asian community, you get gang members and the like, just not on the scale you see in the African American community. To me, that does fall back on parenting.
Ok, well, you can try that flim flam switcheroo on someone else, that ###### don't play here. You interjected your prison crap as a response to a conversation that wasn't on such. Here's a clue, don't break the law, you won't go to prison. WOW, what a concept.
And your surprised? Really? No man, I mean really? Take your head out of the sand, I know you don't like me personally, and hey, I'm cool with that, but if your honestly trying to tell me that your surprised by the behavior your witnessing now your kidding.