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  1. hi first time poster. iv'e been reading post for 2 years. hard core sabres fan since the imlach days. part of me thinks it's not unfriendly and many are like myself. i live in ontario and feel so fortunet that i can read up on post as liveing in the so called moronic leaf nation. i am waiting for the days that we kick leafs around the rink. one takes alot of and abuse liveing in leaf country. anyway back to the reason for this post. i tend to think sabres space is very poster friendly and so many new posters are just a we bit nervous about opening up about there deep love for the sabres and bills.i just want to say thanks for makeing me feel good about starting to post. i found this sabres space to be so well informed, that was a great post to read after my open heart surgery. kept me up to date while in hospital for 33 days. i make time to read sabres space everyday and would like to say thanks to all posters .keep up the great post people as you all make my days a little brighter. don't mean to rant ,but this sight gives an old sabres fan alot of cheer. thanks to everyone involved darrell
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