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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. The last time a Lindy Ruff coached team went 0-2 to start the season, they then won 16 of 17 (in 2022.) (This is not what I see happening, but I need something to cling to right now.)
  2. This is a home game, maybe Lindy knows we aren't good in the home colors?
  3. IMO the Benson benching isn't about anything other than trying to get that line to score some goals (unless he's hurt which could be the case.) Something wasn't clicking yesterday, and while it wasn't for lack of Benson's effort, maybe Lindy just is thinking Kulich may be a better fit there. I take it as a good sign that effort isn't going to be rewarded this year, it's about results.
  4. I disagree - it's a little hard to see because it happened so fast, but to me it looks like he has his stick out in front of his body (with two hands) when he skates into the other player. At the last second it looks like he kind of tries to avoid making stick contact but it seemed likely too late.
  5. If the stick makes any contact with the guys body and he had both hands on it it's a penalty, especially in most international play. You're taught very early that you have one hand on your stick any time you're making body contact with another player.
  6. You can't skate into a check with both hands on the stick like that, that definitely can be called a cross check. A cross-check is defined by the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) in their Rule 127 as "check to the body of an opponent with both hands on the stick and no part of the stick on the ice".
  7. I don't have a pool (and if I did I'd be my own pool man)
  8. more so the pool man
  9. With the timing of the Lindy hire and it seeming like they knew he was going to be the guy, it makes me curious about Marty Wilford and Matt Ellis still being on staff. Is there a chance these guys actually stick around? Did Lindy just want a chance to meet / interview them?
  10. I think he just signed there last year? Seems very unlikely he would have been on a 1 year deal.
  11. I keep hearing Peca's name - Isn't he on staff in NYR? Would he even be able to come here?
  12. I'm not saying anyone needs to feel sympathy. I am 100% on board with estate tax (especially for anyone inheriting over let's say a million dollars.) Just explaining that he may be doing this as part of estate planning to help his kids cover the cost of retaining the team(s).
  13. If they're forced to come up with 2-3 billion dollars on inheriting the team to pay the estate tax?
  14. Well, you might care if and when his family is forced to sell the team. (I'm not arguing against estate taxes for the super-rich, just pointing out why it's relevant here.)
  15. If he's the head coach and hears there's an incident between a player and a coach, shouldn't he want to know what the issue is so he can address it (and determine how to address it in the correct manner?) Don't you want a leader who's not going to delegate something this important?
  16. Yeah, Ducks are taking advantage of having only one ref, and we... are not
  17. Again, not sure if you read the article, but according to it she spoke with the director of the league immediately following the game to confirm if that it was supposed to be an adult league, not a men's league. He told her he was appalled at their behavior and was going to go speak with the other team about it. If I remember correctly he suggested she stick around to hear what the other team had to say.
  18. She is a Professional Hockey coach...
  19. Hmm, seems like you are giving them a pass... You're also blaming her (seems like something else must have happened to provoke it) while also acknowledging that some dudes in hockey might be ***** "Still lots of guys playing who grew up with a different game / culture" What happened that provoked the taunts? One of their team got penalized for an illegal body check, they didn't like the call and took it out on her instead of the ref.... To me that's a lot easier to believe than that the head coach of a Division 1 hockey program put herself in the cross hairs just to stir some *****.
  20. She's not - read the article She was checked - The other player got a penalty because checking is illegal in just about all non-pro adult leagues The other team screamed insults at her the rest of the game and said they didn't want her there It is special treatment, just not the good kind.
  21. So that would include not being yelled at ***** on for being a woman for a whole game
  22. Did your teammates spend the rest of the game letting her know she was unwelcome?
  23. It's ***** and mean Sure, there are different levels of *****, but why defend ***** behavior?
  24. I play in leagues and pickup games that are primarily men with some better women's players. I've never even looked at the rules, but I've also haven't seen an intentional check in the last ten years at least, and if anyone did I know everyone else around would quckly shut it down. We're old, we have jobs, we can't afford to get hurt. Unintentional contact, sure it happens, but I think anyone who's on the ice (Male or Female) is taking that risk knowingly. I think it was kind of strange for her to wait for an apology, but if the league took her $, I don't think she should be treated any differently than any other of the players (And without reading the article - I am assuming she was targeted with this check for being a Woman - maybe that's not the case and it's being overblown.)
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