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Everything posted by ROC_exEMT

  1. I take it you aren't aware that lent ended on Holy Thursday?
  3. Why do you think Nolan hasn't embraced the tank? What else can he do to make the team worse than what they already are? At some point you have to let all this just play out and the chips fall where they may. You've got a bunch of players who have pride playing for their jobs; maybe not jobs in Buffalo but jobs in the NHL. Next year we get numerous players back off injury PLUS a potential influx of draft picks. Where do some of the current marginal players go? AHL or out the door? Who's going to pick them up if they're seen dogging it on the ice over these few weeks. These guys are trying to make a name for themselves. And if I was a guy on the team being asked to dog it so Buffalo can finish DFL and draft my replacement I'd be a little ticked and would like nothing else but to toss a monkey wrench into things. Sure I'd love to see them finish last and win the sweepstakes but I also liked hearing the NBC guys last night praising Buffalo for their "hard work" and hustle and how they gave it their all. Maybe they were blowing smoke but it was nice to hear that recognition nonetheless.
  4. There's also one on E. Ridge Rd in Irondequoit. However if you want to go to the ORIGINAL, head up towards the lake. Corner of Edgemere and Island Cottage Rd. Grew up in that area. It's been in business for as long as I can remember. Used to be a big "war" with Schallers and the Char Broil which is across the street. If you were a fan of one, you wouldn't venture into the other. Char Broil has turned into more of a family restaurant while Schallers has stayed pretty much traditionally to it's roots.
  5. I lost my mom 6 weeks ago very suddenly. HopefulFuture - a perfect post and the perfect sentiment. Take advantage of it while you can!
  6. Just an fyi, I heard it mentioned during last night's game that Miller had asked TN to allow him the option of playing tonight if he so chooses. I think Miller wants to use tonight's game as a final tune-up for Sochi if he feels it necessary.
  7. Gotta say I love my '10 Subaru Outback. Just hit 40k with no issues. Original brakes and tires (although tires will need changing by next season). Full-time AWD and I get between 25-29mpg depending on Winter/Summer. Super safety ratings (peace of mind with the wife/children in the car) and roomy. Stylish? Not so much. Practical? In this weather? Absolutely!
  8. I voted yes as I currently have one but in 2 weeks it's gone. I just can't stand getting all the sales pitches and charity calls. Even though we screen them and don't pick up it's still frustrating having the phone ring. And lately they've been calling even later and later in the evening. 8:30pm is too late if you ask me.
  9. I got tickets to Monday's game vs Winnipeg. Cmon Sabres - win this weekend!!
  10. I'll take a WAG ... Sabres go up early 2 - 0 (Stafford with his 1st FINALLY) and the Bruins are flat. Lucic decides to stir things up. BJS, who's never been to Italy, decides to "take a tour of Milan"
  11. First game at FNC this year for me. 6 of us going. Free tickets. One Bruins fan who's scared to wear his 'colors' to the game. All I can say is I'm looking forward to it and to having fun. Sure would like to see a win but my mindset is to have fun either way.
  12. Sorry to hear. We had to put our cat of 17 years down back in November. Sorta made the holidays a little less festive. Last week we adopted 2 rescue cats which made us feel much better.
  13. While it's a symbolic gesture at best, figure out who the larger corporate sponsors of the NHL are i.e. official airline, official beer, or some other nonsense and write them a letter explaining you won't be patronizing them and why. Let them know your displeasure. And really boycott their product if you can. It won't do much but it may give you some satisfaction. I wouldn't do that to the local businesses who support the Sabres though.
  14. Because they're usually covered and somewhat 'taboo' and off-limits. Same with a female rear-end and "other areas". A woman dressed in a sexy dress or neglige that enhances her parts, at least to me, is MUCH sexier than a woman totally nude. It leaves much more to the imagination which enhances our desire. Sort of like teenagers who want to drink BEFORE they're legally of age - the fact that they're prohibited from having it can be a driving force in they're wanting it. That and the fact that those suckers are almost at eye level ... sometimes I envy Gerbe - I mean they're RIGHT THERE!!
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