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Everything posted by Miss_The_Amerks

  1. I dont want to leave for class in 20 minutes...
  2. I am currently working on a handle of BT, so glad my roomate ###### up and got me the handle rather than the liter or 750. Also, Bulleitt is right up there, try it, about $35/liter, but worth it. It's a bit different and takes a little getting used to, but once you get it, it's amazing.
  3. Pretty sure they sell it around here, I might look into it, but it might be pricey for me. I'll let you know either way.
  4. I am as well. I usually just say whiskey, although I don't really drink anything from outside the USA.
  5. I just read the "How do you start to like it?" I started liking it because it mixed well with coke...
  6. Haha, my roomate drinks "Old Crow" 86 proof. $20 a handle, with an additional $5 rebate. So $15. I can't do Jameson. First time I tried it, I ended up dumping it. Gave the rest of the bottle away. I threw a party a few weeks ago, and a kid traded me a bottle of Jameson for use of our keg, I was drunk and accepted. I drank that bottle, the first few glasses I found to be delicious, but they seemed to get more and more disgusting as I drank them...
  7. Pffft. I can tell you what's "good" without putting you a dime over $40 for a handle.
  8. What are your favorites?
  9. I started on Wild Turkey, I'm primarily a bourbon drinker... American Honey or just regular WT mixed with coke is a good place to start.
  10. We also bought a bottle of Rare Breed for special occasions. And I killed a bottle of Jameson (against my will, it was free...) but that doesn't count. Rare Breed is almost too good to enjoy, I feel guilty drinking it at $45/bottle, Bulleitt was one of my favorite, although it took a lot of getting used to and taste acquiring. And I am lovingggg my bottle of Trace.
  11. For college students, my roomate and I are quite the snobs ourselves. We started drinking Wild Turkey American Honey in coke, then moved on to others, to the point where we drink it on the rocks now. We have at least one empty bottle of the following: Wild Turkey American Honey Wild Turkey Original Wild Turkey 101 Wild Turkey Rye Jim Beam Jim Beam Red Stag Jim Beam Green Label Jack Daniels Bulleitt Old Grand-Dad 100 Bakers Old Crow Buffalo Trace The Buffalo Trace 125 corn whiskey is also delicious on the rocks.
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