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Everything posted by DumbPuck

  1. Did anybody watch the Boston vs New Jersey game tonight? I'm just curious: http://www.nhl.com/ice/recap.htm?id=2011020247&navid=sb:recap Based on the NHL.com recap, Lucic is the first star of the night (as voted by Boston media I suppose). 0 goals 0 points 0 assists -1 plus/minus His name is not even mentioned a single time in the recap. The Bruins won the game 4-3 in regulation. I'm confused?!
  2. Good episode. However, I am still tempted to rename the show "The Walking Sophia". Come on .. find a zombie kid and get it over with already. Actually, how hilarious would it be if like somebody said, all the zombies in the barn were family and they keep feeding people to them.... and one of them was Sophia? :-P
  3. ughhh ... old wounds never heal!
  4. Somebody with more hockey knowledge please help me with this. Are there any special penalties regarding hitting the goaltender inside the crease or behind the net? The reason I ask is because this game sets a wicked precedent that might impact general hockey strategy. We just witnessed a game in which two teams were very closely matched in momentum and one scored early. Then, a minor penalty against the goaltender sent the whole game into a downward spiral for the team with the lead and ended up giving up six goals (3 to the effected goaltender). So my question remains. Is ANY hit on a goaltender a simple two minute penalty? If it's a mentally fragile goalie ... you better believe I'm telling my team to hit him if I'm the coach.
  5. I think you may have something here.
  6. Personally, I was hopeful that Shanahan = change. Apparently that is not the case though. If you're a star or a Bruin ... you can get away with whatever you like.
  7. I am happy with the ruling. It is clear and concise. It indicates that the direction the NHL wants to go is contrary to what I thought before. It is now clear that the players are supposed to police themselves and the coaching staff should develop contingency plans for when players are rotated through suspensions after said policing. Summary: Enforcers still have a role in the NHL... part of that role is serving long suspensions.
  8. Miller: There's something alive in here! ::gets rocked by Lucic:: Gaustad: It's your imagination, kid. ::ignores his goalie getting crushed::
  9. Wow .. that's rather extreme. Strange that the league would put such a large penalty on something that might result in bruised faces / egoes and such a small price on a cheap hit that could cost a star his career. How many stars have been in career ending fights? Now, how many stars have experienced career-ending concussions do to cheap hits?
  10. I have an answer: the whole team or at least two or three make a run at him. Why does it have to be one of these girly, post-lockout one-on-one affairs. I want a bench clearing brawl. Actually the only Bruin I wouldn't mind leaving unscathed would be Thomas. The rest of them ... who needs a fair fight. And before you say we would end up on the bottom of that outcome as well ... whatever... nothing to lose at this point in my opinion.
  11. I would pay to see that. That would be a whole lot of mean :-P.
  12. As long as playoff rules are looser than regular season rules, relying on big brother to keep things fair will not work. I agree with Weave.
  13. We traded him to BOS /!?! I hope we got Thomas or Rassk!
  14. Brazil called, to defend their namesake... more than the Sabres did ...
  15. I don't know if anybody has said it on here yet, but what if the Sabres don't like Miller? What if they really don't like the guy. From the outside looking in, he doesn't seem to be the most fun kinda guy. I am just throwing it out there. It is all conjecture I know ... but I'd be much more willing to put my pretty face / life / money on the line for a guy I like and respect.
  16. Yeh that's what I want to know. Our next meeting with Boston better be hard fought. I can't watch another mess like last night. I'm still depressed over it.
  17. Hit the nail on the head .... what the hell is the answer? :-(
  18. Who's to say this ISN'T what Miller said, in the locker room between periods 2 and 3. I thought it was really odd when I saw Enroth come out to play net in the third. If Miller was truly injured then why was he still in the net for the second period? I had a couple friends over watching the game with me and as soon as I saw Enroth I had two thoughts of what had possibly happened: 1. He was hurt 2. He went emo on the team in the locker room for not only not getting any retribution for the hit, but then hanging him out to dry in the second period on those 2 goals.
  19. Wow .... too much man crush in this thread. I hate Lucic ... would be sickened if he was brought to the Sabres. Is it too much to ask for a guy who can be the most violent, angry, hard-hitting prick, but only to people like Lucic who take runs at goaltenders or take cheapshots? Does that player exist?
  20. Under 10 minutes ?!?! But awkward pharmacy sex happened!
  21. Well, that whole scene wreaked of "We need to put a zombie in this episode SOMEHOW ... Oooo here we go."
  22. Walker in a well - excellent. Sending a guy into a well to tie a rope around a walker in a well - simply ridiculous. Searching for a little girl lost in the woods during a zombie apocalypse for 4 (I think?) episodes - Zzzzzzzz. Pregnancy test positive cliff hanger - Zzzzzzzzz.
  23. I think the depiction of the kids in the TV series is disappointingly unrealistic compared to the depiction of kids in the comic. In a zombie apocalypse, I believe kids would need to grow up a lot quicker (much like they did in the past). Anybody trying to shield his or her child from atrocities and "not for kid's eyes" as they are doing with Carl would end up as zombie bait in my opinion. I really hope the TV group finds a way to portray this better.
  24. Ahh.. good call. I had completely forgotten about the assholde who cut off his hand to get out of the cuffs. I agree with your "guesses"... let's see :-).
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