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Everything posted by DumbPuck

  1. Bet you wish you were Tappen that! .... Ugh ... is it Sunday yet?
  2. I hope it's just that, a rumor. I had never heard of Stoll before but he doesn't look that great on paper since looking up his stats.
  3. Damn... Ruff's coaching is getting through to him quicker than anticipated.
  4. My heart goes out to all the families involved. I hugged my son extra hard when I came home today and admittedly teared up while listening to details of the shooting on NPR. I'm still wrangling with all of this in my head. At first I was finally ready to admit that I think it is time to crack down and amp up US gun control law. But, there is something that bothers me more: Are Americans in denial regarding the importance of mental health? I'm no doctor, therapist, or psychologist but I've got to believe that these tragedies could be averted via extensive research of the human brain and our mental states. There were Americans with guns twenty years ago and this stuff didn't happen. It seems to have started with my generation. Do we not take psychological health seriously enough?
  5. So.. this is extreme thinking for the future. But I wonder if newborn babies are immune to the zombie virus. CDC guy said "we're all infected" but that doesn't mean we can assume that the disease can go from mother to child (even though most diseases can I suppose). Interesting thought anyways. In the comics both Lori and the baby die at the same time so this is a bit off course from the comics. So has most everything thus far though I suppose. How the F is a baby going to survive in this world though?!?
  6. No... it's the hot blondes!
  7. Don't a lot of hunters consider pistol-hunting unsportsmanlike and cruel? I'm not arguing against your capability, but I thought I remember some of my old shotgun, deer-hunting friends being riled up by pistol hunters who wound an animal but fail to finish the job quickly and cleanly. Anyways, I think this has gotten off-topic.
  8. You watch too much TV / Walking Dead. Pistol is one of the worst weapons for killing zombies as you need a perfect shot in order to do enough damage to the correct portion of the brain / spinal column and stop their advance. Duh...
  9. Gerbe is a natural center... so says NHL.com.
  10. You may not want to watch anymore. I don't find Michonne to be too unbelievable actually. You do know there are tons of crazy people around this country right now planning and training for the sociopolitical collapse of this country right? I would go so far as to say some are even prepping for a zombie apocalypse. I don't find it to unbelievable that there might be a chick who knows exactly how to combat zombies and she ends up being completely right when said zombie apocalypse actually occurs.
  11. Wow ... that was a must win game err must see episode.
  12. Oooo my favorite stat! I think Stafford has about 50 CGs so far this year (Coulda Goals).
  13. This is gold LOL.
  14. This is a good point. WHo the hell will center that shutdown line now? I almost feel like I could see Boyes being thrown down to that line and centering again like the tail end of last season before I could see them throwing Roy, Ennis, Leino, or "the new guy" there. I have no idea though.
  15. Nathan Gerbe 2010-2011.....
  16. Rick is badass, I concur.
  17. I think this is minimzed by having Gerbe on the left wing on his line. You want to kill Ennis' entry route? Fine, but Gerbe can do it all day too if you're going to double up on Ennis. EDIT: And actually now that I think of it Stafford is pretty decent at zone entry too. That line is pretty dangerous as far as zone entry goes... the problem (if they have one) is finishing. And that's primarily just stafford.
  18. I may not buy into Liger's "millenial" posts at face value as I have not performed the research necessary to know whether he is posting valid scientific fact and / or theory or just pure garbage. But I will admit that all of the Boomer-era folks who have responded along the lines of "Ahhh ya silly kiddo and your theories ha ha ha" brings to mind mental images of "older-generation" folks telling Darwin he was nuts while he was doing his research on birds in the Galapagos Islands. Or the same type of people laughing when theories arose that the Earth was actually round[ish] rather than flat.
  19. Perhaps Liger is Big Endian and your statement was encoded using Little Endian.
  20. Some fun facts about Drew's Hat Tricks last year. Here's the result of the Stafford hat trick games that IF they don't count: Dec. 15 - Vs Boston - 2-0 BOS (a -2 point swing) Jan. 1 - Vs Boston - 6-3 BOS (a -2 point swing) Feb. 8 - Vs Tampa Bay - 4-4 (a possible -2 point swing) Feb. 13 - Vs New York Isl. - 6-3 NYI (a 0 point swing as this was a loss anyway) Oh yeah and we missed the playoffs because his hat tricks didn't happen. I'm not defending Drew Stafford, but it is silly to ignore his goals.
  21. That's actually the one gripe I had about the play in which Gerbe got boarded. Before the hit he turns and sees the attacker coming towards him but chooses to turn his back rather than get away ... it was odd.
  22. Perhaps the Skyrim Bacon-Imbued Dragon Helm Sizzle posted in GDT?
  23. Wow first time I got to see the video on this one. I find it odd that five seconds before Malkin takes an elbow swing at Giroux, Giroux seems to LAND an elbow to Malkin's upper-body. The video is kinda choppy but why are people only talking about the Malkin near-hit and not the Giroux swing that started it?
  24. Yeh, it probably happened while Rick was making his three million prayers in that zombie-infested church with his thumb up his ass.
  25. Unfortunately, the preview you saw was for the second half of season two which won't air until February. I agree though, nice touch with the Sophia in the barn trick. We called it two or three episodes ago though :-P. As for another one of my gripes, the kids still being kids in a world where kids need to be grownups, is finally being tackled. I like how Carl is growing up almost instantaneously as of the shooting. Now we just need mommy to die off so she can't coddle him anymore. How the F**** would they survive a pregnancy / birth in this world anyway? Baby wakes up screaming for the teet at 3am ... I'm sorry but there's no fixing noisy.
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