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Everything posted by TgeekB

  1. Agree. I’m personally against building a team around one player. Build a team.
  2. Incorrect so listen closer. Ive not blamed Eichel, only pointed out, truthfully, that they’ve done nothing (over multiple seasons) with him. If you want to continue down that road, so be it. I’m bringing up an alternative. Change is difficult but often necessary.
  3. Ahh, the troll word. Used when a new member comes to a board with regulars who don’t like a different perspective, right? Again, reality is reality. We all want them to succeed. We may differ on how to get there but we’re just fans, not NHL GM’s. Reacting with “troll” or “not making sense” implies you’re not able to have a lively discussion with different opinions.
  4. Oh well. Outclassed by quite a bit. It will take time for some of the young talent to mature. Next year won’t be too much better but perhaps close to making playoffs? Only time will tell.
  5. And still waiting. Nothing personal but you keep deflecting. I’m not saying I’m right or trying argue but facts are facts.
  6. Not at all. If we want more of what we’ve had, we can continue in the same direction. I just think it’s time for a change.
  7. Still waiting....
  8. Perhaps you can tell me what we’ve accomplished with him. I’llsit back and listen to the excuses. 😉
  9. So if most of you are over 60, you’ve seen better. We’ve had teams without an Eichel that were better.
  10. I know I’m new here, and I’m not sure what the average age on here is, but just for perspective I’ve been a fan since 1970. I’ve seen every Sabre. Some players are excellent but don’t fit the team. I think we can get more for him than what we accomplish with him. To me, I keep Reinhardt before I keep Eichel. I know he’s loved by many on here but just food for thought.
  11. MVP voting doesn’t help us in the standings. I’m looking at results.
  12. I’m not saying Eichel isn’t good or doesn’t have skill, it just seems like it’s always the “system”. I’d rather get something for him and build off the young players.
  13. I wish I believed this.
  14. Started drinking early today?
  15. They are not engaged in the game at all. No hitting, passing is putrid. Goaltending? LOL.
  16. I'm having a root canal.
  17. I feel sorry for the younger players who are being let down by the veterans. They deserve better leadership.
  18. This team is an embarrassment. Ownership should be, but isn't, ashamed of what they have created. I've been watching the Sabres since 1970 and have never experienced anything like this.
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