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mphs mike

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Everything posted by mphs mike

  1. An example was last night - the two goals they gave up at end 2d, start 3d would have led to an avalanche and loss in prior years. Here, they bucked up, steadied themselves and won against a good team on the road.
  2. He also believed in rolling out Smith, Potvin, Bossy, Trottier, Gillies, Goring, etc
  3. There are definitely worse ways to earn a living
  4. I think locking up your players early is a combination of analytics AND bringing the players up in your system. Developing players in your own farm system helps understand locker room fit, work ethic, etc. This team has, in my opinion, been trending in a positive direction since Adams/Granato got their respective positions. Let's hope it continues.
  5. Godspeed, my avatar
  6. I was in Buffalo in August and the Ted's on Chippewa was closed, likely for good rather than "the season".
  7. Once upon a time we were missing a fax machine coordinator. Maybe the franchise really is looking up!
  8. I think he'll be named captain and a good choice. Likely leaves the position open upon his retirement in two years and gives the opportunity to spend two more years determining the next, likely longer term, captain.
  9. Like Roy Hobbs’ bat
  10. Robert!, Rene Robert !!! I can still hear the call
  11. I agree about 1980, but there was also the 75-76 team. They should have beaten the Isles then, but giving up the GWG with seconds left in game5 was a killer.
  12. Couldn't have said it better myself, especially Ted and the lady from Eden getting a souveneir. It simply reminds me I'm not a 10 year old listening to the transistor radio in bed as a west coast game starts against the golden seals!
  13. I'll still always think of Park as a Ranger
  14. I was old enough to go to games and remember the championship, but young enough not to understand the farm system. I think my thoughts we - just because we’re changing our name doesn’t mean we should get rid of out best players
  15. It took me several years to figure it out😳
  16. Ted always knew the hometown of a fan catching a puck that went over the glass!😀
  17. I remember my disappointment that Trottier and Villamuere wouldn't play for Buffalo the following season!
  18. Guy LaFleur was in his class as a goal scorer (IMO)
  19. Godspeed to Mike and the Bossy family.
  20. I'm sure this was limited to NHL lines, but the KML line from the Red Army deserves mention of all time greats
  21. What size rink will the Olympics be played on? European or North American?
  22. Wow, just wow. Dahlin may be Phil housley, the player when he’s done. It’s time for him to show something steady inside his own blue line
  23. Do not take if you're allergic to this medication
  24. I've always loved the U20 and U18 worlds
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