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Everything posted by phSabres84

  1. The game is on a tape delay...on at like 11:00 or 11:30 tonight
  2. phSabres84

    Center Ice

    Does anyone have any knowledge as to why the content of NHL Center Ice Package varies so greatly depending on which provider you have. The NHL CI I get from Verizon FIOS just absolutely sucks. DirecTV, based on glancing at their schedule, seems to have the best coverage (feed choice wise). It is really frustrating. Everyone pays the same money, the league should be responsible for making sure the value is of equal value. Thanks for your help
  3. Anyone know if the game is online - I'm traveling for work and have no CI - Help!!!
  4. It a shame he didn't show any during the first 60 friggin mins
  5. This here ought to tighten your colon... Bettman opens old wounds!!!
  6. They don't skate hard enough in the games to worry about injuries...hence they are the two most boring sporting events on TV! I realize I am probably in a very small minority, but I cannot watch this whole All-Star week mess!
  7. That was a clean hip check!!
  8. First three game losing streak after tomorrrow!!!
  9. Yeah that cracked me up too!!
  10. A vast improvement over the FSN crew that work the Islanders games :wallbash:
  11. Anyone know if the game is Versus exclusive, or do I have to listen to the idiots from the Islanders broadcast booth this afternoon?
  12. Am I then safe to assume you have written off the upcoming game @ NJ! We haven't won in their building in years I think. Yes the Sabres have a habit of losing to the teams that they shouldn't! Poor preparation on their part. Not exactly the makings of a Cup calibre team
  13. Nobody is predicting a doomday scenario, but I've read a ton of excuses why this team lost, and not just last night. These range from poor ice, to, oh the refs are biased against us. :wallbash: :doh: :cry: My point was and remains that the record of this team is not an accurate reflection of this teams level of play, especially of late! If they don't level the ship there is going to be a huge sucking sound in western ny. A win may be a win in the columns of the newspaper, but it does not always accurately reflect the play on the ice. Last year was last year and has no relevence to this season! I am not overreacting, simply indicating a symptom of a festering disease that appears to be growing!
  14. This is hardly the first bad game! It is the latest!... remember that this team has lucked out in many of their wins. There was several that they won and didn't deserve the win!
  15. How can anyone not be fed up with his nightly display of :censored: nothing...He brings absolutely nothing to the table...At this point I don't think he is even trade bait. All the scouts are nightly witnessess to him phoning in the games. Get off the :censored: bus once this season Al!! :wallbash: Florida and Washington were very beatable teams as well...didn't help much! NJ and Montreal are much better teams ! :wallbash:
  16. Here comes the first string of :oops: losses... the road trip ends 1-4 :wallbash: So now all that is left tonight is the :beer:
  17. The speed has taken them as far as it can...now the lack of talent and any other skill shines through... This will be a QUICK first round exit!
  18. And I also did read in one of the various reviews, I think on Buffalo News, that Marty is getting the pipes tonight! Also Lindy to miss tonights game - back in Buffalo for a doctor's appointment with his daughter
  19. When I looked at the review of the game on the Sabres homepage they didn't have TV listed only radio feed. I checked MSG and they are listing it - so apparently GAME ON!!!!
  20. No TV again? What is up with that?
  21. I can't stand listening to the jacka**** on NESN anymore!! I've muted the TV and am now listening to the radio feed from Buffalo and watching the game.
  22. Teppo SCORES!!!!!!!
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