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Everything posted by LTS

  1. Society has been trained to look at what's wrong. To point out the negatives, especially in others. We're believe our lives are incomplete unless there's some level of misery to it. It's ingrained in humanity. There are many theories that Utopia would destroy humanity. Some of society certainly look at the negatives even more and I dare say the Internet and subsequent tools to expose us to even wider sets of beliefs has certain enforced the misery complex. It's only natural there are people here who would fit the bill and trend towards more negative tendencies. The team still makes mistakes but it's generally been said that this years team focusing more on offense and scoring than defense and I think its shown. It's a game plan by design. The team has to learn to balance the two but I think it's far easier to play shutdown hockey than it is to score goals. So, I am happy they learned the creativity of offense. Now, if they can incorporate the defensive side of the game we may feel that the goaltending is not as bad as it seems. I'm not saying its great by any means.
  2. Choosing to support something or choosing not to support something is the right of each individual. The issue is when one person takes action that would diminish the quality of life of another because of what they believe or how they choose to act. We should all be afforded the freedom to believe what ever we want, however misguided or ignorant someone else may see it. We should all also be afforded the opportunity to live our lives how we want when those actions do not harm others. We need to be thicker in our own skins and learn to ignore those who may speak against what we believe; at least if those people speaking are not interested in intelligent discourse. To wear a jersey or not it not going to harm a person on this Earth despite what people may infer. If someone who supports the LGBTQ+ lifestyle takes offense then so be it. If someone who does not support the community takes offense that the Sabres organization chooses to have Pride Night, then so be it. Taking offense at something is the action of the one offended. They have chosen to lend validity to the actions or words of another that have not caused them harm. The "so called" mental harm people feel is nothing more than their distress at someone not acting in accordance with the way they believe life should play out. No one HAS to be any particular way in life so long as they are not going to harm or impede others. Let's move on such petty trash where we spend so much time looking for what's wrong in the world we forget to look at what's right.
  3. I'm going... simply because I've never had the chance to do so before. I've listened to some of the new songs and I like them.
  4. The VPN will work until ESPN gets the IP address of the VPN endpoint and blocks it. I presume ESPN is actually using one of the common security services that categorizes URLs and IPs and simply blocks requests coming from any IP that ends up in the VPN category. I can do that with my firewall.
  5. The guy who has to wash the dishes does not agree.
  6. Missed the Caps and Flyers game due to work travel... I'll 50/50 today's game simultaneously watching F1... I hope they give me a reason to tune in fully to the game versus the race...
  7. What I notice most about Quinn is that he will use his body. Last night he stood up a Leafs player on the rush in the neutral zone. I'll probably take his offensive skills for granted, but his willingness to step up in open ice and use his body tells me he has the willingness to do what is needed around the net. He's going to be very good.... hell, he might already be very good.
  8. They've played a much stronger defensive game since giving up 10.. no goaltender would have bailed them out the way they were playing before. Krebs was responsible for the Matthews goal though. He pinched while Dahlin was in the zone, then skated hard to get back, then coasted again and left Matthews alone. Overall they are playing more physical, more engaged and at a higher pace. I still think bigger teams will give them troubles though. The Leafs aren't that great either. Their defense continues to be suspect. Lovely game though... right now this team is going where it needs to go for me to stay happy.
  9. I think it deflected of his stick. I've had that happen before. I was rushing the point and deflected a slap shot right into my throat. Thankfully it hit slightly lower and off center a bit to hit the collarbone area right at the base. It was odd because in theory the shoulder pads would protect him but it might have hit between the chest pad and the shoulder pad.. sometimes the damn pucks just miss the pads.
  10. Is that where it hit him? I thought it hit him in the shoulder.. Or are we not referring to the same moment?
  11. Put both hands on the stick and go to work. NOTE: I felt, because it was you making the comment, that I had to reply as such. 🙂
  12. It's not just the D.. it's everything about how all 5 players cover the defensive zone. The Sabres are monumentally bad at defensive zone coverage and there's I believe it's as much the system as it is the players.
  13. Hah.. well how about that. This month they upped my regional sports fee as well. So I guess I am now at the same rate. Going to be putting my subscription on hold for awhile while I determine what I want to do.
  14. What did that bring your bill to? I think I am still grandfathered under the deal I signed.. something I might have to consider... although they allow you to pause your subscription for up to 6 months so perhaps that won't impact me.
  15. Deliberate is subjective.. and that's the problem. The rule needs to be revised to remove as much subjectivity from it as possible.
  16. They needed him to help fill the 5,000th seat and insure a sellout.
  17. He was referencing how Cozens looked like a running back. I believe that is common parlance in that situation.
  18. I shut the game off the moment they called that a good goal. I'm 70/30 on canceling Fubo and saying FU to the NHL. I didn't even wade through the GDT because I know if I did I would only get completely bent out of shape. Everything about the play was deliberate... I hope Sabres STHs keep in mind how Toronto screws them when they decide to sell their tickets to Leafs fans.
  19. Curious.. what do they show on the TVs inside the arena during an ESPN+ broadcast? Also... Thanks for opening a new thread. This conversation could end up very beneficial for me if there is a way we can partner to bring it into our service lineup where I work.
  20. Okay. Sorry, I was out of date on my information or perhaps what I have was referring only to linear television. It was not my intention to deceive anyone. However, to make everyone feel better. I am going to find out the information because I actually need someone on my team (at work) to be aware if there is a streaming option that does not require a satellite dish. While not a primary focus of my product team we are focused on delivering business solutions that business internet service providers would deliver. This is why I was making the statement. This information is on the Joe Hand site.. leading me to believe it ain't the most straightforward "streaming" option.
  21. It's the same company.. just rebroadcasting ESPN+. Being on Hulu is just a way to cross-promote to those who don't have the Disney bundle. Not sure if they broadcast the postgame. And it should be said that it's Hulu and NOT Hulu Live that has the game. Hulu Live is the linear broadcasting arm of Hulu (aka, cable competitor). It's just the ESPN+ stream.. via Hulu. Likely linking to the same streaming source. It is. There's no avoiding the insane expense. People believe Spectrum to be cheaper. Spectrum will offer it's $49.99 intro offer.. and in the fine print is the $21.99 broadcast fee surcharge (for bringing you the local stations) and if you want a box it's another $8.99 minimum. Bottom line, there's no shortcutting the costs of TV. The licensors of the content all want their money and the cable, linear streaming, and satellite companies are at their mercy. The changing dynamic now is that the licensors of the content (aka MSG) are bypassing the cable companies, etc. Their new product, while expensive for what it is, will offer a price point for people, like me, who don't watch anything else on TV that I need Fubo or Spectrum for.
  22. It's out of their hands I believe. There are absolutely zero streaming services that are licensed for use within a business, let alone a the restaurant bar scenario (different license than normal business). This is on the NHL for allowing ESPN+ to be the sole avenue of broadcast. The businesses would be criminally liable if they were to use a residential streaming service in a business. It's a long shot of getting caught, but it could happen.
  23. The entire presser to me boiled down to a single word.. unleashed. He used the word. To me that indicated exactly what was happening to him in Minnesota. I think he'll be given the leeway to play his game and I think that will fit with the Sabres. As for not being around in the 3rd as much. Shortening of the benches leads to that and you want the guys who click out there when you need a goal. I read nothing into it.
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