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Everything posted by LTS

  1. First, I am glad your nephew is getting help. I have a niece going through similar situations. Second... there's perceived pressure on kids. Having watched and still watching my two kids navigate teen age life I can firmly say that they are subjected to levels of ***** I never thought possible. They are told they have to feel a certain way, or not to do something, or any number of things. Not just social media, but all of the Internet is like this. The problem is they don't know that it's all meaningless. I watched my then 14 year old child talk to me about a situation among friends where the dialogue was basically them quoting mental health sites from the Internet. They were diagnosing each other without any wisdom. Then, add in the fact that some social media influencer or something claims to be suffering from some self-diagnosed psychological issue (yes, I said self-diagnosed) and then they all believe they have it too. It's like looking up skin rash and thinking you have cancer. Why are kids strung out? Because they are exposed to far too much crap and lack mental capacity to properly position it. For them it's the end of the world, for those of us with more experience, it's just annoying. Oh, and all media basically has the same tone to it. You're either going to die, there's a conspiracy, or you're an imbecile and waste of life because "I'm a <insert something>, and here's why you are a moron for not doing something." or "Or <insert something> just happened, and I just can't" Headlines are more egregious than ever and all of them either tell people they can't deal with things or if they have a different opinion they are idiots. Tack on the fact that schools don't teach critical thinking, they teach rote memorization and you end up with a group that can't think, they can only react.
  2. Most of the time I will just stop and let people walk into me. Some of the time I will continue and walk into them providing them with a nice shoulder check. Infrequently I will move to accommodate their path. If they are on their phone it's most assuredly going to be more than a shoulder check. This is what I loved about the subway in Stockholm. Crowded as all get out and yet no one seemed to ever walk into each other or even make contact. It can be done!
  3. True.. but $18 beers also help. The PSL is only so much of it. $85 parking? 🙂
  4. At some point we have to traverse out of the observable space. 3D is our current limitation of observation. Science keeps coming across unexplainable impacts to the known models and that's what is so great about things. We keep pushing those boundaries at a record pace looking for why a reaction is being observed. The key is knowing that something is acting upon something else even if you can't see it or measure it. Came across this today: https://www.livescience.com/physics-mathematics/wobbling-muon-experiment-could-reveal-a-5th-force-of-nature-if-the-results-hold-up I believe in more than 3D.. just can't wait for it to be proven.
  5. Every UFO is a UFO until it's explained. One night on a New Hampshire beach I saw a collection of seven light points that were moving out over the ocean. They all acted like they were "attached" almost as if you put lights on a bubble of sorts that was constantly changing shape. So the lights all moved relative to each other but not necessarily in straight lines. It was 100% a UFO. Or, as the news had later explained it. A collection of some kind of gas that had formed off a something or other oil station and was interacting with the atmosphere. I dunno, it was a long time ago. It was freaky when I saw it though! More to follow.... I firmly believe the Universe as we know it is not necessarily the only Universe that exists. We can only see as far as the light that had made it to this planet over the period of time in which we have had to observe it. As such, each the day Universe(s)? appear bigger because more light will have made it to a location where we can observe it. Additionally, we build technology that allows us to see further out into the cosmos to see light sooner. Time travel is an interesting concept. Your concept on technology is flawed, I believe. Let's use sound as a relative example because it's easy for us to comprehend. We know thunder is the byproduct of lightning. However, the distance it takes sound to travel means that the lightning strike that created the sound occurred in the past relative to when we hear it. We don't question if the lightning occurred because we saw the flash (that was instant due to the speed of light). Now scale out to distances where the speed of light comes into play. Thus light years. When we observe a light event from an object 1 light year away we are seeing the past. It's in our present, but the occurrence of what we are observing did in fact occur in the past. Naturally if we wanted to observe the phenomena as it occurred then you would have to travel back in time. I think the concept of time itself is the problem when thinking about time travel. But what you are describing would not require time travel. It would merely be the need to traverse a distance that we measure by using a means that ignores that distance. If you study quantum entanglement and see that entangles particles can instantly communicate over a distance that is beyond the speed of light you begin to scratch the surface of the problem. The other constraint we currently have is that we have not yet proven that something can travel faster than light. But, light moves in the third dimension. So, if you consider the possibility of tapping the fourth dimension you are collapsing the distance between two points. Similar to drawing a line on a piece of paper.. in the 2D world the only way to get to the other end of the line is to move along it. But, if you fold the paper the ends of the 2D line are now brought next to each other and you can jump to them through 3D space. If you were constrained to 2D you would still have to follow the line even though in 3D we can see it has been folded. If you can move into a 4D space then in theory you would be able to move to a new 3D point faster because you would be outside of the 3D constraints. Quantum physics is a fascinating (and brain pounding) science. I think it will be maybe 20-30 years before there is an insane quantum breakthrough (given the current accelerating pace of scientific discovery on this planet). It will change everything. I am not a quantum anything. I just read the theories. https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2017/07/12/first-particle-successfully-quantum-teleported-into-space-are-transporters-next/?sh=18a8ea6596e5 A well explained example of using quantum teleportation that actually has reference to Star Trek's Teleporter. The concept that the ability to create a copy of quantum particle information states and replicate them over distances instantaneously. Theoretically creating an exact copy of the original particle in a new location. The natural follow up to that is that you now have two identical particles in the Universe. If you expand that a replication of an entire person (we are all quantum particles) then you would have an exact replica of that person (at that instant of time). They would begin to immediately diverge because they would be in two locations experiencing different things. So, the concept extends that to prevent that from happening you would need to destroy the source as the new person were being created. Anyway.. quantum teleportation is real. Just not at scale, known to humans. It could very well be known to other species which would allow them to travel great distances. By the way, an atom is not the smallest particle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subatomic_particle
  6. The only ones on the hook for paying the bill are the people who want to go to the game. I know it's not easy but frankly if you provide me a quote to build something for X cost an then you tell me you'll need Y more.. I'd tell you to stuff it. Take a hit on your margin and get better at your job. An extra $300M.. that's just laughable. I guess someone forgot that the cost of condos in Miami have gone up so the vacations for those who agreed to this deal went up in cost. (ooooh yeah, I'm snarky on that)
  7. It's good to call out. I don't recall if I suggested Spectrum Choice for locals (Bills games) and then MSG+ for Sabres games in my original statement. It makes sense that RSNs are not included in the choice. Sports channels are the most expensive channels to have in a package. Naturally because they have to pay licensing fees to the sports leagues who have to pay athletes insane amounts of money. I'm not paying for Spectrum choice either.. not with an $18 broadcast surcharge. The local antenna or the local bar is the way to go. 🙂
  8. Or they may have fine cognitive skills but acting like debit cards and everything else have been around their entire lifetime is being obtuse. We're not there yet as a society, as surprising as it may be. Also, don't get in line behind someone who is older if you want to avoid the chance that something might happen. It seems like one could easily avoid the problem by getting in a different line.
  9. The sound sync issue, I believe, is caused by the main camera being delayed while the alternate angle cameras are live. I'm not sure if that's to accommodate out of town broadcasts that use announcers that are at home or what. I don't believe its only MSG that has that issue. A full cost/benefit analysis. Well, I am much older and I have done the cost benefit analysis. When we spoke about Spectrum Choice where you could pick 15 cable channels as part of the package it gets really hard for some people to pick 15. I would have that issue. I haven't had a live TV service in my house since April and I have not missed it one bit. Come October I will have MSG+.. because $30 per month is cheaper than $90 per month for Fubo which is what I had to have in the past to get MSG. Well, that or Spectrum, but no thanks on Spectrum. Sure I got ESPN on Fubo.. but not TNT, so I was missing those games as well. My cost/benefit analysis says that paying $90 per month on the off-chance I am inclined to watch another station is not the best choice. Max recently announced they have the ability to stream live events and it is suspected they will be in talks to carry sports programming in their packages. ESPN+ is the best way to watch hockey, if you are not in market. I wish I was not in market. MSG+ will appeal to many many many NYC area residents simply because of all the teams that are covered. I don't think they will suffer like the RSNs who are covering one to two sports over a wider area. But the market will shift into a la carte first.. then the fluff stations (not those fluff stations Inkman) will fall by the way side.. and then it will cycle back into a conglomeration of streaming packages because people won't like a la carte pricing.
  10. Let me expand. The Sabres signed Clifton at $3.3M. I would imagine Dumba was looking for a longer term and or higher AAV and the Sabres felt Clifton was a better value for the roster. Clearly Dumba did not get signed to a long term deal by ANY team. That's my supporting evidence. Pivot to the Sabres could sign him for 1 year. Yes, possible. But, they brought in Johnson for leadership and 3rd line/ 7th defense positioning. Bringing in Dumba for the year pushes someone else out of the lineup for short term gain. Signing Dumba while Jokiharju and Lyubushkin are on the roster also decreases their trade value as other teams know the Sabres have to move someone. To me, it makes more sense to let Dumba sign in Arizona and then try and trade for him if you need him versus putting him on the roster now and having to deal with the number of contracts and roster size. Basically, Dumba was not a roster focus the moment Clifton became the person signed. But, if they need him later in the year they could trade for him.
  11. You can't fault them. It's the local channels that are causing the fee. I wish Spectrum could drop them. They've become a huge problem around the country because they keep raising their fees. They do this because they don't make much money because no one cares about the news. Honestly, what is the point of a local channel in today's world? How much local programming exists in any given day? The news, and that's about it. They get some syndication spots and they get to pull some local ad slots during nationally broadcast television. Most people already know what's happening in their local news because it's on social media. The entire industry is about to get beat down just as the music industry did with streaming. That it's held out this long is amazing to me. Young people simply do not care for television (or the movies).. and they are the only demographic that grows... all the others just shift or decline.
  12. Definitely. My guess is Dumba was looking for a high-value, long term contract and didn't get any takers. He then reverted to looking for a single year contract with whomever would pay him the most to be a rental and likely not be a team to make the playoffs. Basically, Dumba set himself up to be traded to a playoff team at the deadline and Arizona will get a pick. Buffalo doesn't fit into those categories... now, could they trade for him? Certainly.
  13. I don't even know what cable boxes are these days.. $11? DVR is another $15? The broadcast surcharge is the biggest POS though. Up to $18 because Spectrum has to pay the local TV carriers. Local TV needs to die. And land line? ooof.. yeah, that'll do it. I only have Internet with Spectrum, it's the only option I have at my location. Unfortunately. You can buy MSG+ for Sabres games. That is a change. Other than that, no real differences that I can think of.
  14. I'm curious how you get to $250/month if you don't watch a lot of TV. You'd have to have all the movie channels, etc. wouldn't you? I would say the "cheapest" way to watch the Sabres (MSG only) and Bills (local only) would be an HD antenna (Bills) and the MSG+ package (Sabres). The next cheapest option would be Spectrum TV Choice if they still offer it and then MSG+. If you want a single service for both then Fubo is the only option other than Spectrum.
  15. This would be my viewpoint, if you intend on completing the 4 year degree in 4 years. My son's college costs are insane. There's no way he would be able to pay for college by himself without a loan. There's very little chance I could pay for it without a loan. However, if you were to go after the degree part time I think it is quite doable to get through it without a loan. I advocated for this for my son.. work and go to school part time. Get a degree in 6 years and be debt free. I think trying to work enough hours and go to school full time and avoid a loan would be difficult. At least this year I hope he gets a job while in school to help pay down the loans he'll have to take.
  16. Welcome to BEAD in the United States. Although I will say, oil companies in the middle of nowhere Texas will pay significant amounts of money to get internet connectivity. I deal with it all the time. Not much different than footing the bill to run copper all over the place.. it's finally time for fiber.
  17. Not many bright spots for the Bruins franchise (from my point of view) but Bergeron is certainly one of them and potentially the brightest. Always respected him and how he played the game. A great career. And as Sabres fan.. grateful he's no longer there 🙂
  18. You shouldn't really notice the difference. Unless a programmer is creating a different broadcast just for streaming they all conform to the ATSC standard for their output: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATSC_standards This only supports 1080i and 720p. After that you are dependent upon the devices receiving the digital transmission and how good its upscaling chipset/algorithm is. Generally speaking computers do not even bother because they expect you to be using monitors that are a set resolution. Televisions have to support various resolutions and so have better chipsets. Of course with satellite or cable the set-top box might also upscale which then negates your TVs upscaling (if the STB outputs 4k then the TV doesn't engage the upscaling). All kinds of fun in there. It's why ATSC 3.0 has such hype.. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATSC_3.0 It supports closer to the standards of today and things like Netflix and Disney+ enjoy. 4k, HDR, etc. I think $29.99 per month is steep, but Fubo is $89.99 and I only really watched the Sabres. So it's cheaper overall. ESPN will have a stand alone service soon as well. No set price yet, but they'll likely see a lot of subs. The days of bundled TV are just about over. Everyone wanted a la carte and now they are going to get it.
  19. Certainly. But sadly even pay sites have the issue. Frankly I attribute it to three primary reasons. 1. News sites, content creators, you name it, are in a race to get something published first. 2. The quality of editors has decreased dramatically as people are just not as interested in doing good work these days. 3. The quality demanded by people has also decreased because the same people who do lower quality work are also the audience that don't care enough to demand better. It's a race to the bottom unfortunately. Probably straying further off-topic here. Certainly exceptions to the above.
  20. I wasn't speaking of grammatical errors but more to what is "quality content". But, given the absolute horrendous grammar I see coming out of top notch news sites these days I am not so certain your last sentence holds true. Professional SHOULD use editors, and if they do, they should clearly use better ones. 🙂
  21. Seattle has 2 years in so far.. they have won, and if it continues then yes, let's say a history of winning. You can look at a two year period of almost any team and say they were building a history of winning and being a winner, until they are not. That's the point I was getting at more than anything. They are playing to win now and in a few years they will have to resort, like every team does, to building a pipeline through the draft. This will be much harder to do if they keep drafting in the lower half of the rounds. I imagine that this is exactly why the NHL has adopted this method of expansion draft. It allows the teams to have an opportunity to be successful out of the gate and cement a fan base before they fall into the inevitable rebuild. As for starting way below Buffalo.. I don't think that's true. They started with players who more established. This puts them further ahead. All in all I would have preferred the Sabres not take so long to figure it out, but now that they have I don't want them to short circuit where they are headed.
  22. Yes, but in order to sell that many tickets you have to have that many seats. No matter what you do, HarborCenter can't sell that many. Harborcenter is not a good place to watch a hockey game.
  23. It's funny that there's a debate on here over what is linked or not linked. There's a good portion of the conversation on this board day in and day out that could be put under the same scrutiny and yet it's allowed all the time. Just because someone gives themselves a name or creates a website doesn't lend any greater credence to what they have to say. The content is what matters and linking to it should never be a problem simply because the commentary on here is just as valid or invalid as any website.
  24. But it's necessity for them because they had no prospect pool. They've been in the league 2 years. The question isn't where they are now, it's where will they be in a few more years if they keep drafting lower in the standings and their FA acquisitions age out. Effectively both Seattle and Vegas entered the league as a team who were at their near peak. They weren't obtaining young players that will sustain a roster. You are looking at these teams in a very narrow window. Yes Vegas won this year, and winning cannot be understated, but they will poised for a drop unless they can trade away their top players.. who all have movement clauses. Seattle has 4 players on their roster 25 or younger. 1 was drafted (Beniers), 1 expansion (C. Fleury), 1 waiver (Tolvanen), 1 UFA (Yamamoto). Their average age is 29.1. And they aren't drafting at the top to build a prospect pool. I'll take what the Sabres are doing right now. It's tough with the years of losing to get to this point, Seattle and Vegas don't have that history.
  25. And that's the problem.. he needs to cover the puck. 😉
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