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Everything posted by LTS

  1. Yeah.. but you get pecans right? I'd rather have pecans than maple seeds and acorns.
  2. Yes. But our society is built like a carousel, up and down, round and round and each second a player is either the GOAT or Him and the next a bust. 🙂
  3. Is that a prequel or a sequel and are we to assume Django is chained in this one? 🙂
  4. It is... IIRC. I think I saw one from last year and the camera angle is juicy. I shall abstain. I do this for my sanity and my sanity alone. 🙂
  5. The owner doesn't play the game. They can't win anything. imagine a player standing on the ice and not skating. "I'm here, playing!. The owner is like, "I gotta win, skate harder!" The player is like, "Nah, bro." You don't get to the point where you make a ton of money as 21 year old unless you embody a mindset of bury your opponent.
  6. I would imagine. Unfortunately for you. but at least you can experience a good arena. Did not watch the game... Sabres win. I watched Wed. night with my kid coming home from college.. they lost. I give up. I will not watch another game until they lose 2 in a row.
  7. It helps that the venue is amazing right? I mean, all accounts and from what I've seen. It's amazing how often your darts hit the bartender and not the board.
  8. You've been here long enough... you should know better 🙂
  9. 100%. They don't like this any more than the fans do. People like to tell themselves that, but it's not true. The difference? They have to play and answer the questions where the angry fans get to just yell from the sidelines.
  10. The best way to spread holiday cheer is singing loud for all to hear. There's a few people here who also believe this applies to misery. It's a nice day out.. I'll hit up some happy hour action.. no predictions on my ability to follow the game once it starts..
  11. Until posting on this forum dies out or only the optimists are left then I know people still care, especially here. I know those who are on here with post after post of their frustrations and lamentations still care... because they are posting. Do I care? Yes. I don't see myself not caring ever. Even if I wanted Granato fired after the game last night.
  12. Funny how this logic works for Berube. I think people apply it to Binnington too as he was brought up at almost the same time. But, if you'd like to apply it to ROR, who has not won a Stanley Cup or been named MVP since and is now on his second team removed from the Blues... it gets debated about just how amazing ROR is. Sigh. At least St. Louis is willing to take action.
  13. Similarly, you get a +1 for scoring a shorthanded goal.
  14. Yes. There are strategic points in time where a player will throw the puck at the goalie where the outcome of a frozen puck is acceptable. Opportunities near commercial breaks where the top line can get back on the ice. Situations where a line change is needed but cannot be facilitated without turning over the puck.
  15. Every jersey has a chip in them.. so all players are playing with a chip, although I don't think it's on their shoulder. 🙂
  16. The Sabres schedule by month: October: 9 games (20 days) November: 14 games December: 15 games January: 11 games February: 11 games March: 15 games April: 7 games (15 days) Ottawa's Schedule: October: 8 games (21 days) November: 9 games (They played in the Global Series) December: 15 games January: 15 games February: 10 games March: 16 games April: 9 games (16 days) The Global Series really takes a toll on the remainder of the schedule and hopefully it means those teams begin to fatigue a bit more. They're almost playing a playoff schedule the last two months.
  17. Yeah, I used quotes on the word.. almost like I was not believing the "lower" part of it. :eyeroll: JFC.. I love dogs. Didn't watch the game, not after getting worked up in the Habs game with every little mistake. I didn't watch the Bills last night either. Well, I turned it on my phone for 1 minute and in that 1 minute Josh Allen threw an INT.. so I shut that down. I'll not watch any more games if it means these teams win.
  18. I haven't seen the Coyotes play but I will assume like many teams with "lower" talent they will play a hard checking, fast paced game... something the Sabres do not handle well. I have low expectations for this game.
  19. I have been out of town for the past few days but my Dad texted me asking if I knew why Howard Simon had taken over Duff's spot... and I realized, Duffer has been missing for a bit. I couldn't find any information.. Does anyone know? Did I just miss something obvious? (Forgive me if they said on the pre-game show.. it's hard to watch the Sabres these days).
  20. No, I am not scared. I said, a lot of people I know won't go, that's not debatable unless you know the people I know. I did not make a mass sweeping statement that "People don't want to go to Rochester." So please do not misquote me. Crime rates, especially homicide had been increasing and peaked in 2021. They have declined in the past two years but it has an impact. Meanwhile, car theft has skyrocketed, especially this year. it doesn't paint a great picture of the city. The problem with Rochester is that it's not built for people to visit. Parking is a pain in the ass. Everything is spread out. The East End used to be a coo place but it's seriously taken a step down. The Browns Race area used to be good, but nothing could stick. Park Ave? All the people who live in the neighborhood park on the street effectively keeping visitors from being able to easily access it. Going to the BCA constitutes driving in, parking in the Civic Center parking garage which then takes forever to get out of. There's little to do around the BCA. What, Dinosaur? It's a closet of a location unfortunately. The crime doesn't help, but it doesn't keep me from going. I do go into NOTA often enough. There are some redeeming spots in South Wedge, but not as much as it used to be. It's cool that you live there and like it, but you are the one who brought up the shoddy attendance of the Knighthawks. The Amerks don't draw much better. I'm merely providing one view point as to why. You can debate against it, but bottom line is that people don't attend those games like they used to. Perhaps my reason isn't the only reason, but among the people I know, it very much is a reason.
  21. Okay. But that doesn't change why people don't want to go to the BCA.
  22. Sure, the longevity of continued misery is his fault. But I blame the coaches and players. It's not that this team lacks talent, it lacks heart. It lacks dedication to succeed. You could go all the way to the top for it, certainly. But the players need to do something about now. Cozens comments are a joke. He's the second biggest cream puff out there. The only bigger one is the smallest 6'4 forward I have ever seen. Alex Tuch can sod off to Syracuse with his unwillingness to finish a check. Granted the whole team is pretty much like that, but he's 6'4... you don't let a 5'11 defenseman hit harder than you. Hell, I'm not even worried about a hard check, just finish the check. The whole team plays poke check hockey... it's gotta stop. Yeah. Easy to get to Nashville, great to pair with a little time off and the arena is amazing.
  23. Genuinely curious, does anyone on here actually get tired of repeating themselves? I don't know how some of you do it. For me it's easier to just not pay attention to the calamity. if the organization doesn't want to put in the effort and energy, why should we?
  24. A lot of people I know don't want to venture into the city any more. I think that plays into it quite a bit. The city has no identity and seems to be getting more and more crime-ridden. I dislike going into the city. I might do it once or twice to go to an Amerks game, but even then it's drive in and drive out.
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