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Everything posted by LTS

  1. If this guy can learn that punching doesn't solve everything... then so can others.
  2. Doesn't matter to me if they want to be here or not. Are they going to pout about it and not perform? Great. There goes that next contract. I think players who get traded will play like professionals and do what needs to be done. Would I prefer a player who was also happy? Absolutely. But I'm not shying away from taking a player who would be unhappy. As it stands, I doubt ANY player would be happy to be traded from a playoff team to a non-playoff team. That's business unfortunately.
  3. They might at some point... but I it's probably tied to the current CBA so they can't up and negotiate it without opening the doors to other negotiations. The only fans that love it are those whose teams use it successfully.
  4. So you're saying he'd refuse to report if traded? Because it's not like he would have a lot of say in the matter other than that.
  5. But you noticeably avoid the part where I mention the team has been criticized for making too many passes. There's just no happy medium for people I suppose. Players with strong shots shoot pucks. There's no point in arguing that point because its true. You just want to critique Thompson for scoring a goal on a power play that had been absolutely atrocious up to that point. What else is there to say? You are actually criticizing a Sabres player for scoring a goal.
  6. Stone will miss precisely enough time to reactivate for the playoffs.. just like last time. The farce of the NHL salary cap continues.
  7. Of course it's about the whole game. But sometimes the leading player on the team just has to take the shot. The Sabres have been often criticized for too many passes and not enough north-south, shoot. As I understand it, the power play to that point had been abysmal so Tage takes the puck and he scores. Ovechkin keeps taking a shot from the same spot too... it works. ----- One thing I did notice was that during the Tampa power play when Buffalo used its timeout you could see the AC diagramming the PK. I wasn't initially sure what he was drawing out as his lines were just outside the Sabres blue line. But it became abundantly clear when Greenway picked off the play and almost scored a shortie. Not too long after that it happened again with Tuch's PK group. Clearly they had picked up on something with Tampa's puck movement. It lends credence that perhaps the coaches know what's up sometimes. 🙂
  8. The better officials do get assigned playoff series and this earn more paychecks I believe. The Tampa call was totally legit. It was a turnover that would have been a 2-1 at least so he tripped the guy. I wouldn't even say it was his fault on the turnover from what I saw. The first Florida call (the only one I saw before I had to leave the house) was just horrendous. I couldn't figure out what they called him for.
  9. The game does change that's the entire point of the conversation. You feel that the violence is needed to make a complete package that you want to watch. Unless I am reading your sentence wrong you are contradicting yourself in your first paragraph. I don't watch NASCAR at all, in case you were referring to my preferences. I was using NASCAR as another example of the violence of sport that keep people entertained. Boxing is a sport that causes all kinds of permanent injuries both physically and mentally. It's a popular sport, why? Because people like watching people beat other people up. It doesn't mean there is no talent or skill in the sport, but ultimately people watch each other beat each other up. I grew up in a very racing friendly home, especially NASCAR. I loved racing and early on I loved the big wrecks because it was carnage. But when you are 10 you don't necessarily have the same understanding that you have when you are 25. As you begun to understand more about what's happening the drivers being seriously injured and even dying takes a toll on you. Now I don't want to see the accidents and every time I do I am always amazed at how technology keeps drivers as safe as it does. At least these days anyway.
  10. Consider your statement. The average shooting percentage of the league is somewhere around 10% right? So, 9 times out of 10, a shot does not enter the net. Presumably that only counts the shots that count as actual shots on goal and not shot attempts. Add in shot attempts and the percentage of goals based on shot attempts goes down further. Why do I bring this up? You are taking a negative approach to a player scoring a goal. Your reasoning is that most of the time it does not go in. This is true for every player in the league. So why is it any more negative for Tage Thompson? You also point out "off target" shots. You well know that players shoot at small sections of the net and in by reducing their shooting area from 4x6 to something much smaller the chance of hitting that spot is greatly reduced. Yet you bash Tage for it again. Just something to consider with your personal approach to the team. Is it hard to believe others could be happy with a win against Tampa? Regardless of how they've been playing they do have the league's leading scorer. I'm not saying change anything about how you feel, just consider that others might be happy that Tage Thompson put the puck in the net.
  11. Woke up to shining sun and blue skies. It may still be cold, but.. I woke up. It was sunny. It will get warmer. It may not sound like much and but the first one sets the bar pretty high to begin with and the other two only raise it a bit more.
  12. Well, that's certainly an opinion and certainly not an uncommon one at that. Similar to people who watch football to see big hits, or boxing, or MMA, or NASCAR to see crashes. There is a certain contingent of society that loves watching people destroy each other. This has existed for far longer than professional sports, that's for certain. I think it speaks to an inherent nature of of a segment of humanity to want to destroy itself. Almost as if we regret gaining intelligence and as penance we choose to destroy that which differentiates us from other animals. While I love hits in hockey, I don't love head injuries. I don't watch boxing or MMA and I prefer to watch a race where drivers demonstrate skill and where crashes don't happen. Albeit, I do marvel at the technological advances that have occurred with race cars to keep drivers safe in such high speed incidents. The only villain I need is the opponent. They don't have to do anything more than try and impede me (or my team) of winning. As for the sentiment that the game will get rougher, it's a simple solution. Change the rules, call penalties, implement fines. Stating that a league and officials won't do it does not negate the validity of the action. The penalties and fines are a deterrent when properly enforced. There will always be some risk, that's a given.
  13. The laziness or inability to earn a living is a very touchy subject, naturally. But we all have anecdotes where we know some lazy youth who complains about things and expects everything to be handed to them. We also know those who have worked hard a found a way to get out of poverty. There are those who have more challenges to overcome, without a doubt. You can't make sweeping generalizations because each situation is very unique. There are times when people say they've tried everything but if you ask them if they've tried working two jobs they look at you like you are crazy. In some cases it boils down to just how much do you want it. There will always be those who have a much higher climb, but there are also those who believe they can never make the climb and don't try. I survived today at work.. but a lot of people I spent a lot of time with did not make it. The sad thing is that people are now worrying about next month. That said, I've not been sitting idle waiting for the corporate stakeholders to decide my future.
  14. So we just had a major organizational shake-up and now we're hearing even more coming. You like to plan for the future as much as possible but it never gets easier dealing with this constant wonder. I hate it. Maybe I make it, maybe I don't. Twice in 12 years I've had my job eliminated but I was moved to another role. As for college my son is actually looking at transferring now.. moving back into the house and doing his last 2 years in Rochester. I fully support it. It's just not worth it to pay these schools what they want for what amounts to barracks living and low grade food. Then there's the education piece.. but tuition tends to be the lower expense as long as you get some merit reductions.
  15. That was just awesome.... loved it. I'm stoked for the start of F1 this weekend and that drone footage was sweet.
  16. There's no evidence that this doesn't get done right? I just think they wouldn't talk about it either as the officiating union and the league would not want to add fuel to the fire. In the past I am sure a GM or coach has alluded to the fact that they discuss these things with the league.
  17. Edited as requested. I understand the sentiment. For me, one term dismisses a condition whereas the other term dismisses a person with a condition.
  18. Are there pictures of other arenas bathrooms on the Internet? asking for inkman. Well, the new roof will have the phrase "Don't Worry, Be Happy" on the underside so when fans raise their heads in disbelief of the team they'll have a positive reminder.
  19. Despite the motivations behind posting this specific phrase in conjunction to the discussion, don't you think that demonstrating your willingness to do so undermines your point on not using the phrase you were arguing against? Perhaps I read things wrong?
  20. So the Sabres don't win at home and they struggle against Carolina. Give me a reason to think a positive outcome is possible.
  21. First: There's no arrogance. I don't make those decisions but people make decisions about salaries and what's needed and what can be replaced whether via AI, robotics, software automation, etc. This has been going on for decades. It's why McDonald's suddenly had kiosks for ordering when states raised minimum wage to $15/hr. Meanwhile the person collecting trash each night in an office space is not replaceable by AI. Second: Okay.. great? I have many associates who have been impacted and are having a hard time getting jobs and they are qualified. You have a different experience. Fantastic. I hope they can find their way to your circle so they can get a job. Third: I have control if I am helping foot the bill. She can do whatever she wants but if she wants me to cosign anything or pay anything then I get a say in the matter. As for wording with my son, I am actively encouraging him to not return to school next year or change tactics. Fourth: College is a scam. When my son has classes canceled because the Bills are playing on Monday night, that's garbage. When he is taking classes not related to his field of interest, it's garbage. There are options to work around that that are outlined in the next quoted post. You making the sweeping AI generalization is total garbage too. AI can't replace every job, just like robotics can't. But graphic artists are losing jobs to AI image generators. Graphic arts were already a tough path and now it's made even harder. A poor Buffalo kid should do whatever they can to succeed. Hard work gives you a chance at success, it does not guarantee it. But not wanting to do something that's hard because it does not interest you is only stacking the deck against yourself. If they aren't interested in trades or have the aptitude then they need to find something else. You can work and go to school to get an education... that was part of my original post. Work full-time, go to school part-time. Bottom line people should do what suits their needs, but they should also be realistic about the path they are choosing. I agree with this. I am trying to encourage my kids down those paths. My debate now, with my son halfway through college is whether to pull my financial ties to his plan because it's only getting worse next year. I hate to inject myself into his decisions but without me cosigning a loan his interest rate is beyond the stupid amount it already is now. What I've seen in the two years he's been in school has only soured me more to the traditional 4 year college route. Education is a great thing to have, but indebting oneself to get it is not.
  22. Careful... you used the word rational and fan in the same sentence. You're going to get roasted. It hasn't worked anywhere else.. but yes, this time will be different.
  23. That would be even worse. I suppose it makes people feel better to take their anger out on players and all that thinking that the players don't understand. It dehumanizes them and makes it easier to attack them. The team not being good enough to win is not the same as the players not understanding the situation. It's not the same as the players not trying to win either.
  24. Is there a reason reporters refuse to @ the accounts that they are talking about versus using god awful hashtags? Like #TexasHockey is so damned stupid given that the DALLAS Stars farm club is the TEXAS stars. And the #TimeToHunt hashtag? JFC. I have to go figure out that that's the Panthers? It's not just Pagnotta, this is a rampant media issue. There has to be a reason... but it still irks the hell out of me. The act of expending energy to log in, read posts, and then respond means that one is not apathetic. Despite all claims otherwise. Yeah.. but what a great trip. I mean other than some stale ass bread the one night.
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