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Everything posted by LTS

  1. As one trying to point out my inattentiveness to details... clearly you've not looked at stats: https://www.nhl.com/panthers/player/kyle-okposo-8473449 Clearly pointless talking to you. Have a nice day.
  2. I feel like things ending in mite are just terrible. Thermite Termite Spam-Lite
  3. Revisionist history usually takes longer to kick in. Your initial post said on the bench and I called you out on it. Nothing made up. Bottom line. Also, I am aware of how the goal was scored, so there's nothing to admit. He was on the ice, he has an assist. The very fact that he has an assist means he was deemed to have been involved in the goal being scored. I don't make the rules of the game. Have a great weekend and I hope your forgetfulness doesn't impact you forgetting where your phone, wallet, or keys are.
  4. Ahh, well whatever. I was not commenting on your question as it did at least give me pause to consider. I don't agree. My commentary was strictly decision by a poster to give into intentionally insulting terms. On to football!.. but first.. I am a huge George Carlin fan. 🙂
  5. I could go on about beer and the process of making it. The Reinheitsgebot is a purity law but it means you use water, hops, barley. It doesn't mean the barley is good, or the water, etc. It was put in place to reduce competition for wheat and rye which bakers needed. Both wheat and rye being incredible ingredients in the use of beer including a very common German beer style of Hefeweizen (for wheat specifically). I would think the allergic reaction would come from the chemicals that might appear in the barley based on how it was grown and farmed. This would cover similar items such as wheat as the United States allows certain pesticides and other chemicals that Europe does not. Hop bitterness can be alleviated by the type of hop and length of addition to the boil. Hop bitterness is generally attributed to the IPA world but also stouts. That said, IPAs also have hop flavoring additions which is what brings about the floral aromas. Fruitiness can be induced either through the yeast strain used and temperature of fermentation.. or, if you are talking about the fruit slushy "sour" beers that dominate the scene.. it's from fruit puree dumped into the beer. Certainly other lighter fruit additions happen in other beers to steer clear of the "puree" look. ANyway.. how about that hockey?
  6. That's just unnecessary and devolves the conversation.
  7. He called himself out on being responsible for them giving up the GWG in the game prior. He went out and got it done. That's being accountable, first to yourself, then to your teammates. Something this team needs to learn. I'll give him some credit for Vancouver right now. He needs to sustain it a bit before I go all in. At the time Tocchet hadn't proven much of anything as a coach. 2008-2010 (Tampa) - 53-69-26 overall, no playoffs 2017-2021 (Arizona) - 125-131-26 overall, 1 playoff appearance during COVID when they finished 5th in the Pacific. This year the team is killing it, no doubt.
  8. So you admit he was on the ice for the GWG. Got it. Also noted, he was on the bench for all the games so far, which is to say he's in the lineup. Which is not what you were attempting to say about him. You incorrectly used on the bench as a reference of not playing. It's all good. You said it. I'm not going to blast Okposo as a captain because to this point we've not seen if this team will listen to anyone. Be it the "C" or the coach. What we are sure of is that this team blasted accountability as they walked out the door. We know that their new coach said that a player is accountable to themselves and then their teammates before he even mentioned being accountable to the coach. We'll find out this season if the players that remain are willing to do what it takes. For all I know Okposo said some stuff, found our the roster and coach didn't back it and said "F it". Get me outta here. The past is in the past. Change the roster, set your leadership, let's see what happens. The only thing that will change how I feel about this team is winning.
  9. This would have gone an entirely different direction with Dr. @inkman. In other news, my neighbor had a tree cut down 2 years ago, at the time they dropped part of the tree on one of my trees destroying it. Oh well I guess, I didn't press the issue. For some reason they left like 8 feet of trunk and stump. Fast forward to the past 3 days.... one guy with a chainsaw that appears to be one of the smallest you could get a Home Depot is over there attempting to cut down the rest of it... I'm surprised he's not overheated the thing, blown out the engine, etc. There are moments when he's got the thing gunned at 100% for more than a minute straight. It's 8 hours a day of constant chainsaw racket. Why on Earth did they not just get the trunk cut further with the tree removal company.. I get stump removal is expensive in its own right, but the chainsaw guy hasn't even got to the stump yet...
  10. It's a strange comment to make when you look at this Game 4 Recap - https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/bos-vs-fla/2024/05/12/2023030214 Pretty sure you can't play the puck from the bench, so how did he get an assist on the GWG? Of course being on the bench in hockey means you are in the lineup, which he has been for every game this series.. Your insults just don't have the right impact when you make such egregious mistakes.
  11. Meh. I think everyone's all aboard the incompetence starts at the top, so until that's gone why expect anything that makes sense? At the rate this team is going I'm going to have a lot of free time on my hands next season.
  12. Nice.. I have 2 40V now as they came with the push mower. I throw the batteries on the charger and let'em go overnight. The 80V have to take awhile to get back to full charge no doubt. I'd probably run into running through the batteries as I have some complexity in my lawn that slows down some cutting areas.. either that or I skip those and hand mow them. Also live in a pretty good grade so if I cut uphill I wonder what that would do. Either way, for now it remains the riding mower and the push mower and I generally just use the push because it's a good workout. I think @Doohickie called it yardio... I like that term.
  13. Have you started smoking again or not? Just curious which state of mind you are in posting creativity like the bolded. That's an absolute classic. I think my brain will now autocorrect Lindy Ruff to "Coach of Christmas Past". Absolutely dy-no-mite.
  14. Imagine if she ordered via the app for pick-up and you just walked in and grabbed the cup. You might suggest it.
  15. Please report your performance over the summer.... as I am interested. I have a Husqvarna riding mower now but I often use my Ryobi electric push mower (exercise!!!) I might consider this thing if it holds up. The push mower is great.
  16. Well... it might work, it might not. While I was firmly in the camp of Ruff is not the answer for this team I am also not sure the management knows what the question is anyway. Bottom line.. I find myself completely ambivalent about this. I want it to work, but at this point they could have hired anyone and I think I would feel the same as I feel now. Which is nothing.
  17. https://www.cityofrochester.gov/article.aspx?id=21474854444 You for got that PSE has also opted out of the operating contract for BCA as of April 30, 2025.. as announced on March 28, 2024. 🙂
  18. Ugh, sorry. What a wonderfully impersonal way of handling things. Group layoffs... And yeah.. maximizing profits for shareholders.. short term gain because they can always put their money elsewhere... it's a bad system made worse when the economy is bad. As the CFO of the hospital system I used to work for often said, "Not for profit does not mean not for revenue." They aren't so much making money but finding ways to fund lots of other things, not all of the necessary or worth the cost. US everything it would seem. Same situation as our vet. We did finally learn that while the "owner" vet who has had his name on the business for a long time still has his name on it. It's corporate run explaining every change we've experienced over the past two years. All the other vets left and just the office staff as largely remained unchanged. I am glad I do not have to spend much time in the US healthcare system and this just confirms it even more. Unfortunate.
  19. Devils fans chant "Fire Lindy" - November 13, 2022 Sabres fans change "Fire Donnie" - December 23, 2023 Why do I bring this up? Everyone keeps looking at only last year to this year for Ruff. But people seem to ignore that the Devils sucked the year before their great year last year. Lindy Ruff - year over year with NJ 2020-2021 - 19-30-7 2021-2022 - 27-46-9 2022-2023 - 55-22-8 2023-2024 - 30-27-4 He had ONE good year. There's nothing here that says he's going to perform better with the Sabres. Do the Sabres have Jack Hughes, Timo Meier, Dougie Hamilton, Ryan Graves, Damon Severson? Nope. So if Ruff's success is because of the players then why do you expect he'll have success with this roster? Brunette took over in Florida and had a 51-18-6 record. Florida last year? 42-32-8. Nashville this year 47-30-5. The man coaches winning teams. When Brunette came to NJD he ran the power play, that improved from 28th the year before to 13th. That NJD last year also boasts the largest single season turnaround in NHL history. It's not all Brunette, but it's also an outlier at this point. There's just not much to give Ruff all the credit here. And if people point to the roster for the reasons of his success then you have to account the Sabres roster and ask if that roster will give him success.. because either he's a coach that wins because of the roster or he's a coach that can make the roster win. The difference is important.
  20. He's clearly calculated how long it will take for him to get his next drink.
  21. I assume you mean.. what if he doesn't perform this off-season? If so.. see what I bolded below. If that's not what you meant, can you expand upon your question?
  22. Thank you for pointing out the Devils record last year... its important to note because.... This. As I posted elsewhere. Ruff with the Devils: 128-125-28 Granato with Sabres: 122-125-27 When you factor in that Ruff's only good season with the Devils was with Brunette and that netted them a +30 W differential I would say its easy to see that Ruff is not what people think he is. He's not the Ruff from so long ago. I like Lindy, but he should not be the coach.
  23. Dog went in for surgery today. Thankfully my wife has connections with people who work at vet offices and to some vets herself through her organization. The vet she uses with her organization gave us some straight shot answers... over the weekend we forwarded her medical files and the doctor cleared a spot for surgery today. Doc said it went really well. My poor girl is exhausted (as to be expected) but she put up all the energy she could when she got home. Doc later on let us know that the tumor had cratered (or some language) and that it could have burst at any time which would have led to her bleeding out if we had not had the surgery so soon. FWIW, the original vet had let us know that she was a "ticking time bomb" but as they needed to call around for specialists to handle this the best they could get was August and at 4-5x what we paid. Nothing is a given and she's not out of the woods by a long shot... but she's home and the path is there. This dog survived eating 40 pieces of sugar-free gum without a single side effect. It helped that she doesn't chew food and apparently has an iron stomach (we could not get her to throw up the gum even giving her stuff that made me want to vomit). I can handle 13 years of suffering with the Sabres.. I cannot handle one hour of suffering for my dog. But... again, the road ahead looks good. So... cheers!
  24. So Kevyn Adams has an offseason to improve the team eh? Sounds good. If they don't come out of the gate much improved over this year I don't think he makes it to Thanksgiving. He can say anything he wants, but he said playoffs were the expectation this year... and it did not happen. He might have decided early on to let the season play out and to back some of the things Granato and the team were saying rather than cause even more distraction like what occurred in Vancouver with Boudreau... who knows. Either way... one offseason... that's it.
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