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Everything posted by LTS

  1. Ahh good to know. One wonders why he did not jump ship. I certainly don't know the answer or desire to speculate. Popcorn can serve as a pretty solid addition for dietary fiber. So perhaps it's something to consider more often? ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. If the defense still need that "coach" and "experience" and the team still needs a "name" then don't talk to me about playoffs. Hell no. Let the Sabres just agree to have their name put out there to help him sign somewhere else.
  3. Yep. If he can build something his value will be sky high. Karmanos would probably take it if there wasn't another offer. Everyone takes the spot even if they know it isn't perfect. You want GM on your resume. It puts him in the discussions for future positions elsewhere where experience matters. I believe that. I also believe that a bunch of players are signing contract extensions with the Sabres when they don't have to. Long term contract extensions no less. This means that they aren't as down on the organization as the person you are referencing. This is Lindy's last go. He was given a life line by his lifelong franchise. It doesn't mean he can't be successful, but I really doubt Lindy's phone was going to be ringing for other coaching jobs at this point in life. Circle back to the top. If the owners know Pegula is a joke then they aren't going to look too down on the GM is the GM does signs of being competent. This is why some people will take the positions despite Pegula as a failed owner. I'm still on the fence about bringing in a streaming service that gets me MSG. Given that MSG+ is an absolute no go for me, the remaining decision is whether I want to spend $100 per month to be able to watch Sabres games. I'm still not convinced that I do. My son wants to get tickets to the home opener (he won't because he doesn't realize how expensive they are) but he asked me if I wanted to go and I declined. I have no interest in buying tickets for this franchise. It's exactly what I told the Sabres marketing rep who called me after I filled out the survey at the end of the season. The team doesn't win, the arena is a joke, and the owner has yet to provide us with any reason to believe he cares.
  4. After 13 years you probably should put your focus one level higher. Do you really think it matters who the GM is? Pegula has clearly been a negative influence on this organization from the moment he purchased it. While I don't think Adams has done anything amazing I also have to wonder how much he's got to put on the best public face in the face of a terrible owner. He can't just resign or he'd never get a shot in another organization. The fans need to put the owner on notice. Anything other than the playoffs this year and no one is showing up next year. Never will happen of course, but one can dream.
  5. So Xavier Worthy catches 2 TDs in his first game. I'm looking at the ensuing debate and thinking: Isn't this the place I often see the name "Steve Bernier" posted?
  6. I did this back in the early 2000's... and all times before. hated it. Needed to buy a car about 18 months ago now.. I did all online research. I figured out what I wanted. I had already been in a car similar to what I wanted to buy so I didn't even need to test drive before I "negotiated". My negotiation was comprised of me setting the price I was willing to pay and relevant details. I pointed out every similar model in the area and their online price tags. I noted that I was contacting 3 dealerships and whoever met my price or better would be who I spoke to first. The car I wanted was in Buffalo. The dealer offered me the price I wanted, drove it from Buffalo the next day, had it all ready to go to drive off the lot the night I came to test drive it (it was a used car). We reviewed the car, requested some touch ups, they agreed. I drove away with the car, they picked it up from me 2 days later to complete all the touch ups and delivered it back to me. I don't think I could ever recommend shopping "in store". At best I would walk in, tell them I am doing initial research and am not in a position to buy a car now. This reduces the pressure. If they do give pressure I just walk out. The research done all the rest is done from the comfort of wherever I choose to be. --- My son started his Junior year of college. He already does not have one of his classes on Friday because the professor has some conflict. What? They have a set schedule, it should not be impossible to work around it to get things done. This happened all the time when he was at Bonaventure. "No class today, teacher has a conflict." Sometimes that conflict was watching the Bills game. This is accepted by people.. insane.
  7. Since there is no bicycle in the picture I assume this is not your house and you just copied it off a website. Or do you post pictures without bicycles in them? ๐Ÿ™‚ Never been one to advertise things like this, on my lawn, my car, on a shirt, anywhere. I just don't want to invite the segments of society that would see it and feel compelled to argue, attack, deface, etc. Good luck with keeping your sign intact! Also.. I'm very much anti-Republican and anti-Democrat. I'm more likely to place a sign like this in my yard. There's a house around the corner with one like it.
  8. Stations are hardly what they started as any more. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/trutv-rebrand-sports-channel-nba-mlb-nhl-1235845643/
  9. https://www.findlaw.com/dui/charges/dui-manslaughter-and-dui-murder.html I'll leave it at that. Still no more words. These kinds of events (which sadly happen far too often and we never hear about) just tear me up inside.
  10. Absolutely awful. It's all the words I feel I can put together right now.
  11. It will help.. as much as it sucks right now.
  12. We had neighbors who had an aging dog. They had asked us how they would know when it was time and we told them, you just know. They moved away about a year ago and they texted us to let us know that they "knew" and had to say goodbye. We went through it... it sucks. My condolences. I love dogs and as I've said on here, I love them more than most people. Dogs are incredible. I'm glad you 14 years to spend with him. May he always brighten your day when you think of him.
  13. I think a lot of what people get from public AI stems from what they put into it. If you write a fairly generic prompt you get a fairly generic response. Of course writing a more detailed prompt requires one to have the capacity to structure the prompt in the first place. This means having a more in depth understanding of the information they are looking to get and a lot of people just want AI to answer questions for them. It can of course do that and through iterative prompt writing its possible to eventually get to a more in depth response. The search engine viewpoint is certainly solidified by Google's Gemini offering "AI" summaries in its search results. Those summaries generally just being recaps of the top 3 search engine results and then parsed to eliminate duplicate data.
  14. I'm seriously concerned about those who do worship him at this point. Business in Victor, NY - this image is from a few years ago when Let's Go Brandon was just kicking in. During Trump's election campaign they had a big banner over the front of the business supporting Trump. Today they have another large banner hanging in the same spot Trump 2024. I always wonder if there's anyone who works there that isn't a Trump supporter. I think if my place of employment put out something like that, either physically, or in some email, etc. I would walk off the job immediately. I have to think there are potential customers/partners of this business that no longer consider doing business with them because of this. He's next level delusional now... and so is everyone speaking out in support of him. It would almost be laughable except for the fact that we are talking about the position of the President of the United States. Due to that it is pretty much a top of the list concern in my book. Certainly far more than it was the first time.
  15. I disagree and I suppose it's a faith question because I certainly can't prove that we will. I think it's safe to say that emotion can already be predicted to a certain level and I think it's easy to mentally get to a point where understanding emotional response can be mapped to data points. Again, we're talking about gathering an insanely large dataset in order to achieve this. Far beyond what is possible today. AI training 100%. Imagine a body suit that is full of thousands of sensors that can read the movement, temperature, resistance, pressure, and more of the human body. Imagine a hockey stick filled with enough sensors to be able to measure positioning, motion, tension, etc. Now put that on hundreds of thousands of hockey players and draw the data models over decades. Certainly it's not possible today, but its not hard to theorize what it would take, especially when engaging doctors, engineers, and other areas of specialty who are experts in their particular fields. We're maxing out our current technology but quantum computing will take computational power to incredible new levels. This paves the way for the ability to collect and process exponentially more data than what is possible today.
  16. I'm in Rochester. I play once a week in the summer and twice a week in the fall and spring. I sub on a few other nights periodically. It's not high level, certainly I'm not able to play high level but I look forward to it still, even when games start at 10:30pm (although I look forward to those far less).
  17. AI will be extremely strong when given the task of working inside something structured, like writing code. There is no end to the amount of sample code and best practices to draw from. AI is not as good at concepts, but it is getting better. However, to think of AI is as a data parser/search engine is definitely underestimating it. While it's true that AI begins only as good as whomever programmed it, the good AI is reprogramming itself on a continual basis. The ability for AI to run an extreme amount of simulations with an inordinate amount of data points allows for it to hypothesize, test, and prove in rapid fashion. Certainly much faster than any human. If I were looking at sports applications I think an AI's given access to a depth of data could derive optimal strategies. It's a little mind boggling to think about how much data it could use to accomplish this. Imagine a world where athletes are covered in sensors that provide continual data points and then an AI that can consume that data. It builds models that are predictive not only to each player but player types. Once it models players it can then predict success rates based on comparing the data on player A versus Player B given the environmental variables of the moment. It could, in theory, analyze and entire defensive unit, its players, plays, etc. and build an optimal offensive strategy given the teams offensive players, plays, etc. Certainly there's the fact that players are human and have to execute. Things like a foot slipping on turf at the snap could ruin the entire model, but given enough data an AI could even get to the point of predicting that based on the real time feedback from sensors. The player is exhibiting this level of exhaustion, the turf is demonstrating this level of wear, and so on.. then it predicts that the player's foot will slip. If it's correct, it uses it in support of its model and if its incorrect it makes a tiny change to its model and then determines if that prediction is better. It's hard to conceptualize that the entire world and everything that happens could be broken down into data and a predictable model created. I firmly stand in the camp that there is no such thing as randomness. Any appearance of random is simply the result of a set of variables that at that point in time are incalculable. At some point the ability to collect all relevant data and process it into a calculation will eliminate what had appeared as "random" event.
  18. It lessens the tangibility for the average fan. You look at it the way you do but for the vast majority of fans they won't even remember when that draft pick was traded. So I think the immediate impact is lessened for the average fan. I personally don't get excited over teams trading picks 4 years out. Not that this trade did much for me anyway. but.. ๐Ÿ™‚
  19. Well.. I didn't have a reason as I mentioned. Just a hypothesis. Fischer isn't much of a prospect from what I see (5th rd). The draft pick compensation is more direct and probably adequate although the 2028 pick is just laughable. Seriously.. perhaps the NHL should put a time frame around what picks can be traded.
  20. Love this. Good move by Edmonton to at least get a little more for losing the players. Not that the 2028 3rd round pick matters and i have no idea who Paul Fischer is. I wonder if Paul Fischer, a 2nd round, a 3rd round, and the 2028 third would have been enough for two roster players from Edmonton if they had just straight up agreed on a trade. Seems like it would be, but if the league would have rejected it this could be a way around it.
  21. I was in the Clearwater area on Sunday/Monday when Debby went through. Hard to quantify what 13" of rain is like in such a short period of time. Thankfully my AirBNB was elevated and we had little impact. The flooding was significant only 2-3 miles from us. The storm surge was definitely easy to quantify given how much beach was covered with water on Monday morning.
  22. There is a very simple explanation actually. Your profiles are linked in a greater identity resolution and marketing database. These companies collect all manner of information from all manner of sources and then link them to your virtual identity. They then use relational data to create circles of connections. Advertising companies (and many others) then pull this data to help determine ad relevancy and boom. It can be as simple as your phone unique identifier and your friend's phone unique identifier were in close proximity for a certain amount of time. Your friend did a search for "XYZ" and through relational data the system reasonably assumed you two might have had a conversation about it and thus you see an advertisement on your phone a little bit later. I think the extent to which our lives can be modeled through collection of data would blow most people's minds. No doubt people expect the more obvious items but the depth goes far beyond that. Certainly linking browsers and/or a shared profile on her desktop computer and your browser would do it as well. The points of connectivity are endless.
  23. It's quite literal for me. People = humanity (unless you are of the mindset that some segments of humanity are not people) We = everyone, as in all of us, together.
  24. Any chance you'd share the workout? Sounds like it's working.
  25. Same. We also installed it at the youth baseball concession stand and it works great there as well. I would recommend it.
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