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Everything posted by LTS

  1. Genuinely intrigued by this thought. Can it not be a war that was started by an invasion? Would we have to call the Gulf War the Iraq Invasion? 100% not throwing shade, but trying to assess your division of the two terms.
  2. I mean the "War on Drugs" has proven incredibly successful to date. Hah.
  3. Starlink is serivceable for residential Internet and desperate small businesses. There is no place for it in connectivity of critical infrastructure. The performance can mimic that of decent cable broadband, but with the variability of wireless Internet. So, it's very sensitive to environmental factors and can easily be interfered with if one desired. Bottom line... no. Bad idea.
  4. Not sure about the parade but definitely the on-ice pre-game is there. It was very entertaining.
  5. Just gotta hit those three dots at the top right and report the messages. It might help draw attention. I just skimmed right over this thread to clear it.
  6. Either you two engage in an attempt to come to an understanding of each other or just drop it, please.
  7. Until Apple actually spends the money it's irrelevant. It's no different than putting stock in what a GM says. Very possible.. and I will continue below. The AI centers are a real thing. My company has a lot of network footprint in Minnesota and we're in discussions with many large corporations about connectivity to data center builds. https://techxplore.com/news/2025-01-mega-centers-minnesota-power-staggering.html https://www.axios.com/local/twin-cities/2025/01/21/minnesotas-data-center-boom-concerns-electrical-supply This is happening in other pocket markets, Abilene, TX, Memphis, TN, etc. Moving away from the core areas like Chicago, Ashburn, Dallas (although still booming), San Jose, etc. Those power grids were not designed for AI needs and given the population it is too big a lift to just add power.. which an already huge lift.
  8. When I was there in October the plaza outside had lots going on before the game. Multiple "food truck" style things and a DJ. There's no shortage of things in the area to do as well... naturally.
  9. Elon is running the country. He's the puppet master.
  10. When he gave the speech the miracle hadn't happened yet. But yes, you've channeled your Walter Mathau quite swimmingly. Welcome to zero credibility. Absolutely ridiculous statement. I know this was in response to someone else who called your absolutely ignorant statement. I'm not offended, I don't get offended by people demonstrating their ignorance. Given that you freely demonstrate how little you think, your opinions mean absolutely nothing to me. I didn't listen to the post game interviews as I just shut the game off. I can only handle so much hyperbole from media talking heads. What did they say? I can only imagine that speaking up on the comments of the President will lead to some interesting situations for Canadian players playing in US markets. At least with those people citizens in the US that might be more fanatical supporters of the President. Ugly situation.
  11. Matthew's decision to play had to be supported by the coach. Did they say that Kyle Connor was battling illness or did they just choose to scratch him and dress Kreider? Meh. It's over. Time to move on.
  12. I would be curious what subscriptions they continue to allow.
  13. Could it however lead to a change in what medical insurance and other program cover or compensate for in some way thus causing people to avoid getting the vaccinations due to cost? Certainly making them illegal would be interesting.. not in a good way of course.
  14. I guess I'm confused. You seemed to be indicating that it was virtually impossible to self-isolate. Then you agreed that people isolated with a government mandate. So, all I am saying is that it is quite possible, mandate or not. I didn't bring up isolation, you did. When I questioned it you said that it was virtually impossible and then you acknowledge that it happened. It's not virtually impossible. You are the one who framed up COVID... not me. What the government says or does not say should not somehow be a hall pass for the general populace to take off their thinking caps and act stupid. I didn't give a ***** what the CDC said during COVID. I did what I thought was best for me and my family based on information I could put together from all sources. You just keep on preaching the track that the government is the best source of information. That's scary. The government has proven time and again that they have an agenda and are willing to ignore reality to promote it. Once again, you think that the government has the well being of the citizens in mind. It's like believing Human Resources is there to protect the employee from the company.
  15. So did isolation happen during COVID or did it not? I'm not convinced term limits actually solve the problem. The Presidency has term limits and we see at the end of each term limited President actions that blow our minds with regards to last minute mandates, commuting of criminal sentences, etc. A term limit would also limit the ability of a good politician continuing to lead (if such a thing exists). The real problem is that politics should not be a career but a service and that the United States population should pay far more attention to what their politicians are doing. I'm glad we have this conversation here but imagine if people, in general, debated politics as thoroughly as they debated sports. We should know local and regional politics as well as Canadians know junior hockey. We are a byproduct of our own willful ignorance. Agreed. I don't even want to try and wrap my ahead around the idea it seems so ridiculous but underneath it all I have to accept that I might have to try and do so.
  16. This makes no sense. Either someone can isolate or they can not. Your implication is that people cannot choose to do it by themselves. What does a government mandate do to change one's ability to isolate oneself from the public? If it was virtually impossible then it would not have happened during COVID, and yet it did clearly proving that people can isolate themselves and as such can choose to do it without a government mandate.
  17. The only way it doesn't is if people here stop looking at the Internet.
  18. Perhaps he should try a tariff to get compliance? I hate myself for even joking about these things, but I have to cope. People could always self-isolate. Unless we think RFKJr. will force people to group hug. I mean I hope we don't have another deadly pandemic, period. I didn't rely on the government during COVID to do what was right for me, I won't need them in the future either.
  19. Honestly feels like Elon bought twitter to gather all kinds of additional data on the people who use it. He now has dirt on everyone and is clearly doing his best Jeff Foxworthy impersonation with Donald Trump. Perhaps the guy behind the curtain isn't even really behind the curtain and standing in plain sight. I "joked" with one of my Canadian co-workers yesterday that while everyone is worried about Trump and Canada it's all distraction so no one notices Elon's Boring Company building an underground tunnel through Canada siphon off the oil. As crazy as that sounds... at this point? I'm not sure it's so crazy.
  20. I don't think you can use the information you had to justify anything. It was the call of the Swedish coaching staff. Meh. They were wrong. Brodin also completely overplayed the 2 on 1 to allow Marchand to literally tap the puck into the net. Dahlin should have been on the ice more than he was. The fact that he was not is not because he's bad but because I am sure the coach is enamored with his Swedish defensive "heroes". It matters not to me. What I know is Sweden didn't win.
  21. I save up my complaints for the week just for when this thread opens, but then I no longer have the energy to complain about them.
  22. Taxes, by their very nature, are an infringement on freedom. Of course we don't have true freedom because true freedom is only known as anarchy. The complete absence of all rules. Rules are designed to restrict, as such they are an infringement on freedom. The question will always be, what rules acceptable and what are not? FICA is an infringement is it's entire purpose is to take money and then redistribute it to the masses. It's a program, that as I pointed out, is run horribly and basically falling apart. Taxation is a means to fund a government which is designed to enact rules upon its citizens. The reach of the government is what is in question. We have far too big a government system. I'll write a much longer diatribe at some point, but at its foundation.. that's it. It's not really as contradictory as you make it out to be.
  23. Yep. Sign me up. I'd do it too. But certainly not if the streaming was egregious to use and it better be easily done on my TV and not just on mobile devices.
  24. I completely understand. I understand where you are coming from. But.. the SAFE act does restrict freedoms. Also, we are a country that lacks respect for life and the desire to resort to violence also exists. What we sow are the seeds of division... it's what the powers that be want. If we are fighting each other we cannot fight them. The government is a shitshow at taking care of things because it is not protecting the interests of its citizens but the interests of big business. How can you look at the United States military spending relative to the rest of the world and draw any other conclusion? It's not the police or firefighters.. although those are generally paid by local taxes, not federal taxes. Yes. Taxes, responsibly used are not a bad thing. We're not one of those countries. Not even close and we should not pretend that we are.
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