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Everything posted by LTS

  1. Ahhh.. whatever? This sounds like a load of BS. But then again, Pegula has mismanaged the Sabres so poorly that perhaps it is a risk to the world? If you are posting on your own and of your own opinion then what does it matter what "the boss" says? Sounds like your opinions are not free to give and are paid for by someone with connections to "the boss". Ahh yup!.
  2. What in the actual hell is this? Are you some PR intern working for some pro-Sabres marketing outreach firm? This post makes it sound like your job is to jump into internet forums and further a corporate initiative paid for by a client. This would explain a lot and would certainly make your posts 100% irrelevant.
  3. Could be... but as we now know.. still not. Keep up your hope, but failure to recognize that this team sucks right now is still a failure. Another horrible game with no meaningful puck control. The team has terrible breakouts and appears to be 18 skaters each playing a different game. That's on the coaching staff. They have had so many days off that it should have been fixed. Remember when we were excited because Ruff would stop practice for offsides? Where's the attention to detail now? This team is broken and it needs to get unbroke really fast. Time to do what it takes to make the playoffs a reality, or sell the team.
  4. Thank you for this response. I realize my initial reply to you was not as clear as it should have been. I am not blaming Adams for that which came before him. My intent was to say that I think Pegula still plays a heavy hand in what happens with this team. I don't think Adams acts unilaterally. I am aligned with you on Adams. I don't tlike the Mitts trade either. Byram was not what the defense needed. I am guessing he's seen as the Jokiharju replacement next year, but that's not what the team needed last year or this year. Each year I become more and more convinced that Pegula watched Major League one night and thought it would be interesting to try with the Sabres. Each year I am at more and more of a loss to believe someone can be so incredibly incompetent and that in reality what we are experiencing is some long game orchestration to move the team. He chased the puck like a dog chases a car. He had an opportunity to drive the net but instead took a shot on goal as he loves to do. he... oh never mind. It's not going to be anything positive.
  5. But that's not what happened is it? Instead they crapped the bed against a team facing an injury to one of their best players just before the game and then to two of the defense during the game. They continue to look much like the same team they have been. They continue to make the same mistakes. They continue to look like a team who cannot handle the pressure of needing to win and fold under pressure. You can have all the hopium you want but in the end, when you analyze this team, they are still the same as they ever were. They are not figuring it out and they need to make a significant shake up to the lineup and bring in 1-2 veteran leaders who will drive change. I think Zucker is doing what he can, but they need more.
  6. I think I am going to paint today. Watching it dry has to be more satisfying than watching the Sabres play, right?
  7. It's a fair question regarding Adams but I don't know that we can put everything on him. Given the repeated mind boggling moves this team has made over the entirety of the Pegula era it's hard to say that anyone in the GM seat can act unilaterally. That said, it doesn't mean Adams isn't to blame at all either. At this point I have no hope for this team as long as Pegula is the owner. I'm amazed any player willingly signs a long term deal here. I'm at a loss for words as to the game last night. I didn't have the energy to post about it last night at all. There are no positives. They were playing a bad Isles team without Barzal and then who lost 2 of the 6 defense and could barely muster an effort. They are fumbling nearly every puck handling opportunity. Worst yet is that the people who maintain the ice quality at KBC appear to be putting in the same effort as the team that skates there. It's looks horrendous.
  8. At this point it's hard to find the energy to even post about this team. I don't know how anyone overseeing the management of this team and look at it and feel like it's going to be successful.
  9. Love that share. The timing of the Sabre Dance hitting is just too perfect. It's the omen we've been waiting for.
  10. Public transportation does not serve 100% of the country. The internet is also not available to 100% of the country. 100% of the country does not have a cell phone. Having spent considerable time working for an Internet service provider who focuses on rural America there continue to be many many places that are unserved or underserved. I'm 100% for NOT voting online. I have received no less than 5 security breach notifications this year. Cybersecurity is woefully behind and the levels that would need to be implemented to secure any online voting process would be immense. The geographical spread of in person voting works very well at limiting the ability to influence election outcomes. A centralized voting system would likely become the top targeted opportunity for state backed hacking we've ever seen. Who is coding the online system? Who's overseeing the people doing the coding? It's not such a stretch to see in 20-25 years a foreign program designed to raise brilliant coders with the sole purpose of being inserted into the development and maintenance of an online voting system in order to provide backdoors that are nearly impossible to detect. This happens all the time today. Many of the "security" flaws that are found in software were not put there accidentally. They were programmed into the code in a highly intelligent way to make detection difficult. When it's finally found it's not like a company is going to call out that it was anything more than a programming error or oversight. That would be disastrous. Hacking in person voting would take such a monumental effort that it would be detected. Hacking a web system is a walk in the park by comparison.
  11. First, economic impacts lag 1-2 years after an influencing action. So, when you see something you like or don't like you need to go back 1-2 years to look at the action that precipitated the change. This often leads to people blaming the current governmental regime when in fact they are inheriting the issues created by the prior regime. People naturally can't extend their minds to consider that because we live in a society dominated by the here and now. No one wants to look into the past or plan for the future. It's all about what is happening now and then extrapolating back as far as yesterday for the reason why. Then, tomorrow, when the latest TikTok dance comes out everyone will forget what they were talking about today. Politicians are generally ALL corporate puppets. There is no real political difference between democrats and republicans when it comes to actual impacts on the country. They both cause the same issues just from slightly different angles. They all serve money interests on a global scale and not the interests of the people who comprise the country they are leading. The make believe world you reference, and was addressed, was a massive impact from COVID. A globally impacting socio-economic event of unheard of proportions. An event of that magnitude will have a greater impact on more economically advanced countries than not and the US navigated it fairly well. Not great. Why do you believe this? The Trump regime unilaterally imposed tariffs the first go round. What evidence exists that it would not happen again? Trump has been even more outlandish and outspoken this time around. He's made dozens of mandate level statements that reek of a dictator mentality. The only people Donald Trump will protect are those who fund his lifestyle. The rest of the people on the entire planet are irrelevant to him.
  12. Players who commit that grievous offense demonstrate an important personality trait. They are more concerned with their accomplishment and being flashy than the details it takes to win. This bonehead has a chance at his first career TD and rather than want to keep that ball forever he decides to drop it. The fact that he did it before the end zone makes it comical, but it's your first NFL TD.. you should want to not let go of that ball, ever.
  13. As long as I don't have to hear the "Woo" Birds throughout the game I think I will count this as a victory, at least personally. The only thing more annoying that the people who love to do that throughout the game are the MSG producers who insist on having those microphone volumes mixed into the sound at a level that dominates the overall mix. Anyway... hope they win. This is one of those games where they could play down to the Isles level. I hope not. I'd like to see an absolute stomping.
  14. It really depends on the return doesn't it? The Sabres need to win now and they need players who can help them win now. What Quinn may have the ability to accomplish can be factored into his trade value. I want him to be very good, but I also want the team to win.. now. Can the Sabres afford to have yet another young player still trying to figure it out? Cozens is trying to figure it out still. Benson will add more to the lineup. Kulich seems to be better. Quinn is falling and he needs to step it up, or they need to move him. I would only be insane to move him for a player that doesn't help the team win.
  15. Sorry. Let me contact SDS and let him know there's a security issue with the forum. I didn't realize your PM ended up on the public section accidentally. I just figured since it was in the thread where everyone can see it that it was open to the public.
  16. There are aspects of this world that they could not conceive but history is ripe with levels of corruption, coercion, and control. They may take different forms and be harder to track down, but underneath it, they are largely similar. Would that I forge the royal seal to send a false doctrine? 🙂 That said, I look more at the platform that claims the democrats are going to ruin our freedom and yet they are just as guilty, if not moreso, of wanting to do the same. Distill it down to "freedom of speech" something that Donald Trump does not uphold. At the very core, it's rotten. Your points on media, etc. are all spot on and I wouldn't argue them for a moment. I was just referring to things more readily apparent. How can anyone think that Trump wants to Make America Great when he really want to Make America Russian. And yet.. the Trump contingent love him because he'll bring back the good days of America.. apparently going back to the days when we welcomed fascist, socialist, communist governments with open arms... whenever that was. It boggles the mind. But then fiction is fiction for a reason.
  17. With 2.1k posts you fall into veteran poster status. Let's examine things here: Your initial statement This alone sets the tone. You are making a blanket statement that a person's is disqualified from commenting if they don't care about the team leaving. In this statement alone you are attempting to control who gets to comment. Let's examine the response from Weave: This is a good comment. It's calling out your negativity towards those who hold a different opinion than you. It's rightfully calling out your attempt to censor the opinions of others. But, because this is the Internet, there's always the double down from those who have been affronted: Here we go. You apologize to pimlach and then turn around and tell someone they don't get to ever tell you want to say. And yet.. that's exactly what you were attempting in your first statement. Which leads us to my comment: Here I am calling you out for your lack of consistency in which you tell others they are disqualified and then tell another poster they don't get to tell you what to say. I acknowledged your apology even, but the original point still stands. Also, I have not insulted you. To which you retort: So, let's break down this last ditch effort on your part: You attempted to be a fandom czar yourself (see original comment) You got called out for it (rightfully so, as we should try to police ourselves) You were negative towards another poster (tell them what they cannot tell you) Failure to realize I acknowledged your apology (not that in any way has anything to do with this conversation) Claim to be insulted (what insult did I hurl at you?) As far as fighting back. By all means keep doing it. It's mildly entertaining. Good day sir.
  18. Perhaps it's the criteria behind the statement? It COULD be worse as far as a record goes. But if the Sabres want to be in the playoffs it HAS to be better.
  19. I get that the Idemo's postings are incredibly optimistic, but I don't think we need to call it all ridiculous. Let them be of that opinion, I wish I could be. We get a new poster in here who comes in with a bright view point and we want them to dim the lights, why? Let's accept that positivity and hope it translates. Let's not push them away just because they are optimistic.
  20. We are in a scary situation. Trump is out spewing BS, left and right, making it all up as he goes. It's how he keeps his following. Sheep are sheep for a reason. That said, given the increase in Presidential immunity, perhaps Joe Biden can break a few laws to confirm Harris as the next President. Either way it's gross corruption of what this country was founded on. Then again, the country itself has already become a gross corruption of what this country was founded on. Scary... to say the least. I'm not ashamed to say that I have prepped family go-bags.
  21. I understand where you are coming from. We will agree to not see it the same way and that's okay! 🙂
  22. Perhaps Cozens needs to take a lesson from Stella as she was apparently able to get her groove back.
  23. Without your initial comment telling people how they can act there would not have been a possibility of a response. That's called the initiating action. I am commenting on the initiating action. I will comment on other initiating actions so I can retain my consistency, just for you. No need to deflect and play the "what about the other guy?" card.
  24. Shea Weber, perhaps. Brett Burns played forward for some time if I recall correctly because he wasn't great at D. I also look at what each of those defensemen had to work with as a team and think perhaps they were better because of who else was on the team. Dahlin should be able to play 25 minutes per night and he was playing quite a bit last year if I recall. It seems like they are still protecting him a bit and trying to lower minutes due to having Byram/Power. I'd have a beer with him and hang out with him any time. I'll hold additional thoughts to the below comment. This isn't a surprise. This is a Scandinavian trait. There are exceptions but most of the players from that part of the world tend to be more reserved and less about making a show in person. It's a culture thing and I can see why it would not align with some in the US, but for me, who relates to those personality tendencies, I love it.
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