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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. Had some leftover homemade Gagutz with two slices of Italian bread. Delicious lunch (sure beats the PB&J I had yesterday ;) )
  2. My judgement may be clouded as well. :( But I would still like to believe with all he's been thru in PHX, he'd prefer to be more of a key ingredient to a team.
  3. I disagree. I think it's the opposite. I think Doan goes where He's going to make the most impact (be it staying in PHX or going to another team). I think the Sabres are more of a frontrunner in that case in that they are team in need of quality veteran leadership, are on the brink of being a contender, and will make him feel most welcome. I think the Rangers already have their strong captain and veteran presence, and Doan would be more of a pawn in their game rather than a key piece, which I don't think appeals to him.
  4. The Sabres Foundation does a lot to schedule player visits, etc. to Buffalo Women and Children's hospital, that much I do know.
  5. I tend to agree more with this.
  6. or rather, a tough douchenozzle...
  7. Only a two day work week :beer: Going on a vacation with the girlfriend and some other people to my Uncle's cabin in Rushford for a few days starting tomorrow morning. I'm turning off my phone and giving work the ol' 'you're number one' wave on my way out of town. I need these three days off after the two weeks I've had with two of my colleagues being out of the office (all of their responsibilities fell on me...made life at the office not awesome). Bringing the kayaks up there, using the Uncle's boat, grilling, swimming (or rather, floating with beverages), and just a relaxing time. It's going to be awesome, and I just cannot wait.
  8. I actually just went to the Syracuse location for the first time ever last night after moving my girlfriend up there for med school. Realized that Dino is less than 1.5 miles from her tower. I am even more excited to visit her now lol.
  9. Why drop the blackout restrictions? Only 1 of the last 6 blackouts would've been on TV anyways. If lowering it still isn't going to put the games on TV, why bother paying more $$ to the league?? Makes sense why they kept it the same. Indy did the same too.
  10. Man! I cannot wait for this season to start!!!
  11. no Grigs or Girgs? I do like it though!! B-)
  12. Haha. true, true. well played sir My question (which was not very specific) was more directed towards our two draft picks of this year. I'm almost certain Foligno makes it, but does Oreo and Girgs, or just one of them? If one or both make it, what do people project the lines to be?
  13. ?? :doh: Sekera puts forth a lot more effort than Stafford, and is a lot more consistent! In fact, the only commonality they share is their age!
  14. here's a question: after reading the comments from last night's scrimmage, does only one rookie make the team this year, or both? if only one, which one? What does the lineup look like then at that point?
  15. your optimism gives me hope ;)
  16. that would be a pretty cool statue B-)
  17. That's what my mom says. But My girl's dad pinches every penny he can out of her, and to me, that's no longer teaching responsibility, as much as instilling anew level of stress. The family has a history of anger problems, and it's tough for me to help make her feel better when her father freaks out about a $2 tip/someone not putting in exactly the right amount for a tip. I can't stand going out with him. I could go on for hours. This girl is the best thing that's happened to me in a long time, but her father is borderline the worst :( I just wish I knew how to help her, because she is freaking out over starting med school in a few weeks. She is almost finished with an application for the air force, and they would be paying for the three years that she cant pay for, but she keeps picking up extra shifts at the restaurant where she works to make extra money (I can't blame her), so she doesn't have much time to finish the application, as she doesn't get home till after 11 almost every night. she's coming to visit me tonight though, so I'm going to try to help her finish it up.
  18. When I was working in the production industry, general rule was if the openers were not big name bands, they usually didn't get more than a few songs/a half hour each (if there were more than 1 opener) unless the headliner wanted to go on later. If one of the openers is a big name band they got more time.
  19. :huh: :huh: uhhh...
  20. This bugs the hell out of me! Especially since the one's where I am that are doing it, make more than me, and don't devote one full paycheck a month to student loans! I'm making ends meet, STFU! :censored: best part about interns haha! I remember being one of 'em too :blush: My complaint: Control freaks, and parents that charge their kids that are still in college rent (aka my girlfriend's father). She's trying to go to med school, and has enough money saved for one year's tuition after inheriting 90% of the money from her aunt. Her parents charge her rent, make her buy her own food, charge her for health and car insurance, her cell phone, and then on top of that she buys her own gas, and has to buy all the stuff for her apartment and school. :censored: The guy pisses me off with how selfish he is, and how greedy he can be. He just takes the money from her account to pay for some of those bills. If she wasn't about to start med school, and was completely done with school, I could understand it, but she's not going to be able to keep working much during med school, so her income is going to be gone. Do any of you parentals charge your kids rent? Will you be charging your kids rent at some point? am I delusional to think that this is ridiculous? I live at home now, and don't pay rent per say. But I pay the cable/internet/phone bill, I buy half the groceries, I pay my part of the family plan cell phone bill, and I do my share of stuff around the house to help my mom out. I also, as stated above pay a large amount in student loans (thanks RIT), so I feel as if my mom is giving me a fair deal.
  21. That "I don't really care what happens with them mentality" is how I feel about the situation with the remaining three as well.
  22. HAHA! yeah. Speaks more to the defense's play than to the goalie's. If your defense is limiting chances, then your goalie doesn't have to stop much. I think that was the problem this past season with Buffalo, when we were doing horrible, and that IMO stretched all the way back to game 7 of the Philly series.
  23. looking more in depth, I have to re-neg on my previous comment. looking at the splits throughout the season, we would not have been better off in that division, and you are right in that the division was a little better than I thought. Either way, Florida relied more on a defense first game, and not offense. I went to a game against Minnesota, in Florida, and it was the most boring game I have ever been to in my life. trap play, and not many offensive rushes let alone forecheck/pressure. for $50 for row 6 you can't go wrong, but still...It was the most boring hockey I've ever seen.
  24. I really planned on being done...I did :oops: I've hated Roy for a while now because of his lazy play and attitude towards the game. I wish him the best, but I'm glad he's gone. Ott may not be star power but he's what was needed moving forward, and that is a power forward willing to forecheck and back check hard in both directions, while chipping in 30 + points. This^ This is the biggest problem I have right now. I watch every post game interview, and I recall many instances (prior to BOTH Enroth and Miller having that sh!ttastic game in Pitt and being called out by Pegula himself) where Miller said 'I just wasn't on tonight' or 'I didn't come up big when I needed to.' Ruff played Enroth more last year than he has played any other back up over the last...well since Biron left. He didn't do much to earn more starts. . Fluery, IMO is just below Miller in terms of ranking. again. My opinion. He was a sieve against Philly, and he is streakier than Miller. They won the weakest division in all of hockey. Had Buffalo played each of those teams two more times rather than TO, Boston, Mont, and Ott, they could've won that division! FLA goals against was low because of their defensive play. Look at it this way: Defense equates to GAA, Goalie equates to Save% (Liger brought this up in another thread and I believe he is absolutely correct). Most of our roster hadn't played together during the middle of the season when neither Miller nor Enroth were doing well. We were comprised heavily of AHL players, some new to the system, who had never played a shift with their line mates before. I can't really argue with this, other than to say that again, it was more of their defensive style than anything else. IIRC, Fla wasn't high on the Goals For column, so their defense won the games...ours was a patch work for a long period of time with at least 2 of our top 4 down at any given point in time it seemed. were majority of their injuries defense...or offense. If I remember right, it was mostly their forward ranks, and not their top defensemen. No one is saying Miller is the Golden Boy, from what I've read. I'm just saying it would more advantageous to this team to keep him. IMO, you are over exaggerating Miller's streaks. I don't think the world revolves around him, I jsut think this team needs him more than not. Again, I like Enroth, I just don't think he can be good enough to win enough games throughout the season for us when our offense stutters (see: last season). Miller has shown that he can, and giving that up now just seems silly to me. Welcome Aboard. I don't think anyone is saying he's untouchable, but I do believe, like you said, there is no better option for us right now.
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