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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. I agree, and I think Tropp will not be on this roster on opening day. I think it is more likely that one of our two top draft picks is on the roster and producing at least a fraction of the goals that we need to makeup.
  2. I didn't see any of the footage, but that's just crazy!!! I'm seriously enjoying archery. I have no idea what has drawn me to it, but it has been fun watching.
  3. Watching the Great Britain vs Brazil football (soccer) match. Quite the intensity. If only NBC website wouldn't interrupt the game with so many damn commercials.
  4. I wasn't really impressed by the game. I had a few people stop into the office to check the score, and everyone said the same thing: US just wasn't capitalizing! That game should've much more one sided scoreboard wise.
  5. I'm enjoying Handball and Archery today. Watching both online while I make estimates for a few customers.
  6. That looks amazing!!
  7. that's pretty sweet! So, with all the storms passing thru the southern tier yesterday, we had power knocked out at work. I got to leave an hour early, AND only just got to work (half day) since power just came back on at like 10AM. Pretty Fantastic! Thank you mother nature :beer:
  8. I honestly thought that the first time I went to a Women's game that I wouldn't like it because of the lack of hitting, but the Women's games are a ton of fun to watch, and they are not what you'd expect to see at all (I was expecting an NHL All-star type score fest of ridiculousness). I cannot wait to see RIT's women D1 this year. I have started following them more and more over the last 2 years.
  9. I hate it when Refs ruin a perfectly good game, whether it be beer league hockey, beer league softball, or any league for that matter. I watched my sister get a concussion saturday at her soccer game when a girl deliberately elbowed her in the head (and then swore at her), and my sister got called for grabbing the jersey on her way down to the ground. I thought her coach was going to murder the ref right where he stood. The other team scored off the corner kick that came after their free kick went out. SIDENOTE: my sister is ok now. Dr says it was good she had a mouth guard in, otherwise it would've been worse. it was only a minor concussion (second of her career now :thumbdown: ) . She'll be full go next weekend (first weekend of August, but should be sitting out this weekend's game).
  10. I have a really lame complaint today: I applied for a new job that will bring me not only closer to home (Lansing vs Elmira in proximity to Dryden), but would also pay more money. I had previously interned with said company. I called to follow up with them about a week and 2 days after applying, and they told me they would email me really soon with more details/inquiries about me and my interest and to potentially set up an interview. It's been a few days, and with more and more petty high school level drama at my current job, on top of having to twist everyone's arm halfway to Sunday to get them to do their own jobs, I just want to find out if I'm getting a legit shot, or if I have to endure this hell-hole longer. I am so fed up with policy changes and the new time-card police that I am about to snap. I do all of my work in a very timely fashion, and have even been completing the work of others since they are incompetent and/or lazy. And yet, I get called out for being a little late, even tho I stayed late to make it up? WTF?! I put in 2 extra unbilled hours of work last week before taking 3 full days of PTO. I put in >40 hours on a weekly basis as a salaried employee...for what? To be called out for being between 15 and 20 minutes late on 2 occasions now? ugh... at least it's finally raining outside. Give the sprinkler a break today ;)
  11. Yes he did play with Numminen. That was one of the selling points being pointed out for him to come here.
  12. who is Sabrenoise, and are they a good source?
  13. Women's soccer is huge in a lot of countries. Japan is the new team to beat, after they won the last world cup. It's an interesting field this year. I'm excited for women's soccer, all track events, volleyball, and swimming. I really find it hard to get into basketball. I don't know why. I'm glad timewarner let's me watch NBC online so I can watch games while sitting at my desk at work with headphones on. When people walk by, I just bob my head and make it look like I'm really into my music :angel:
  14. I for one agree that with Nash, the Rangers PP will improve A LOT
  15. At this point, with no games played yet, I could really see it go either way: Nash flourishes with Callahan or Richards or whoever...and gets upwards of 80 points, OR He could become a product of the Ranger's system and max out around 60/65 points. Again, at this point, there is no way to tell how he is going to mesh with his new team.
  16. two interesting and toned back articles from ESPN column writers: article 1 article 2 and lastly, another ESPN article explaining the sanctions
  17. Congrats!! :beer:
  18. The type of team the Rangers are is precisely the reason I DON'T think he''ll garner many votes. They play a team game that isn't focused around one player, and even with adding Nash, I don't think that'll change. If the Rangers game were focused on one player, I believe it would be Henrik anyways... I do agree with you however that MVP is more than just stats. But I just don't think the style that the Rangers play, and with the competition around the league, will give him enough spotlight to take that hardware. We'll see in 10 months though.
  19. The way I understand it is that the goal was to cripple the football program and the football program alone. By cutting the number of available scholarships, and fining them the amount they were fined (they are not allowed to take the money away from other sports), and by telling students it's ok to transfer, it hurts the football team, but not the local economy. If you shut down the PSU football program completely, you're punishing the local restaurants and business owners who make a living off of PSU Football season. Punishing them for the actions of the University people seemed like too much. Honestly I'm torn on the subject. I can understand both viewpoints. I lean more towards the death penalty though with the way PSU fans have been reacting, once again, acting just like the people who covered it up: putting the football program ahead of the victims.
  20. Could he hit 80 pts? by all means, I think so. However, I in no way shape or form see him as league MVP candidate. Not with Crosby back, not with the way Malkin played last year (which I expect to see continues), and not with the way Stamkos and others are coming into form. I see Nash as a close to elite player, but i don't see him above these other guys anytime soon.
  21. A lot of those are hilarious my personal favorite: He's about to finish and...nothing happens - The Scott Gomez :w00t:
  22. That's an interesting read. Thanks for that.
  23. My grandmother makes it regularly. I decided to try my own hand at it. Used homemade sauce, some peppers and zuchinni straight out of the garden, a red onion, I added a little meat to the sauce (although traditionally there isn't meat in it I don't believe) a few spices and presto... (it's supposed to have egg plant too, but I didn't have any that were good for pickin' out of the garden yet) :( served with some Italian bread, and it's delicious, and healthy!
  24. I see all four playing for the Amerks at least to start barring a trade.
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