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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. I can agree with this sentiment. Not saying I'm republican, but I do agree with this.
  2. I feel the same way at this point. A month or two ago, I was wavering, but now, I really just don't trust the guy. I don't think that he will unite the Republican party, and I think that he will just cause more bickering, and won't be able to get anything done. I think at this point for me, a boring Obama is better than the inept, and seemingly incapable Romney.
  3. My boss just pointed that out to me at lunch! I couldn't believe what he was saying. Between this and using the Libya tragedy as political "gain", Romney is really digging himself a hole.
  4. The Lions are feeling the injury bug pretty bad now. I feel bad for D-Flo.
  5. :lol: :lol:
  6. I don't firmly stand behind either party. I didn't even submit a minipack order. My sister wanted a new jersey. I told her I refuse to buy any NHL merchandise until the lockout is over. I also wanted to cancel my NHL Network subscription with Time Warner, but after being put on hold for 40 minutes, I hanged up the phone, and decided i was more mad at tw than the NHL now.
  7. I wanted to type up a response to some posts on here, but all I could muster up in my head was, "AHHH LOUD NOISES!" so I stopped trying to spit out any reasonable thought out responses. I need hockey. The religious undertones (kind of turned into overtones) in this thread are making it annoying to read. i was enjoying the back and forth of the politics.
  8. that's not bad at all actually. Just need to obtain all the proper ingredients!
  9. you always post some the most amazing food ideas haha! I'm going to have to try this recipe out this weekend when I have some extra prep time (I'm getting out of work too late on weeknights lately, and it's an hour commute).
  10. Guess this means I'll be attending most of the RIT games now, and probably more B-Sens games with my girlfriends parents.
  11. except we can't beat the Blue Jackets...You can equate the Browns to the BJs though. the whole division is 1-1, with the Jets having the 1/2 game lead thanks to blowing us out last week. I'm really impressed by the Steeler's win over the jets and Cards win over the Pats!
  12. I have a Master's and it's in Mechanical Engineering lol. I was wondering where he was going with that...
  13. It's Al...I don't put anything past that guy. 2) that chair wasn't stolen per say, but more so reallocated to a better use...
  14. I decided not to forgo the mini-pack this year :thumbdown: I might still get tickets here and there, but I just didn't see the potential in buying the tickets all up front. That being said, with my luck, the deal will be struck at the eleventh hour, so there's hope fort he rest of you ;)
  15. Heading out to Buffalo to visit my little sister for her birthday today, then driving to Syracuse tomorrow for a date night with my girlfriend. Her med school schedule is demanding, so with her having a "long weekend" (No classes Monday due to Rosh Hashanah), We can have an evening out, just the two of us. We don't get many of those lately, so it's Fantastic :)
  16. :huh: :blink: where are you going with all of this?! No legitimate reason to hold the CSA from becoming a sovereign nation??? :wallbash: The 13 Colonies declaring independence is a lot different than the confederacy seceding. Much different circumstances, and very different reasons behind it.
  17. I KNEW I RECOGNIZED IT! hahaha! well played
  18. Student loans. Paying these off has started to get in the way of things I want to do for fun :cry: Only 6 or 7 more years... :( Also: Agreeing with NS, the whole looming lockout :censored:
  19. Honestly Ghost, I was making the same comparisons yesterday with my boss...almost eerie
  20. Why not limit the years (which is what your last point is eluding to)? Doesn't that force teams to balance it out a little more, and doesn't that keep teams from making huge offers that last well past when a player will be playing?
  21. Goes with that cliche: Running gets you in shape, but they never tell you how in shape you have to be to run. I'm going to start doing hill sprints and more trail/all terrain running here now. Gonna make for an interesting winter, that's for sure!
  22. I've lost 30 LBS since January (down to 235 from 265). I have felt like I am in much better shape, running for 5 miles without a problem. My girlfriend runs half marathons (at least 2 a summer). I have made it my personal goal to run a half marathon with her and my sister next spring/summer. I also made it a personal goal to complete this: TM, Next summer, with a team of my sister, my girlfriend, and her brother.
  23. honestly, I thought RGIII was going to be good. I didn't think he had a laughing chance to beat the Saints in New Orleans, but i thought he was gonna be good. Yesterday was just crazy! started 7/7 with an 88yard TD?! DamN!
  24. The thought line in this thread is ###### ridiculous! I don't care how much publicity the Sabres get from visiting a damn hospital (and honestly, not all of their visits are documented in the news). I think it's great that the players, coaches and sabretooth go and visit the kids, with or without a freaking camera. it doesn't take away from the deed at all. The idea that the kids don't hold these athletes in high regard is ###### and you know it! No kid would rather an out of town uncle come and visit rather than meeting Sabretooth (the younger kids) or one of their favorite players. These kids look up to the players, a lot. Have you ever been to one of the hospital wings? Have you ever seen how down some of the kids are? Have you ever seen the smiles on their faces when Sabretooth walks in or their favorite player walks in? I have. and I've seen how happy it makes the family. It brightens their day to see their child happy. it doesn't just have a lasting effect on the child who has a serious illness, and has been in the hospital for months, it has a lasting effect on his parents, grandparents, siblings, etc. To know that there is good in the world, and that someone that makes millions of dollars and whom their child looks up to took the time out of their day and busy schedule, no matter the motivation, to put a smile on one sick kids face. F*ck you for thinking that this all about publicity. Even if it was, the lasting effect of Patty Lafontaine, among other players have had on my family, is more than I ever need. To know that my cousins parents still reach back and think about those visits, and can still smile even though my cousin is now gone, is enough for me. Did the Sabres make any extra money off of their visit to a hospital? did they get a tax break for charitable donations? Did they get a few extra minutes of fame on TV or in the paper? you know what? I don't give a F*ck. Wanna know why? because of what it did for one little boy. I don't argue with a lot of your other conspiracy theories or whacked out ideas about anything hockey, but when it comes to sh!t like this, leave it the f*ck alone. I'm done with this conversation. Next time, Ask someone who has a terminally sick family member, or do a little f*cking research you prick
  25. :lol: :lol: ^ this. the publicity is not only generated for the team, but their foundation for donations and the hospital for donations. I had a cousin in the hospital with Leukemia who was visited by the sabres. It meant the world to him, and it made him even happier when his picture was in the news with Pat Lafontaine. take the cynicism elsewhere.
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