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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. None taken...I laughed. :lol:
  2. mine used to go up to 265...but I decided I didn't like that much...
  3. HAHA no... ;)
  4. I'm 6'4" 235, and I am not resistant to the cold :P
  5. Having Freddy react like that is kind of scary. What is the team's mindset moving forward now that the brass just released a team capt? I don't disagree with you...it's just...so odd.
  6. wow...just wow.
  7. In response to the bold first: Tate does not have his arm around the ball, it's caught between the ball, defender's arms, and the defender's chest. That does not constitute possession! The defender CLEARLY has both hands on the ball, and pulls it into his chest, while Golden Tate has a hand between the ball and the defenders chest. You can't say in any way that he had simultaneous possession there! no way! I've watched the replay a hundred times. No way would i say at any point that Seattle got screwed. They were given that entire drive on a phantom PI call to begin with. I watched the game live, and thought right away it was an interception. Lastly, You don't hear players talk about how an official told them that they needed to step it up because they were on his fantasy team. There isn't a chance for there to be a controversy because the regular officials are a little more professional... EDIT: Great post Aud Smell. Between the Wisc. Senator tweeting Goodell's office phone number and this, the labor dispute needs to end before it spirals any more.
  8. exactly. There was no simultaneous possession what so ever. And if you think that these refs are only calling what you see, you haven't been paying attention to the news. One ref was called out by a player after being told that he needed to step up his game because said player was on his fantasy team, and another ref was taken off a game bc he was a Saints fan. If those don't show possibilities of bias, I don't know what would (DISCLAIMER: I am not saying that poor calls were made in these situations, as I didn't see either of those officiating crews in action, but it really makes you wonder if there questionable calls there). For links, just go to NFL.com, ESPN.com, FoxSports, hell, even CNN had a link and everything.
  9. yeaaaahhh, meant more than the league. Forgot the important part of that statement :oops:
  10. controversial? yes. Interesting? no. I find it difficult to watch some games (like last night, and the Ravens/Pats game). There is absolutely no consistency in the calls (pass interference on one play is deemed legal the next), the refs miss a lot, and them missing blatant calls (i.e. the tackling of a receiver down field last night) leads to fights (i.e. Greg Jennings getting up and going after the DB). It's embarrassing that it's happening. Did I complain about the regular officials? I used to. I am pretty sure that once they finally come back, I won't complain about them for a good long while. Really gives a fan some perspective on what we had, and how the integrity of the game is really held together by the zebras. The replacement refs let way too much stuff go, they don't put their foot down, and they just can't keep up with the speed of the game!
  11. Another way that poor officiating is affecting the league upwards of a couple HUNDRED MILLION dollars swing in the betting. I don't think I'd put money on any games right now...
  12. Thanks! a nice long bike ride actually sounds nice! I need to replace the rear tube on my bike, as I got a flat last time out. I should get that fixed before the season turns again!
  13. this is where I'm at right now :(
  14. I think he means that the labor dispute that the refs are having with the NFL is outrageous. Everyone knows that the replacement refs are ridiculous. That hit should have been grounds for an ejection! that was a crazy hit, and exactly the type of hit that the league is looking to get away from!
  15. I honestly have NO clue how he was available! I got him though haha!
  16. Ran my first 5K yesterday. Finished with a time somewhere in the 28 minute range (I crossed at 28:50, but I don't know when I officially crossed the start, so I have to wait to see the official time). I started in the back of the pack and worked my way forward. It was definitely an experience, and I'm already set to sign up for another one in October. I've found this getting fit thing to be fun.
  17. I started the year with Freddy and Reggie Bush on my fantasy team. Then when Freddy went down, I miraculously got Spiller off the waiver wire...then both him and Reggie went down this week. GAH!!!! I thought the refs were awful both ways yesterday. There were some holding calls on Cleveland that were truly mind boggling, and a ton of missed calls both ways. It was really frustrating.
  18. Haha true! I'm not entirely certain what her full routine is for rehabing, but I figure she'll start doing planting and kicking drills here soon if she's starting the impact running. I'm excited for her. When it happened, the injury that is, I was about to sprint onto the field! A girl from the other team deliberately slide tackled her leg out from under her while she was planting to kick, and she went down, and the other team ended up scoring (my sis plays defense, and was the last one back on the play). No card to the girl for going after the legs of another player (there was no way she was trying to play the ball), no penalty, nothing. The ref told my sister she needed to get up so they could kick off, while her team hollered for the trainer. I wanted to punch the ref so bad. They actually had security escort him off the premises after the game ended after a bunch of fans started yelling at him for some of his calls. In the end though, it may have worked out. we'll see.
  19. I don't think she will play if she's not 100% or close to it, but she's been running on an elliptical for the last week, next week she moves on to the treadmill. That leaves her the full two weeks to deal with impact running.
  20. fabulous!
  21. :yawn: the day is almost over. That by itself makes it F'N Fantastic Also F'N Fantastic: everyone thought my sister had a 3rd degree tear of her MCL during a soccer game three weeks back. She's been doing PT/rehab, and seeing a specialist, and he said yesterday that the healing/scar tissue that he can feel/see is just astounding, and that her body is incredible in terms of it's ability to heal. She was told when it first happened that she would have to be an injury red shirt for the remainder of the season. Today, she got the good news that she can play in a game in two weeks (Oct 6th). She may not play the whole thing, but with a brace on, she can play, which is F'N Fantastic News.
  22. Hopefully it'll be included in the sports pass I already pay for, and it should include NFL Redzone. I personally like watching NFL Network during the week here and there.
  23. I disagree with a lot of these for several reasons: for example: This is a huge generalization, as are a number of the other complaints on that list. A few bad encounters of a few bad TSA agents, and all of sudden it's Obama and his administration giving patdowns? I've had some pretty pissy TSA agents when I've gone to fly, but never have I ever associated the current president with the agents. They are ###### all on their own, and do what they think they are trained to do (sometimes, they go over the top). It's a tough job dealing with hundreds of thousands of people a day. Some of them go overboard, yeah, but is it directly related to what Obama is doing in office? I don't think so. There are plenty of others on that list that I have similar issues with.
  24. great post. :worthy:
  25. :o Damn dude. Deep breath! That's a lot for one day.
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