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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. was there a memo before the pumpkin was carved specifically outlaying what determines possession of said pumpkin?
  2. Ideally, yes. This point has been the sticking point as far back as I can remember (we wrote argumentative papers as far back as middle school (7th and 8th grade) about this...although for me that's only 12-14 years ago, so that's not saying much). I do acknowledge this, and applaud you for giving the other sides view. I just wanted to put my viewpoint into the mix. I don't applaud it (abortion that is), that's for sure. I think there will never be a consensus on when the fetus' life is more or less "valuable" than the mother's. I don't know when that point is. I wouldn't want to be the one to make that decision.
  3. This is my take on the subject matter at hand as well. The United States was founded on the premise of Freedoms (Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech, et al. ) as well as the Natural Rights of man as outlined by several different philosophers, being at a minimum of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. This Country also enacted laws to separate church and state. You can't have your cake and eat it too. If there truly is separation of church and state, and the people of this country truly have the freedom to choose their religion and their beliefs, then they have the right to be pro-life or pro-choice. The government does not have the right to choose for them, and that's my belief. Personally, I believe in pro-choice to an extent. I do think that there will be people who take advantage of this, but I honestly believe that Americans have the freedom to choose, as long as they know of any health related risks. I do understand the pro-life stance, but again, that's their belief. They have the freedom to choose to not get an abortion.
  4. Traveled to DC Sunday for work, and came home last night. I gave up my Sunday evening to drive to DC, and then spent 2 days walking around a conference/convention, and then yesterday in a hotel answering emails and working remotely before leaving, getting home at 745pm. I'm exhausted, mentally and physically, and I still had to be up at 530, to leave my house by 630 to get to work by 745 this morning. I don't have flex scheduling anymore, and I don't want to use my PTO (it's too valuable), so I'm now on cup of coffee number 3, and fighting to stay awake. Today, and tomorrow cannot end soon enough :(
  5. The job offer I was given for the current place of employment was on the spot face to face. I've honestly only ever had 1 non face to face offer given.
  6. I did the same thing. I brushed it off, and then after reading a few people's opinion on it I watched it. It was fine for a while, then it just became obnoxious to me.
  7. Best of luck. hit me up Saturday at the RIT games. I'll buy you a beer (hopefully a congratulatory one!!!)
  8. ooph. I like your last idea there...
  9. Well, there's a variety pack of players if I've ever seen one.
  10. just as long as you don't steal her food (read: favorite snacks...I made the mistake of eating the last brownie in a batch my girlfriend made :oops: ), and follow D4rk's and Chz's advice, you'll be fine.
  11. Awesome indeed!! Thanks for that!
  12. That blows! I know this was brought up before, but how long until she can severe ties with the roommate from hell?? ouch! heal up soon! My complaint: common courtesy in the office. It is not necessary to have a ridiculously loud conversation right outside my cubicle, especially when two of the three participants have an actual office with a door that closes. It would've been great for them to go in there anyways since what they were talking about should not be common knowledge to all the employees in the general vicinity. Also, I'M ON THE DAMN PHONE WITH A CUSTOMER! :censored: :wallbash: I've asked nicely for people to take their conversations and gatherings elsewhere, because as a sales engineer, more than half of my job requires me to use a phone, and it is so distracting having people loudly converse next to you while on said phone. I'm not sure if I'm going to take the passively aggressive route, and forward an email on general office courtesy that was sent out a year ago, or what...but it's getting annoying.
  13. I work in a sales dept. Every year we raise the prices of our items anywhere from 3% - 4% (a multiplier of 1.03 - 1.04 on the previous price) to account for increased costs due to inflation. All of those are on par from 2% - 4% ish/year (i.e multiply 2002 number by 1.03^10, it'll be close. If not try 1.02 or 1.04.) (the ones that I calculated). do the math. Everything goes up in cost, on average 3% per year. Should it? I don't know, I'm an engineer by trade, not an economist, so I couldn't tell you. All I know is that it doesn't matter which president is in office, prices were going to go up either way. If there is an economist, or someone who understands market inflation, please feel free to comment (in terms a lowly engineer can understand ;) ) Otherwise, I have no idea what point you are trying to make.
  14. This is where I'm at right now, and I totally agree with the bolded part.
  15. . not particularly safe for work... I saw it on thechive this morning, then someone else sent it to me via facebook message.
  16. Gotta agree with you here.
  17. words just escape me... :death:
  18. You do realize that Apartheid was a very racial set of laws that promoted segregation, not too dissimilar from our very own US of A segregation issues. There was plenty of violence in that country prior to the end of apartheid, as the majority of the people were resisting and uprising to the minorities rule and governing. To say that someone made Apartheid seem worse than it was is just ridiculous!! Apartheid ending did not directly cause the rise in violence in that country. Onto this Country's political issues: I watched a good portion of the debate. I got a little riled up over the fact that neither candidate could directly answer a question without bashing the other first. I was even more upset over the fact that Romney was arguing the debate format and acting childish (just my opinion, I've only ever watched 2 other debates in my lifetime that I recall). I also was riled over the fact that he'd go back to a previous question before talking about the current question at hand. Overall, I thought Obama had the upper hand in that debate, and thought Romney failed to gain ground when he really could have, and honestly should have. My vote is still undecided, but I'm really leaning away from Romney. I just wish I had binders full of women like him though ;)
  19. that is still by far my favorite Sabres goal!
  20. at least you'll see a season? ;)
  21. Wow, that's pretty lame.
  22. why? you offering to start one? :ph34r:
  23. I'm impressed. That's gotta make the players feel better about themselves.
  24. I think everyone can agree that the offensive play calling was horrendous for the game. The defense did a lot better than anticipated, but we gave up 50 yards rushing to the QB! Glad to see Mario and the rest of the D line get some sacks, even if it was against the worst O line in the NFL. In other news, Fitz is going to get one of our receivers killed out there the way he is throwing lately. Throwing high to our receivers, and they are taking a beating. Glad to see Freddy and CJ getting a good amount of reps each.
  25. Well that escalated quickly! I absolutely love this show!
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