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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. Got all my ski gear out, and leaving work an hour early. Heading up to Greek Peak for the first outing of the year, then tomorrow, heading to WNY with the gf, sister, and brother in law to hit up Holiday Valley, and spend New Years out there. Gonna use my holiday money (gifts from the grandparents) and go to the chophouse with the girl and her brother and his girlfriend. Gonna be fun.
  2. That sucks man. I've been stuck at work (not literally stuck here bc of weather, but in the daily grind kind of stuck...wanted to clarify lol) since Wednesday. There are 5 people in the office (out of 30 something). I'm here because, like an idiot, I used all my PTO before the last week of the year. I won't be doing that again. The other four people here? managers and accountants all closing out stuff that needs closed prior to end of year. What am I doing you ask? twiddling my thumbs bc we have I think maybe 3 customers that didn't completely shut down for this week. highlight of my day yesterday? a phone call with someone that more or less had the wrong number (they thought they needed our services, but turns out they need one of our competitors). We chatted about the lockout :( Today's to do list: .... It's going to be a long 7 hours (already 1 hour down :thumbsup: )
  3. Just got a $75 gift card to Men's Warehouse from my girlfriend's brother from Christmas. Now if only I didn't have to work the remainder of the week :( gonna go suit shopping this weekend.
  4. Congrats LPF!!!
  5. haha or his remarks about who is going to hell. I was rolling on the floor when he pointed out the little people in the front row, and brought them into the conversation.
  6. That's just wrong! I agree.
  7. my girlfriend and I got into kayaking over the summer, and she bought a tandem kayak. We wanted to do the same...guess we're all in the same boat ;)
  8. I'll add a fourth: cover charges at a bar where they charge an exorbitant amount for drinks already. I don't go to bars where there's a cover generally.
  9. my best regards to both of you. :( My only complaint today is today and my half day at work tomorrow are going to be a struggle to get through. Between trying to wrap up projects before just about the entire office goes on vacation, and dealing with customer's last minute orders before they shut down for the next three weeks, and my lack of sleep...I might end up curled up under my desk sleeping.
  10. They got angry SO fast haha! that was really funny. I like Russel Brand, and now i may need to watch his show lol.
  11. there is a drop dead date per one of the articles I read over the weekend that is some where in the first 2 weeks of January, but I don't remember it now...
  12. great news that the meeting went well. this sounds like a promising opportunity for you!! :beer:
  13. Fantastic!! :thumbsup:
  14. just last week they were saying that when the safety cheats up, Fitz is supposed to audible to a pass to throw over the safety. which is it?! GAH!
  15. I think they REALLY simplified the definition, but I'm not sure.
  16. Just saw the link on CNN too. I'm glad to see petitions for Westboro to be named a hate group. Glad Anonymous is targeting them too.
  17. Are you serious about Westboro? :censored:
  18. interviewing the kids is just asinine. I'm in shock. Just had 3 or 4 people crouched around my computer watching the press briefing and the live feed for about 30 minutes or so in my office. I just cannot believe it. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families of all involved :(
  19. as a fellow RIT Alum with D4rk: I would say RIT is awesome as long as you find the right on campus activities for yourself. I absolutely loved my 5.5 years at the school.
  20. I can imagine haha
  21. there are no words to express my level of jealousy to you, I just want you to be aware. ;)
  22. congrats and good for you! :beer:
  23. Best of luck to you! Hope you nail it!! :thumbsup:
  24. keep your chin up man. it can only go up right? plus, keep counting your blessings. as for me, I am sick of passive aggressive behavior in the work place. Got a problem? Need help with something? upset about the way something was done? Just SAY SO! stop with the subtle emails, and the word games, and the mumbling in passing...it's really childish FFS. GAH! also, whoever made the last batch of...coffee? sludge, that sh!t is undrinkable, and I think a baby's diaper may smell better...thanks but don't ever try again.
  25. Chz, hope you feel better soon. I just got over my cold. took almost two weeks. Now the girlfriend is sick :oops: I've been traveling for work since Monday. Left Elmira at 8am, drove to Cleveland, Orrville, Salem, Pittsburgh, and Johnstown, then back to Elmira today. I am so exhausted. Only had one customer stand me up though (today's meeting of course).
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