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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. Just got news that my 72 year old grandfather has been officially diagnosed with Alzheimer's. We all saw it coming, but it's so sad. I really hope my kids get to see him in close to a similar light as I saw him before he starts to fade too much. His driving days are over, but he still knows people and places. Just gets dates and times, and places he's been confused. The man is my hero. He was a Tank Commander in the US Army at the Berlin wall (dropped out of hs). left the armor for the green berets. Left the green berets for the MPs. Finally left the MPs for the national guard and was one of the Non commissioned officers in charge of a large outfit tasked with security in NYC after 9/11 as his last deployment. He was a Buffalo city cop, and a plumber in there too somewhere, with some sketchy things that come with being an Italian plumber in Buffalo...He's been everywhere, seen everything. He has always been lighthearted, quick with a joke, and there to have your back. Powered through a heart attack, and valve replacement, and a hip replacement. The man has always seemed indestructible. and now I paused to take a phone call from my sister, and whoever is cutting the damn onions in my office needs to stop.
  2. Some men just like to watch the world burn...
  3. I thought I partially tore something in my rotator cuff back on Thanksgiving. Started back at the gym in late December just doing cardio and core work (I'm talking walking/ stairmaster & situps, stretching, and light ab stuff). Caught a cold and Bronchitis last week, and missed the last week. Finally started feeling better last week, and my doctor whom I saw for my bronchitis suggested trying a pushup now since I've been on prednisone, and see if I still get tingly in the fingers. Well, I could do 10 pushups before my arm hurt like hell. But I did it! My bronchitis is almost gone, and just in time too, as I'm going on a ski trip for the weekend as my last pre-dad getaway. After that it'll be gym everyday!
  4. thats adorable.
  5. as ready as it can be, I think lol. We have one crib ready to go, still need to get another, however, they'll be in a cradle/bassinet that we already have first in our room, so we have a little time. my step dad got Mrs Menace a rocker, and the room is all decorated to her fancy so... From what everyone tells me, just accept the chaos and that you're not really in control, and it will all go smoother lol.
  6. March 31 is the drop dead date becuase of twins. They won't let her get to full term (mid April). C-section is kind of both. the choice was: natural birth for baby A, and breach extraction (look it up, very unpleasant) for baby B because of positioning, or C-section. C-section is lesser of two evils in our minds. Breach extraction pulls baby B out by legs, with an incision on mom front to back, if you catch my drift. In that case you cannot tell if the cord is wrapped around the head, and is very dangerous for both baby and mother. Guessing that they arrive prior to the 31st though. Family and friends alike are taking bets like superbowl squares lol.
  7. Very nice! Just scheduled the C-Section for the twins (not that we really have a ton of control on when the little nuggets arrive). Everything just got very real, and I couldn't be more excited at this moment. :) B-)
  8. Theater in Ithaca was sold out all day the day Christmas and day after Christmas. It was nuts.
  9. and 1 good game against the Pats, and tha tone against the Jets...
  10. Bio is right. Ren says that the First Order has the rest of the map, and he only needs that one piece, which is why he thought just taking Rey, who at that point had only seen the small piece, was all he needed. Saw it a second time, and I paid more attention to the imagery in the scenes, and wow! They did an excellent job with lighting and everything else in dramatic scenes. Makes you feel it so much more.
  11. The twins got a lot of sabres clothing for Christmas. little jerseys, onsies, pajamas...all too cute. I got an Eichel jersey from my dad. Was thoroughly surprised by it to say the least. thoroughly happy about it too lol.
  12. Just saw the movie last night! Wow! Loved it. Going to see it again Saturday!
  13. I still care, watch the games, and believe something has got to give sooner rather than later. I am of the belief that we are cursed because of Doug Flutie being shafted in that '99-'00 time frame. It gets better someday, right?
  14. I don't notice or remember, but Mrs. Menace sure does...
  15. See I disagree on the bold. this is taking place 30 yrs after the original trilogy. So a young woman asking if what happened was all legend or true, and him explaining they're all true, isn't too unbelievable. It's like me asking my grandfather if all the stories his army buddy's tell me are true, to which he'll reply "of course..." I am way too excited for this movie. I'm pissed, my sister bought tickets to see it tonight at an AMC in Buffalo with a couple of her coworkers. I'm the one that introduced her to Star Wars, and she can't even wait to come home for Christmas break to see it with her big brother?! Gah!
  16. I love Arkham City, and will go back and play all the time.
  17. Wildcard, That is such a better way to tell the prequels!
  18. Man, I'm glad I didn't invite you to my wedding! :nana:
  19. funny story actually. We were visiting friends in Rochester last year, and they were telling my now wife, then fiance, about the only time our group had ever gone to a strip club. When they were finished with the story (which included the details of me losing a Bills hat. yes I literally left it at the strip club, on purpose, never to be worn again :sick: ), my wife, dead eyed, told all of us that if we ever go to a strip club again, she better be invited. my jaw hit the floor.
  20. True story there!!
  21. Taking Mrs Menace to see the Nutcracker Ballet tomorrow. She's excited. Also, my sister-in-law and her husband just bought a house about 2 miles away from us, which means that I get to see our goddaughter a lot more, and her husband and I are much closer once golf season rolls around :)
  22. I'll go about a week after the premiere. I get a little anxious in certain crowds. Not so much at Bills games (maybe the outdoors helps with that), but I can't do huge crowds at a theatre.
  23. Thanks Derrico for another fun year.
  24. I remember having similar issues in grad school. made me so mad that so many people were there that really didn't care, or had no clue what plagiarizing was at that age. Best of luck to you man
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