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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. WTF is up with that ref?! need to cash in here!!!
  2. Went to an "Re-employment services" meeting today in order to keep collecting unemployment. Guy tried helping me apply to jobs, except all the jobs he brought up on the screen, I already applied to. Biggest waste and most disparaging 45 minutes ever. :( At least I got out of the house for a while. Went to Barnes and Noble afterwards just to stay out longer.
  3. I've got faith in Enroth tonight. Big thing tonight is being smart and not taking so many penalties!!
  4. HAHA! I remember him going off on some long tangent, and I muted the TV for the remainder of the period. Glad to know it was about tacos haha.
  5. job search is going...how well is another story. That is a scary stat though regarding the rest of our centers. and I believe Ink is right in that Grigs hasn't taken any defensive zone faceoffs (I believe he got tossed on one?)
  6. It has to do with the location of where her provider is. My cable provider is Syracuse, even though I'm physically closer to Binghamton...makes no sense.
  7. I posted in the game day thread instead of this one, but I'll say it again: Grigs leads centers in FO% so far. He's won over 50% of his draws (9/16). The next closest center is Ennis at 41.9%. I say keep him if he keeps winning his faceoffs!
  8. I say I agree agree with what I seen you write here
  9. Just to note: Grigs leads all centers in FO% with 56.2% (9/16). Ott is 7/11. Our next best CENTER is Ennis with 42%. I say keep the kid, because at least he's winning faceoffs. The goals and assists will come in the next couple games. He's been in position to make plays, he's just seemed a little nervous (like passing when he should have shot last night). Hopefully he lights up Carolina.
  10. I'm considered to be in the Bills/Sabres market even though I'm 3 hours away (Dryden NY). Syracuse (where I get my cable from) has one tinsy weensy little sliver in the Buffalo market, so we get blacked out here.
  11. Oh I totally agree. I think it's going to be a fine line that some guys are gonna walk at the start of the season as they are getting used to a new mindset. And with that I'm out for the evening. It's been fun! Great to see the Sabres beat both Philly and Toronto on back to backs B-) :beer:
  12. good point :oops: Kaleta very apologetic for that penalty and taking full responsibility for it in the postgame interview here.
  13. I think that was more fatigue tonight than anything else. Hopefully that isn't an omen of this season's strategy, but I may be just being naive... ;)
  14. well that was closer than I would've like haha! Good game by Miller. Too many penalties though. When we play a team with a decent PP, that's going to kill us. I'm liking the 26-19-29 line, and the FES line has been very close. They'll get their's soon.
  15. where did all these people magically come from? I can't see the ice now! :huh:
  16. What was Kaleta's penalty for? and ######! there goes the shutout, and the perfect pk :thumbdown:
  17. Sylvester was hard to listen to the first 5 mins or so...after that he's been ok.
  18. Toronto has fans? I thought all these people were there for the free scarf.
  19. Frasier was more interested in getting rid of his elbow pad. Foligno just wanted to go lol.
  20. I thought it was only going to be on the Rangers broadcast from the other day, or was hoping at least. It's awful
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