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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. Why is NBC telling me that Coverage has concluded for this game?! WTF? Nevermind - just came back EDIT: I no longer have commentary
  2. I can't argue this point. but to say that he can't steal games is a farce
  3. Latvians looking pretty good defensively. Now if only they could generate some more offense. I've only seen Girgensons in the D-zone, but he's seemingly doing well.
  4. This is just ignorance. The Sabres were only in the Boston and Philly series because of him. He stole at least 2 games/series. We didn't win because of what was in front of him both of those years. Arguing that we didn't win because he couldn't "steal the show" is just biased and ignorant
  5. I wholeheartedly agree.
  6. Re-read. Quick is starting for the first game. They may rotate goalies like Canada is going to during the group play, and go with the hot goalie. I could also be off base on that. And I honestly don't know who I'd rather start. Miller has more international experience, but Quick has been playing better, and neither has shown anything on the larger ice surface yet.
  7. -7°F in Lansing NY today. My puppy didn't even want to be outside.
  8. kind of ironic...
  9. hey man. something similar happened to me exactly a year ago. my gf of a year broke up with me after taking me to my first SU game. She gave me the "I love you but I'm not in love with you" line and proceeded to tell me we should be friends etc. I had just been laid off, and had already paid to go on this ski trip with her. On said ski trip, I was not intentionally flirting with a waitress, however it seemed that way to her, and in the middle of the restaurant, she just blew up at me for flirting with another woman. Crazy I tell you. Well, it all works out man. Had I not broken up with Crazy girl, I wouldn't have met the girl of my dreams a month and a half later. We've been dating ever since, and I gotta say, I've never been happier. We've been living together since November, and I'm thinking of starting to shop for a certain piece of jewelry (she's already dropped hints of what she wants recently). almost scary how awesome life can turn out for you if you keep an open mind. Don't sulk bro. You'll do fine! My crazy complaint. I've been going thru this semi audit recently, showing a customer our capabilities, etc. I've busted my ass on this project and the work for this customer for several months now. We finally got a forecast that is VERY promising for my dept. When we had a meeting with senior mgmt to propose a long term kind of agreement etc, our general manager did nothing but rave to the customer about our senior management team, but did nothing to compliment me, the other engineer on the project or our sales person who brought them in the door to begin with. I don't want him to practically blow a load over the work the three of us had completed, but a little recognition would've been nice. (for the record, he practically blew a load over our senior management team). kind of insulting. yay politics.
  10. I had actually forgotten about that. I read on the ESPN ticker that they were going to modify the takeoffs, but I haven't seen it anywhere else. The above quote affirms F.J.'s comment though.
  11. absolutely no doubt. I wouldn't bring my family. I've wondered this. On a side note, I saw on ESPN that the snowboarding freestyle course had to be modified after several complaints from the athletes, and finally one breaking his collarbone (a Finnish athlete I believe that was thought to be a medal contender). brings up the question, why weren't the courses looked at prior to athletes to using the hills. Don;t they have to have inspections or anything like that? I thought the olympics were tightly governed?
  12. oh wow. This sounds like it will be the olympics from hell for the visiting olympian athletes. Hopefully security is better than the contractors :unsure:
  13. I hate the "I had intention to blow the whistle" rule. I understand why it's in place, but if you have instant replay, you should be able to go back and say, "hey, even though I had intention to blow the whistle, I was wrong based on the other view I see here, so therefore, I can overrule my ###### call" isn't that the point of instant replay? being able to correct mistakes in the calls? it seems like mistakes are just covered up by refs (and not just in sabres games, but in all nhl games) by the "intention to blow the whistle."
  14. 1) snow storm expected to hit hard, so I will probably call it quits from work Wednesday early so I can hit the slopes 2) Tax return season is fast approaching...and if I get enough in my tax return, I will be purchasing new all-mountain skis (still doing research on pair that I want). 3) Just finished going thru my yearly review at work, and three was only 1 detraction, and that was expected because it showed up on my directors review and that means it flows onto mine. With a good review comes a good raise (although I have to wait 2 or 3 months to see it). I'm still excited.
  15. :cry: do want
  16. My sister just leased a KIA Optima. Actually not a bad car, and decent fuel mileage from what I understand. Me, I love my Subaru Legacy. 26-28 mpg city, 33mpg+ highway.
  17. Yes to the bolded. Nolan has said basically that the message just isn't getting thru to some players. very high. I plan on doing my taxes and watching the Cuse v Notre Dame basketball game tonight instead of the Sabres game.
  18. I love Ennis, and I hope he sticks around. He's one of those I can see why we would trade him, but I hope we don't
  19. I just got done going thru an audit here at work. I'm salaried. I typically put in about 45 hours per week at work, but weeks like this require me to put in close to 55 or more (especially since it's end of month and we have billing to do). I was in the lab today, and had come in late, and an hourly technician was hassling me because I was 15 minutes behind schedule today. He then proceeded to bitch about needing to work overtime, and how it's intruding on his personal life, etc. YOU'RE HOURLY! YOU GET TIME AND A HALF! I'D GIVE MY LEFT NUT TO GET PAID FOR THE EXTRA HOURS I WORK (sometimes). I hate ungrateful people!
  20. yay... :wallbash: I am so sick of Leino. I really wish he'd just go away.
  21. Leino on the fourth line is better than Leino on the second line, but him in the pressbox would be much much better.
  22. Is it too much to ask for Varone to fill in for Leino tonight? then we can be considered to have iced a full team for once. Seriously, if I have to watch Leino do absolutely nothing but constantly turn the puck over again tonight, I may just go crazy!
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