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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. I'm ok with losing close competitive games this year. The game was fun to watch and we're that much closer to a first overall pick
  2. Conacher running over Hjarmarason (spelling way off there) was sweet
  3. Leino is an idiot. That entry doesn't work!!! GAH!
  4. Terrible power play so far. No possession whatsoever.
  5. Tripping call. PP forthcoming for Sabres I have no use for Mcbain. At all
  6. Milbury guaranteeing that 75% of this roster won't be here next year? That would be a larger turnover than I'd expect
  7. Hodgson is looking really good tonight. Mcbain taking out conacher. Wonderful
  8. It really looked accidental, like the Blackhawk caught an edge and caused his foot to kick out
  9. Uh oh. Not good for Myers And a PP for the Sabres.
  10. A lot of guys hustling and working for the puck. Enroth looks calm and composed. Decent game.
  11. I'm excited to see conacher play tonight. Glad to see Rhudy back up.
  12. It's not sub 10°F outside...I can run outside without my lungs burning the sh!t out of me.
  13. does that mean that they will most likely not dress, barring injury?
  14. in my opinion, that was a lot dirtier than John Scott's elbow. A lot.
  15. as usual...26 on the ball. Actually, probably going to miss this game. Getting drinks and what not after work to celebrate the successful (*fingers crossed*) ending of our audit.
  16. I don't know how Nolan does it, but this team with this roster is actually fun to watch again.
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