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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. as far as I have been able to tell, it isn't a joke...but who knows.
  2. this is the only acceptable reason I can see to having Leino in the lineup... ;) congrats to the Deslauriers' though!
  3. I don't want to believe it, but it would be wrong and naive of me to ignore that.
  4. Jacksonville, Oakland and St. Louis are all prime candidates from everything I've read. They have more dire stadium issues, and attendance issues. Even with the Bills failing to sell out the last 2 - 3 home games, attendance isn't that terrible. We;re typically only 1k - 2k away from a sellout, in a 70k stadium. We're the 11th largest stadium, and we're putting $130 mil into renovating it. Hell, NYS is investing into this. I figure as long as Goodell is Commiss, being from western NY and knowing the impact of the Bills on the region, there won't be a relocation. According to a few articles though, in order to maintain that regionalizing and increase income, their next stadium needs to be further north to accommodate those Canadians... I'm not optimistic or pessimistic, I'm just rolling with the punches right now. and I plan to be at at least 2 games this year (one warm game with the girl, and one cold game with my buds at a minimum).
  5. At least we're still better than Cleveland ;)
  6. I think the every other night in new time zone more or less is what he was referring to. That's all I can think of. Worst of all being Vancouver Monday night, and then Montreal Tuesday (oops) Wednesday night, but that really doesn't seem, like you said, too extraordinary.
  7. ahh gotcha. Thanks
  8. is he saying the trip destinations and how it was planned was wrong by the league?!
  9. Isn't that the truth! hopefully we can oblige them soon!
  10. Good deal!! This is good for the developing team.
  11. Finally got some recognition for the amount of work I've been putting in, and the amount that my team has been getting done...which is great because we increased from last years numbers by 30% and last year was up 15% from the people who were in our positions before that. :thumbsup: :beer: That was followed up with an office space moment of "we need you to come in on Saturday...and Sunday too..." yay. Fantastic :censored:
  12. Once Hasek's is up there, the numbers are exhausted. No more to the rafters for a LONG time.
  13. didn't realize that. wow.
  14. ok...now I have a complaint. Freshman Tyler Ennis of Syracuse is entering the NBA draft. I think that's a bad move on his part, and sucks for the school. but hey, his choice. EDIT: I guess he;s projected to be top 12, and that it's a tossup between him and Marcus Smart for top Point Guard. Still angry though. Cuse is gonna be in trouble next season.
  15. I could get on board with a larger field and extended tournament. Not as large as basketball obviously, but larger is better.
  16. my condolences :( in regards to TMNT...I'll definitely see it. I won't have high expectations, but I'll see it nonetheless. no complaints from me today.
  17. I agree with this.
  18. true as it may be, I still have a lot of respect for the man and his accomplishments.
  19. I thought they were amazing! as well as deep fried oreos!
  20. Try deep fried twinkies...
  21. I really hope whomever takes over and buys this franchise understands the legacy and what Ralph has done, and respects it leaving the team here in this city. It would be a crying shame if they didn't. Reading over on Buffalorumblings.com: the estate needs to approve of the sale, followed by 24 of the NFLs owners. It's long odds that they all approve an owner that is going to move the franchise but hey, you never know The more I read and watch tributes and what not, the more I've learned about the man, and the more respect I have for him. Has the team been run poorly at times? yeah. But everything else the man has done was not poorly done in the least bit.
  22. ooh boy. I bet you're gonna go ground hog hunting soon? lol stay safe.
  23. paging Tank! how many more regulation losses to clinch dead last?? I was going to watch this game, but some personal matters came up...reading thru this, I'm kind of glad they did.
  24. well said
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