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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. Again, I love my Subaru Legacy. it's a 2011, I got it new, only one issue, and that was a freak manufacturing defect that was taken care of. My friends have the Outback, and my coworker just got a 2013 Forester. Never have heard a complaint. Just my $0.02
  2. Gotcha. Makes sense. Thanks!!
  3. why would a team ask a top end goalie to change his style with so little time left in the season though? I cannot argue that he looked like he was taking a different approach at times, but last night, after the 1st 3 goals, he seemed like the same old Miller. It's more of an open ended question. it doesn't make sense to me to ask someone who has been doing it as long as Miller to change their style.
  4. holy cow...did not notice that. edit: didn't Morrow get hurt blocking a shot?
  5. I don't disagree. As someone who grew up with guns, I believe regulation is needed, but I don't want excessive regulation. The problem I have with the new laws is that they more or less punish (it's a harsh choice of word) the law abiding people like me and my family, but does almost nothing to prevent the illegal guns issue. Address the illegal guns, and then come talk to me about regulating my guns.
  6. yet thru the entire game + 1.5 periods of overtime, he had only seen 15 minutes of ice time. I don't know what he finished with total, but that's not saying much in terms of faith from a coach...
  7. I'm hoping this is the case so long as we have next year's pick
  8. I didn't intend to just include shotguns in there, as I own a few rifles myself, and am applying for my handgun license (good luck to me on that <_< ), but yes, you are correct.
  9. it's not that I anticipate needing to fight back against a government. Guns are a way of life for my family. I was raised with a shotgun in my hands more or less. I hunt, I shoot skeet, I target shoot. Don't take away or limit my hobby. to me, it's the equivalent of limiting when you can go boating during the summer, or how much gas you're allowed to burn in your boat, and what activities you may take part in on your boat (i.e. you can water ski...but don't think about buying a tube, they look scary therefore they're more dangerous).
  10. I agree. that was uncalled for imo. I thought that was an awesome game! fell asleep before the game winner went in, but at least I got a game and a half in before ;)
  11. HAHA that's what one of the other technicians said, that I must have a reputation with certain people...i.e. the wrong rep with the wrong ppl. I don't understand why or how either. I'm a hardass with the guys in my dept. but we have well exceeded our goal for 5 months running now, and I believe it has secured them better raises (which I told them it should). I don't take ###### from the other favored depts, and I tell it like it is. Maybe others don't like it, but it's ended up bringing in more profits to two areas that haven't seen much the last few years before I came aboard.
  12. uhhh yeah...that's not promising.
  13. same complaint as last week. I'm reaching my limits with this co worker. He walked by my office today, and while HR was in there, he just said "###### you". HR lady asked me what I did...thanks lady. because it's obviously my fault that this guy who is a loose cannon and always angry is angry? All I did was not use the right fan apparently on a chamber... :wallbash: yeesh.
  14. not really actually. Call me a little naive but I had little knowledge of this.
  15. :blink: :blink: I think I need to read through this a few times to really wrap my head around what you're saying, and then research a little myself.
  16. Ekblad is the clear cut #1 defenseman is what he's trying to say. Knowing that he'd be off the board at #1 hurts the ability to move around now is what they are trying to say I believe as now anything after #1 is most likely a forward. With the potential to use the only top ranked d-man, the ability to move around is lessened. Again, this is just how I interpreted what was being said. It's not MY opinion. my opinion is draft Reinhart should he be there at 2.
  17. I figured the strength and conditioning coach would be gone. kind of surprised.
  18. finally filled my bracket out...just in time ;)
  19. HAHA that's great!
  20. well played guys (and gal). well played. :lol:
  21. Girlfriend made homemade peanut butter cookies and brought to work for me and some colleagues. If I wasn't in love before, I think I just reached a point of no return...
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