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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. This is huge and I didn't realize it when I started working out a few years back. Now I make a smoothie every morning with a scoop of protein powder because I know I don't get enough protein with my diet paired with my workout regimen. I used to lift at the gym 3 nights a week, focusing on different muscle groups each night, and then do cardio on 2 other days, and have 1 rest day per week. Now, with my summer softball league here, I do mostly body weight exercises (i.e. pull-ups, pushups, dips, situps, lunges, etc) on nights I don't play. I get about 30 minutes in. I ski in the winter for cardio (trust me, some of those black diamond runs are more cardio and leg workouts than I can get running a 5k). I hover around 230 - 240 weight wise, and I am very happy with it. If I really wanted to drop more, I'd run more/do more sprints
  2. I was always told that growing up, but I never could do them. yupp...I too did the +60lbs in college thing. Finally started working out (cardio kickboxing is great for weight loss). Went from 260 to 230, and now I can do pullups...in a limited capacity lol. I went home last night and the girlfriend had bought a door frame pullup bar. Put it in and did 7. I felt accomplished.
  3. Most of the soldiers that are "painting the ugly picture of him" are more pissed at the fact that 6 men died searching for him after it came to light that he probably deserted. I don't think that really paints to the picture you have suggested if I may be so bold.
  4. mostly due to the tax issues but yeah...classy nonetheless... this guy sounds like a real winner <_< I want him nowhere near the Bills
  5. a thread for you, a thread for you, a thread for everyone! :blink: :ph34r: ;)
  6. I only want LA to win it so the cup can come back to Ithaca with Dustin Brown, so that this time I can ACTUALLY see it
  7. I was a tooth pick and I couldn't do a pull up until college... now I can do 10-15...but I always start my workouts with pullups. If I were to do them anywhere else in my workout routine, I'd probably get 5 maybe 8 max.
  8. Guys from his unit are not saying nice things about him. This whole thing is strange. release 5 taliban for 1 apparent deserter? :huh:
  9. Thanks everyone. I'll post a picture or video or something down the road when I ask. And Happy Birthday Taro!
  10. Buying the ring today...taking a long lunch to go pay for it (well half). I won't see it for a few more days. They need to adjust the setting and size. I'm excited.
  11. :doh: I refuse to give in and outright say you were right...but... :angel:
  12. had to go home at 230 today to shave so that I could wear a respirator to cut some stuff up. COuldn't wait till tomorrow according to my boss :censored: now that the blanks are cut...they are just sitting at the machinist's bench...waiting until tomorrow... :wallbash: :censored:
  13. My sister and I always talked about getting the same tat: dog tags down our sides with mom and grandpa's name and rank. Each had 30+ years of service in the US Army. Only tat I would ever even think about getting (it was my sisters idea), and she already has a rendering of what we (she) wants. My girlfriend isn't opposed either.
  14. my employer does the same petty stuff. Pisses me off.
  15. that made me laugh. I just picture that woman trying to go thru the drive thru window haha
  16. I think Zadorov could be another Girgensons type of exemption. I don't think another year of Juniors is going to kill him, but I think he'd benefit from playing the faster pace of the NHL more so.
  17. I have the same issues as #2 and #4. People come into my office at work and will move 1 little thing out of place, be it slightly turning a post it note or a pen, or so far as moving my stapler a few inches. I always notice and they get a kick out of it. I used to get pissed but have now started to get over it. Since I've lived with my girlfriend, she's kind of become my controlled chaos necessary for an OCD person to live a normal life lol. as for #4 - my ex was more high society type, and 6 months into our year long relationship, I realized I DEFINITELY did not belong. Respect and loyalty are two major characteristics I look for in people. I'm loyal to a fault, and I give respect where respect is due, and only ask for it in return. I'm the complete opposite. I love introducing myself to new people. I used to be the shyest person in the world, would never introduce myself to anyone, and would shy away from big social occasions...that all changed my senior year of high school when my grandfather took me to one of his BBQs with about 20 ex military (mostly ex-Green Beret's). an hour with those guys, and they'll make anyone outgoing. I'm probably one of the most outgoing people you'll ever meet now lol
  18. The longest I've ever been to NYC was a 4 day weekend, and we actually stayed on Staten Island because it was cheaper. My only knock against the city, which is my knock against any major city, is that there are too many people for me. Both times I've been to NYC, I've had a panic attack when I got to a really crowded area (i.e. a subway exit that was under construction that way too many people were trying to move thru at once). Other than that, I didn't mind NYC. Everything is much faster paced in some places, but that's expected.
  19. Haha! I had talked to my sister about it a couple months back, and she was yelling at me that I was taking too much time lol
  20. I love Lake Placid, Saranac Lake and the surrounding area. There's nothing like it that I've seen, smelt, or experienced before. It's so surreal.
  21. I'll give this a try 1. I'm a mechanical engineer, and dream of owning my own company 2. I used to be risk averse, but I'm about to take 2 huge leaps, only one of which I can discuss at the moment: 3. I am buying a diamond ring for my girlfriend this week, and it's only been a year and a half that we've been dating (living together for the last 6 months). She's the best thing that has and will ever happen to me. 4. I love the Bills and Sabres, and could never dream of a day of those teams not being around. 5. I love drinking wine during the week with dinner, but on the weekends, it's either whiskey or beer. 6. I love a good cigar now and then 7. I love country music and classic rock.
  22. The shooter, as mentioned earlier was investigated by police for threatening people, etc. It is at that point, the Sheriff's responsibility to, as also mentioned, conduct some due diligence. His LEGAL guns should have been taken away, since there clearly was a mental health issue there.
  23. I've been going to Bills games since I was young. It's family tradition to go spend Sundays at the Ralph. A portion of my family is there every Sunday, and we pull out the grill, smoker, or crockpots, and we cook all morning, kill at least a 30, and eat tons of food. We play catch with a football, listen to music and/or pre-game talk, and it's a great time. There's always a drunken idiot or 5 walking around that'll try to start ###### with us, but we just ignore it and move on with our tailgate. my younger cousin (she's 8 now) just started going to games this past year. She loved every game she went to. It's all what you make of it. We choose to ignore the idiots, and we pick up our mess (one of only a few that do). But we've all been going since we were 7 or 8, and if it was taken away, it would kill our experience. Sundays at the Ralph is our bonding time for those of us that live out of town. and regarding the Sabres game, we always hit up a bar for dinner and drinks before hand. We don't tailgate persay, but we do spend an hour or two beforehand at a bar with friends or family.
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