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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. he does some more pull-ups, he'll get his other t :P
  2. this line is thrown out there tons, and I'm pretty sure you're being sarcastic, so this isn't directed at you, but he's only 1 year older than Dempsey, and he's actually 1 or 2 years younger than Howard, and I believe someone else on the roster was still older. It's a lame excuse lol. /rant Anyways - that Brazil-Mexico game was nuts! made sure to catch the ESPN Sportscenter highlights of it even after watching a good portion of the game. Can't believe the Russian goalie almost cost them their game either! This tournament has been crazy so far!!
  3. He would've been the replacement for Altidore in the game, no? or at least at some point, rather than Aron Johanson (sp?).
  4. Landon is definitely missed, and sure, it seemed to work out match 1, but Altidore's replacement was invicible! They need a better replacement in my opinion. USA needs to learn to possess better, and like they were talking about yesterday, just hold the ball to give the midfielders and backend some rest.
  5. That's awesome news Shrader!
  6. We definitely cannot play like that again and expect to go far. Altidore going down is big. his replacement looked lost out there at times. The conditioning (lack thereof) scares me. Brooks' goal was huge there! absolutely awesome outcome either way.
  7. Impatient? :P ;)
  8. yessir
  9. me neither. I'm hoping for a good game though. Don't see why it wouldn't be. It'll only be the third game I'll be able to watch so far.
  10. I used to be an ump...for the exact reason that you tell here, I no longer umpire. There was a little league championship the same day as one of my slow pitch softball games. After my game was over, the little league commish/director ran over and asked if I had my ump equipment. I told him no. He asked if I wouldn't mind using the town equipment (mask and chest protector and clicker) so that the kids could play since the other ump was a no show. my second ump was a girl who always umped the bases. She said she didn't like being behind the plate. *note: I rarely wear a cup for slow pitch softball - as I play outfield, and frankly, I've never seen or heard of someone's family jewels being destroyed in slow-pitch beer league* so I stood behind the plate. Bottom of the fourth inning, a curve/breaking ball inside handcuffs the batter, fouls it straight back, and the ###### CATCHER MOVES HIS HEAD/DUCKS! foul ball to the balls. I puked three times and couldn't stand up. I was 19 at the time, and I had to call my mom to pick me up and take me home because I thought I was dying. No serious longterm damage (or so the dr says). just really really feckin sore - as was my pride, as I had to call mom to come get me with 30+ parents looking on. I was walking funny for a week. Since then, I've umped 4 maybe 5 games (I'm almost 26 now), and I always have a cup with my equipment just in case.
  11. Took a wooden baseball bat to the face playing tee ball when the batter accidentally threw the bat. Shattered my nose and eye socket at age 6 or 7. it was awesome... <_< had 30 something stitches because the bat splintered in my face, and they repaired my nose incorrectly...leaving my nose/nasal cavity crooked and thin...makes allergy season a mother#####
  12. really? He didn't elbow anyone in the head in order to stick up for his teammates, and it's not that he always needs to drop the gloves, it's the ability to occasionally drop the gloves and not get his ass kicked (i.e. Weber?) I'm not saying we need John Scott, but we need someone who can fight the Orr's and Thornton's and Lucic's on occasion. I would hope they also have a little more skill than John Scott. EDIT: and Girgenson's is not that player.
  13. that's great news Shrader!
  14. You both hit the nail on the head here.
  15. Thanks for the wisdom!
  16. After watching it several times, I really think it was a good no call. The two players were jockeying for position prior to the shot. and like thanes said, even if that one doesn't get called, I believe LA would've scored shortly thereafter anyways.
  17. :w00t: :unsure: I actually expected to see something along those lines haha. :P I will have to do that indeed. Yeah, the lady was standing a bridge near where we were walking, and since she was the only one there, I asked her to get a picture of the two of us. After she took the first one I asked for a second one and at that time I turned, pulled the ring out, got down and asked. The lady snapped like 30+ pictures! I looked at my phone after and was like "holy crap!" thanks random lady!
  18. Thanks guys. It was a surreal moment. got lots of pictures thanks to a random woman standing nearby.
  19. She said yes!!! B-) B-)
  20. a good idea indeed. I think I'll take you up on this one! Thanks Bio!
  21. Awesome! Thank you!
  22. yeah. ignorance is one thing...but c'mon man! I would love to read the manuscript!! please do provide the link!
  23. golf bag isn't a bad idea...I just can't lock the (unattached) garage...so I'd be freaking out tonight, tomorrow, and Sunday Morning. The clubs aren't worth much, but they're some of the only things in our garage.
  24. I asked a few people here at work if they knew the significance of today in history. No one could answer. One girl didn't even remember what D-Day was :doh:
  25. I planned it out with her mom. We're going to go to her favorite park down in Ithaca and "set up" for a family BBQ. But before everyone arrives, I'll ask her (her mom is the only one that knows I'm popping the question Sunday, so it should be a surprise to everyone). Thanks ladies haha! Right now it's in my desk here at work. I think I'll hide it behind my xbox games until Sunday, she never looks at that shelf on the DVD rack...
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