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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. I need WRs. make an offer... what a week...oof.
  2. Did anyone else notice on the play in the 2nd or 3rd qtr where TT had his pass batted at the line and he tried to punch it away? Did he hurt his hand there? and could that be why they only tried something like 10 passes in the 2nd half? thoughts on that? I'm curious. My stepdad and I figured he did something to it on that play. Why not put EJ in there (do they not trust him that much, or is the run game doing enough at that point that they figured they could get by?) Also, great showing by our D. We have top 5 scoring D again, tops in turnovers or TO differential (I can't remember now), and great sack and pressure stats again. If we win the next two, I may need to buy tickets for the NE game...
  3. That is just crazy bio! Bes tof luck to your parents. It's so difficult dealing with the insurance. Sorry to hear Shrader. Praying for the best. :(
  4. haha all good points
  5. medical insurance. While I am grateful for it, as it saved my wife an me over a quarter of a million dollars with our twins stay in the NICU, the things they are fighting us on is ridiculous. 24 hours after our twins were born, they had to be transported to a higher level NICU in Syracuse (Crouse). The insurance tried telling us that their transportation was not an emergency and therefore they would not cover it. I spent 2 and a half hours on the phone with the insurance explaining to them why it actually was an emergency. I then asked who denied the initial claim, and apparently, it never made it out of their claims department for a medical professional to review. Got that one reversed. Then we're told that our one son needs a helmet to correct his plagio-and brachio-cephaly (flattening of the back and widening of the side of his head). It was mostly caused by his stay in the NICU. The doctors placed him in the incubator thing the same way everyday, and the machines were always to one side, so he only ever looked to his right, so his left side of his head is flat. No problem. It's fixable with a helmet, as long as you put it on around 4-6 months, and can leave it on for 4 - 6 months. The longer you wait, the less fixing the helmet can do. Well insurance didn't feel they need to cover it (it costs $4k out of pocket). I had 4 (FOUR) medical professionals write a letter to the insurance company, with all of the objective evidence required by CIGNA, and I was told that the proper procedure was not followed and I needed an appeal. Filed the appeal, with a request to expedite because my kids are now 6 months old (this started when they were 4 months old). Request to expedite denied, they will mail me a letter on Nov. 13, which I won't receive for 3 - 5 business days, and that letter will have their decision in it. If I disagree with that, I can request a peer-peer review. My sons orthotist calls the insurance...and they haven't even had a medical professional review the case file. WTF?! So we paid out of pocket (My wife's grandparents loaned us the money). Luckily, the Hanger clinic doesnt charge full price to patients whose insurance are heads. So it was a little less than half. But still. I am so fed up with calling the insurance company, getting a different person everytime, along with a different story. Bunch of pricks.
  6. I completely agree with this. I've been in the work force for 5.5 years now, and I have around 20k in my 401K. All of that is from the last 3.5 years however, I had another 4.5k in my 401k from my first job, but borrowed that (laid off for 3 months and had a lot in student loans to pay) and didn't pay it back (taxes hurt). I have a high risk portfolio now and It's netting awesome returns. We get 50% matching up to 6%, and I take full advantage of it, plus we get profit sharing at the end of the year into our 401k. between student loans, our mortgage, and medical bills from the twins, my wife and I spend $4000/month. Doesn't leave much in the tank after the fact (thank god so many people blessed us with diapers and clothes, we've barely had to purchase any). Cannot wait to have the medical bill paid off, as that will slice nearly a grand off.
  7. Is that number correct? I thought for sure there were more than 5 attempts over the middle
  8. Sammy ruled out for the game :censored:
  9. It was win and in :(
  10. you've got to be kidding. what a joke.
  11. I enjoy it, I just don't enjoy 10 million commercial breaks lol
  12. wow, that was absolutely Terrible!
  13. I had a very hard time watching Monday night football because it seemed like after every other play was another commercial break that was 5x longer than the actual game footage we had just seen. Just terrible.
  14. I totally and completely understand this sentiment. I'm in the same boat. My complaint: sick twins. Sadly, I think the boys ended up with an immune system much like mine rather than their mother's. Not good. Up all night the last two nights with both boys. Coughing, phlegm, throwing up phlegm, just down right miserable 6 month old boys. Makes for long work days for both my wife and myself. Luckily she got the morning off to take both boys to the doctor. I wish I could just make them feel better :(
  15. I don't think that was his intent. He's not wrong though either. McDaniels would be a re-tread.
  16. I've tried very hard, with some success I might add, to forget what I've said here that was wrong lol
  17. Been awhile since I've been able to workout. Last two weeks I've been able to get two 5+ mile runs in, and some smaller ones too. Last night, the twins had their 6 month vaccinations, and were very fussy. I loaded them into the stroller and did 6 miles (albeit I did walk 3/4 of a mile in there). Got home, and the wife wanted to go for a walk, so I walked another mile. Boys got a nice long nap, and dad got to burn well over 1,000 calories. As an aside, I applaud anyone who has ever run distance whilst pushing a stroller or wheelchair. You want calorie burn that you feel while running? Push twin boys in a stroller. Their 18lbs each feels like nothing for the first mile and a half. By mile 5 or so, you're feeling all 50 lbs of them and the stroller combined lol.
  18. Need Alshon to have a great game against the Iggles tonight...
  19. Thank you Decker...
  20. is this about a car that you wanted on Craigslist? lol
  21. not sure how much stock I'm putting into that report. I think it's gamemanship by Rex, even though I'm not sure what it accomplishes..
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