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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. Kaleta is now the longest tenured Sabre. Interesting.
  2. Seems about right in my head. I think it's about right, so long as Kane gets his ass in gear next season.
  3. The more I've read up on Bogosian, the more the trade makes sense. Myers and him are almost a wash. Maybe a little more dependable/consistent? as others have pointed out, at some point we needed to start moving the prospects and picks for real talent...otherwise we'll never get beyond the title of a potentially good team. We need developed NHL players to plug in as well. I've come around to not minding this trade.
  4. Damn. I should've bought his jersey two years ago rather than Myers'. I'm sorry Eleven.
  5. that seems like a kings ransom to me. Is he and Bogosian really worth that much? and I'm never buying another Sabres jersey. Every Jersey I have purchased for myself is of a player that gets traded...
  6. That's pretty awesome! Huh! Learn something new everyday
  7. this season is testing me! I am having a hard time finding the desire to keep up with the news here and watch games. I think I'll sit down for this one.
  8. Definitely really awesome!!
  9. company meetings at 3:30 in the afternoon. I have so many other responsibilities to tend to between 3 and 5, and a company meeting that is going to last over an hour does not help me get any of it done!
  10. I'd take Petty with a late 2nd early 3rd. I'd take take Brett Hundley with a 2nd as well.
  11. I played a game last night (in the spirit of trying to feel better from this damn cold). I took Nyquil just before the game started, and I wanted to see how long I could stay awake. Luckily got to see 2/3 of the Sabres first period goals live...woke up to watch the replay of the third goal. fun times...
  12. completely agree.
  13. Congrats In other news I'm hoping to get out onto the slopes this weekend. I have been itching to get on my skis!!!
  14. He's spending it all on training with Gary ROberts, right? or whoever that guy is...
  15. This is how I feel as well. I thought he passed the eye test regarding the "outplayed the Heisman winner" comment. All I was trying to say was that in his 3 BIG games, he produced when he needed to, and made huge plays when necessary. I wouldn't take him the 2nd this year. I would take a 'flyer' on him and draft him at some point, but not the second. I wasn't clear on that comment before, and apparently not being clear leads to dysfunction and Joker level Chaos in these here parts. I would be all for him return to OSU and then entering the draft next year, but like I said, he will have to beat out JT Barrett who I thought is a better QB.
  16. yes he is... His three starts (all wins) were all big stage games. He won the Big10 championship game, the Sugar Bowl, and outplayed the Heisman winner in the National Championship. I wouldn't mind taking a flyer on him, but I am of the firm belief that he needs at least 1 more year in NCAA, but he's have to ward off JT Barrett as starter.
  17. Bills reportedly in negotiations with Hughes. I saw it on Buffalo Rumblings.
  18. really? I was hoping they would end sooner rather than later.
  19. I was going to say, it has seemed like time is going by slow in both the flashbacks and real time (i.e. only a few days time).
  20. Just to point out, the D scheme is going to be almost identical to that of the one Pettine ran, and most of the players here now were here for that. In regards to the personnel, that's a tougher one to fix. Going to need HUGE FA spending spree and a GREAT draft. That's a lot to bank on.
  21. middle of season 2. I didn't realize how many episodes there are!
  22. wow. interesting...
  23. to whomever suggested I watch Arrow...Thanks, you started an addiction. My fiance is also addicted. super.
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