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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. Agreed. I'd love to stay and discuss this more, but I've got obligations at home to go tackle, and am signing off for the evening.
  2. I know it wasn't as peaceful as I'm making it out to be. I'm just using 1 small portion of it to make my point, and I'm losing lol. Someone else mentioned MLK and I was using his tactics as my backing. There were plenty others in that time that organized full fledged riots where police were using fire hoses to knock away people. I get that. EDIT: I wasn't around for the 60s nor will I pretend to know everything about the time period. My mom and dad still tell stories of the black power riots when they were young (born early 60s). again, I was just using 1 facet of the protests and movement to back my argument. I agree that real reform must happen, and that body cams are only a small step. The fact that I'm arguing against it, yet realize that your point that it needs to get messier to get said real reform is pretty sad in my mind. Guess I'm just a bit more an optimist than a realist today :unsure:
  3. There's more to the problem than just what I was arguing and I acknowledge that. There needs to be a checks and balances system within the judicial system, and right now there doesn't seem to be, nor accountability. Senseless destruction of property is most definitely not equal to senseless taking of life, and I agree with that. I understand that buildings can be rebuilt. More peaceful methods than are being utilized most certainly could garner attention. They just need to organize it on a large enough scale, and with the way social media is today, why couldn't they. Look at what civil rights activists in the 60s did without social media. It sure garnered attention, so I ask, what's your point? Think larger scale than one city. With social media connections and news outlets feeding into it, there is no reason that something like a Selma march couldn't happen again today. It's getting to the point where a citizen dies at the hand of a cop (which I am NOT saying is ok), and everyone nation wide EXPECTS a riot. Do the unexpected. Step out of the box. I empathize, and sympathize with the people of Baltimore right now. I also believe that the way they are going about this isn't leading to a solution, but to more stereotypes. Maybe I'm a little naive, but I think there are other options. In regards to the police, I believe there needs to be a better system in place. Make all officers wear body cams. Make a different agency responsible for all review of that film after an incident such as this, that way there is not as much bias in the review, and the investigation. in the 21st century, there has to be a way to make Police forces more accountable for their actions so that these situations aren't he said, she said, or "the victim should've just listened to the police."
  4. If you want to protest and riot, protest and riot without hurting everyone and everything around you. Burning down a local drug store, and then hampering the firefighters attempts to put it out is far beyond what is ok IMO. What happened needs investigated (in terms of the initial incident), and not by an internal affairs person. An outside dept needs to investigate IMO. Targeting cops as retribution isn't justice by any means, it goes back to the Camaro and the Truck. Who is really at fault? Are you trying to tell me that these people can riot and attack police because the police were blocking their road ahead? give me a break. And plaese, MLK's peaceful protests got the cause A LOT further than just his assassination and that is a terrible correlation. He advanced the civil rights movement farther than a lot of others previously by his peace marches and boycotts. He had thousands or more white supporters because of his and his teams efforts. The fear of it working is what killed him. is there still civil inequality? obviously, but MLK advanced the cause by decades with his work. And I'm sorry, but the actions of some of the protesters and rioters only set it back. They are creating stereotypes of themselves to the average media viewer. How many average white Americans will turn on the news, see these protests, and think that it's a typical reaction? They won't empathize with the cause or see the truth beneath. A peaceful march or a boycott, or something else that grabs your attention aside from burning down your city would probably make a lot of people empathize (not just sympathize) with the cause.
  5. congrats and good luck!!
  6. Just looked at my own bracket and thought the same thing haha
  7. Always been pretty skeptical about Hackett. Pretty sure he's about done.
  8. I've sped up before to prevent an a-hole from running up the right lane and trying to jump the line and cut in before, but first chance I get, I almost always move over once I'm passed whoever I'm passing. Pickup guy should've moved over IMO, and he was instilling his own version of road vigilantism (which I do not agree with), but I still put 90% of the blame on the ###### head in the camaro. you want to be an a-hole, there are consequences. I feel bad for the semi-driver though. Could he possibly not have seen the Camaro, and not know to decrease his speed to make room?
  9. Wasn't it previously a judgement call? I like it the way it is now. Make the players be more aware of what their doing. In regards to other penalties, the only major change I really want to see is refs actually calling interference.
  11. Exactly how I view him as well.
  12. It's a HUGGGEEEE turnoff :censored:
  13. That's awesome. Congrats to you two :flirt:
  14. going out for Thai tonight with a few coworkers. Also, Just need to get through a presentation around 10Am, and then the rest of the day should be smooth, easy sailing. easiest Friday in a while for me.
  15. It was snowing in Ithaca today...so you obviously didn't send it far enough
  16. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. I love eminem. the wordsmithing and the beats make his music unique in my opinion.
  18. That was the most excruciating thing about job hunting. The feeling of not knowing if someone had actually opened up your documents was just overbearing on quiet days. Best of luck to you!
  19. Mechanical Engineer/Engineering Supervisor for a test lab in the greater Ithaca area. I work mostly with composite materials testing for all sorts of industries.
  20. Been there. Best of luck. Best advice I can give is don't give up and stay open minded. That was the hardest part for me: open minded.
  21. Sorry to hear man. Just think of the great joy she brought you for the 18 years. Pets are truly a gift.
  22. I want him for one more year. I think he has one more to give, then he can hang em up a lifelong Sabre.
  23. Zboril sounds intriguing to me.
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