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dEnnis the Menace

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Everything posted by dEnnis the Menace

  1. Didn't Dareus say something to that effect last offseason? My offseasons are getting all mixed up here
  2. it's like rolling your Rs lol Can't wait!
  3. Just because our D isn't geting sacks does not mean they are worse than last year. Our pass and rush defense overall (yards per play, not total yards) are an improvement. And like Blue said, we shut down ODB, which had not happened yet in the 16 games he had played as a professional. just saying.
  4. No prior. Two other instances from what I read via multiple Twitter feeds. He apparently also initiated that scrum at the end per a fw of the Bills players, but I don't know if I take stock in that or not
  5. Odell fined at least $9K per ESPN report for some punches thrown. Apparently some the Defense wasn't lying about him throwing haymakers. still doesn't make it right.
  6. The news is everywhere!
  7. D4rk, that was an exceptional post. your recommendation is the best I have heard in the gun control argument yet.
  8. Apparently CC Sabathia has checked into Alcohol Rehab. Per ESPN
  9. This is absolutely true, and the reason for a few (a lot) of the calls yesterday, it seemed. Kyle Williams even said something to the sort in his post game interview. The Bills need to shut their mouths and move on to the next play from here on out, otherwise, they're going to keep beating themselves.
  10. Are you sure on that ^? my buddy got arrested for having his rifle locked in his truck tool box on a NYS college campus (he never brought it into any building or even flaunted that he had it). His ex was a campus safety officer and she baited him into going there, and had someone else arrest him. He got into a lot of trouble but eventually got his guns back. He was asked nicely by the campus/public safety officer if he had his guns on him, and he replied, yes they are locked in the tool box as always. he was promptly arrested. Now I know this is different than a conceal carry/pistol, but still same concept. That's why I ask.
  11. Agreed on both accounts.
  12. I haven't looked into them much. I'm guessing their rush defense numbers are a product of being up late in games, and the other teams needing to pass a lot to catch up. I'm hoping Karlos has a field day Sunday!
  13. They have zero pass rush. I want to know how their run defense is so good though!
  14. I agree with you, but there isn't a singular cure for the gun rights/gun control argument, and politicians seem to refuse to meet in the middle. Until politicians learn to 1) play in the same sandbox, and 2) meet in the middle, there isn't going to be a lot of curing reform IMO. It's really sad in my opinion. I don't like it anymore than you.
  15. That's a great concept, and I'd love to get there as well, but the media is going vilify someone no matter what, so may as well prop the people up that deserve it.
  16. How is McDavid on there before he's even played a single game? How could you expect McDavid or Eichel to be on there?
  17. I accepted the trade. It won't go thru until Monday however according the site.
  18. my guess is run of bad luck, and another guess, the game was already in hand when he went down, so they figured no need to have him out there. I'm betting he plays against the Giants, and McCoy does not.
  19. wow, that's awesome that they actually put something like this into place!
  20. Watkins day-to-day.
  21. good post, and I completely agree!
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